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@Blair Kiel posted:

Also a woman beater so fuck him.

Yes. It's always disappointing when some of the biggest advocates for social justice in other areas turn out to have issues like this. Muhammad Ali was another guy who became a hero to many for some of his stands he took, but then was likely guilty of terrible domestic violence.

I didn’t remember hearing that about Brown. Or, maybe I did and it was so long ago my senile ass just forgot.  That completely changes my opinion of him. I see that he’s never been convicted, but with all the accusations levied against him, well, the old saying about where there’s smoke, there’s fire…sure seems apropos here.

Athletes are no different than any other group of people. There are pro athletes that are fantastic human beings that use their visibility and influence trying to do good. JJ Watt is a great example. Then, there are pieces of shit like Pete Rose, OJ Simpson and Aaron Hernandez.  And what’s truly pathetic is that there are still people….grown adults…who try to explain away the things Rose did. I see it every day.

Sorry. There are three things that are unforgivable to me. You hit/sexually abuse a woman or a kid, or purposely hurt an animal (especially a dog), fucking throw them into a pit with a bunch of ravenous wolves, and let me know how much the pay per view costs. And if I can get a swing in with a pipe as they enter the coliseum, I’ll gladly pay extra.

Then, there are pieces of shit like Pete Rose, OJ Simpson and Aaron Hernandez. 

I don't see the correlation between Pete Rose (Gambling) & the other 2 dudes you mentioned in OJ & AH.

Should've stuck with the last 2 only

@Boris posted:

I don't see the correlation between Pete Rose (Gambling) & the other 2 dudes you mentioned in OJ & AH.

Should've stuck with the last 2 only

I agree with LambeauSouth that Pete Rose was a terrible person, but as you point out there are levels to this.

There are probably a lot of guys like Pete Rose that were shitty human beings and stars in their sport that just never got caught doing shitty things.

OJ killed his ex-wife in a jealous rage. That's a galaxy away from what Pete Rose did.

As horrific as OJ is, Aaron Hernandez is another level beyond that. He probably killed at least 4 people. He was a psychopath.

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