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The refs in the Dallas-Lions game calling the trip wrong was bad. We won't know exactly what happened at the very end as it's now turned into a he-said-he said issue. But, the constant berating of referees in all sports has gotten to be over the top. Yes, they screw up. Yes, they miss calls. Yes, they earn money for doing it. Yet, the intense scrutiny they are under on every play with its bang-bang calls is crushing. Players from both sides constantly yelling at them, coaches, fans, TV announcers, the ref dude in the booth, etc., and that's just during an NFL game! After the game there's further scrutiny and constant analysis on every sports channel and social media, and then there are the bodily harm threats, and at the youth level, the assaults.

It's not just the NFL, but every sports league, including those for all ages of kids. There's a shortage of refs in all youth sports -- the National Association of Sports Officials says 70% quit in the first three years -- and It's no wonder why.

Obviously, I think this is an issue in sports today, and I think it's getting worse. So, a couple of things: Is there really a problem? Is the reffing really that bad now compared to years past? If so, what should be done about it?

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I'm of a mind to let a little bit more go than they do on penalties. Ammo mentioned they call holding on a right tackle when the play is 10 yards away, and that's a good example. Unless it's egregious or might directly affect the play, let it go. I don't want guys to mug each other away from the play, but to call something ticky-tacky that has no bearing on the play is just an official thinking they're more important than the players.

As far as putting a chip in the ball, it would probably work. FIFA uses one in the World Cup for soccer. The only thing that could mess it up in football is the number of bodies surrounding it and if it would still give a valid signal. Soccer doesn't have the scrums of football. Rugby has a chip, but it's more for spin, forward pass, how hard it's kicked, etc., not placement.

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