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…because it’s shitty football.….

…because …..Hell if I know

…because I’m joining Fedya at Edith Morehead Night at the Bijou.

Last edited by Blair Kiel
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@Fedya posted:

I assume you mean Agnes Moorehead?  Because the only Edith Morehead on IMDb is an adult movie actress.

(I can't wait to see Tschmuck's post about BK's  weird sexual fetish shit and old obscure movies.)

The first thing that came up for Edith Morehead

Edith Morehead - IMDb

Edith Morehead, Actress: Granny Gangbang.

Now you guys know my playlist....

I was pecking the thread title and opening out on my phone seconds before kick-off.....I'm not paid enough around here to be accurate.

From The Onion…….

New Beatles Doc Gives Man Greater Appreciation For How Long 8 Hours Feels

Image for article titled New Beatles Doc Gives Man Greater Appreciation For How Long 8 Hours Feels

TULSA, OK—Saying the miniseries provided fresh insight into the subject matter, local man Barry Liptak, 43, told reporters Monday that Peter Jackson’s Get Back documentary gave him a much greater appreciation for how long eight hours feels. “Obviously, I’m familiar with the broad strokes of that length of time, but it wasn’t until I sat down and really focused on the documentary that I realized the exact way eight hours of television can test your patience,” said the father of three, telling reporters that Jackson’s groundbreaking editing and cinematic techniques allowed him to stretch out the archival footage in surprising ways, ensuring viewers could grasp every excruciating second that fills out the show’s 468-minute runtime. “I really didn’t think there was something new to say about the way hours of documentary storytelling can make your eyes glaze over after I watched Ron Howard’s Eight Days A Week. But then I saw Paul, Ringo, John, and George up there in full color rambling about something or other for 20 minutes straight, and I really got a sense of how fucking interminable this sort of thing can be.” Liptak added that he had gained considerable understanding of the way a minute can be drawn out to seem like an eternity through the meandering conversations he has had with coworkers about Get Back.


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  • blobid0

Only watched first Get Back 3 hours.  Yoko was a non-factor I thought in the installment.  It seemed a little slow until you hear them doing a little strumming and usually Paul or John throwing out lyrics and then it’s the beginning of a new song we’ve known and loved for years.  And, then it’s an oh shit moment.

Last edited by Packy
@Blair Kiel posted:

BTW.....beautiful documentary. Loved it. Thoughts:

Paul was the boss.

John wasn't the dick history made him out to be.

Yoko was a barnacle.

I thought it was fascinating, although aimless at times.  You could feel Paul's frustration while trying to get some direction going and having to push, while the others just sort of sat there.  I think John worked more on emotion and it was hard for him to work if he wasn't having fun, while Paul was more a combination of analytical and intuitive.  Ringo was definitely on the outside most of the time.  George was a child who was trying to grow up and spread his wings.  But I thought the best part was seeing the song "Get Back" emerge and grow over those few weeks.   

Loving this hags beat down so far! As for the documentary,  the most surprising part to me is how unserious the lads are up against a deadline.  Just goofing off as the calendar keeps going. I guess they think they'll flip a switch when needed.  Understandable why Sir Paul is frustrated.

Last edited by lovepack

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