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Ghost of Lambeau posted:

Jets leading Eagles

Jax leading Atl

Buf leading Det

Giants dumping Patriots

None of this computes.  (PS - I know no one who will start next weekend is playing - but still).  

Nerd alert!

Blair Kiel posted:
Ghost of Lambeau posted:

Jets leading Eagles

Jax leading Atl

Buf leading Det

Giants dumping Patriots

None of this computes.  (PS - I know no one who will start next weekend is playing - but still).  

Nerd alert!


ChilliJon posted:

Nothing about Hundley says he could win some games if needed. He has no control of the offense. 

Hundley looks abysmal. The TD catch was all Jones as it was a bad pass. Hundleys throws have been all over the place.

Reggie Gilbert is a man among boys with the starters out. He's a keeper 

Cavetoad posted:
Ghost of Lambeau posted:

Staying on the ground this drive.  If MM doesn't watch out his teams will be compared the early Lombardi teams.  

Isn't that the goal? 

Depends.  That can be a two-edge sword.  If you were MM would want to be known of as "old fashion" or "progressive".  Maybe he doesn't care.  What do I know?  

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