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Sorry Datone, but that's bullsh*t.  If you drink, have a DD ready.  If you don't have a DD, then you're walking.  If you're too far to walk, get a hotel.  Don't want a hotel, then take an NFL car.  Don't want the NFL to know you were drinking, take an Uber.  Don't want an Uber to know where you live, then get an old school taxi and pay cash.  You drank, you figure out how to get home safely.  If you're too stupid to figure out how to get home safely, THEN DON'T DRINK!

Schefter said on Denver radio today that the average sentence for what Ruggs is charged with in Vegas is 13 years.  On top of that, it's very unusual these charges are connected to someone going 157 mph.  Money does wonders in the justice system but remember, Ruggs is a nobody now.  He's an ex-NFL player in a town that sees more famous people than anywhere in this country excluding NYC and LA.  Guess we'll see.....

EDIT: Now if Ruggs did this in Tuscaloosa......probably has to sit out the first half against Northwest Alabama Tech State.

Last edited by CUPackFan
@CUPackFan posted:

Sorry Datone, but that's bullsh*t.  If you drink, have a DD ready.  If you don't have a DD, then you're walking.  If you're too far to walk, get a hotel.  Don't want a hotel, then take an NFL car.  Don't want the NFL to know you were drinking, take an Uber.  Don't want an Uber to know where you live, then get an old school taxi and pay cash.  You drank, you figure out how to get home safely.  If you're too stupid to figure out how to get home safely, THEN DON'T DRINK! Agree 100%. Gotta be adult about it.

Schefter said on Denver radio today that the average sentence for what Ruggs is charged with in Vegas is 13 years.  On top of that, it's very unusual these charges are connected to someone going 157 mph.  Money does wonders in the justice system but remember, Ruggs is a nobody now.  He's an ex-NFL player in a town that sees more famous people than anywhere in this country excluding NYC and LA. Yes, but he's also a young Black man who killed a young White woman, so he has that strike against him. The dog dying is also a strike against him. Guess we'll see.....

EDIT: Now if Ruggs did this in Tuscaloosa......probably has to sit out the first half against Northwest Alabama Tech State.  Ain't that the truth!


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