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If you are the GM and need a QB

Getting more and more sold on RG....blazed down the 40

I expect ROTTT to draft a QB in a later round this year....

Wouldn't even mind it if the Pack took a late round flyer on Russell FavreWilson
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Yeah, that seems to be a tough one suddenly. Seems to me maybe there is a bigger "upside" to RGIII and more of a "sure thing" with Luck. One thing about RGII is he seems so thin. Looks like a good shot could break him in half.
Luck, no doubt. I wouldn't say Griffin has more upside because Luck has a ton of upside.

Griffin is a very impressive QB and a ridiculous, and he's surprising polished as a passer considering the system he played in. Griffin is going to be the complete QB that everyone always hoped Mike Vick would be. Luck is a much more complete player though at this point and will be able to start from day 1.
Originally posted by Grave Digger:
Griffin is a very impressive QB and a ridiculous, and he's surprising polished as a passer considering the system he played in. Griffin is going to be the complete QB that everyone always hoped Mike Vick would be. Luck is a much more complete player though at this point and will be able to start from day 1.

That's exactly what I thought of Griffin, he's what Mike Vick would be if Vick had some passing accuracy and a brain. He probably isn't as quick as Vick, but he's a much better pure passer and his speed is right there with Vick's.

I think both guys have a chance to be elite QBs, it's kind of hard to pick one over the other.
I don't think you can go wrong with either one, to be honest. And if I had to pick one, I don't know if I could. Luck is the prototypical QB-smart, great touch, total command of an offense, strong arm. RG III is pretty damned accurate in his own right. Really good touch, a strong arm, really mobile.

I was shocked that RG III ran a 4.38 40. That's just sick. Only 6 wideouts ran faster. But as has been mentioned, Luck's not exactly slow. He ran a, what, 4.56? I know Russell Wilson ran a 4.5 40.

I like both, and think both will be highly successful QB's.
Originally posted by Boris:
A QB running a 4.38 - 40 is beyond ridiculous

Yes, it is. I did a double, and a triple take when I saw it. And he's damned fluid when he runs.

Put it this way. Andrew Luck ran the same 40 that Cam Newton did last year at the combine, and RG III blew them both away.

And I agree with Kiel. I like both guys, and wish them nothing but success.

And I am hoping that the Packers find a way to get Russell Wilson. What a coup that would be. Rodgers, Harrell and Wilson would be a hell of a lot of depth at QB.
Originally posted by GBFanForLife:

How does that translate to being a good NFL QB?

It doesn't make him a good NFL QB, but it does mean if he can do all the other stuff, which I think he can, he'll have great escapability to boot. Just gives RG III another dimension.
Last edited by El-Ka-Bong
The same lesson applies today as it does from years past: speed kills. Coaches will always fiind a way to get a fast kid on the field.
It may or may not get a team a QB that can be a winner; but they can be very dangerous at the least, and hurt your own playoff chances even if they don't succeed.
Now if you have a brain (and an arm as a QB) to make the most of out of that speed, that becomes a weapon that can be a nightmare to defend.
RGIII, more upside than Luck, IMHO. Luck is supposed to be the "safe" pick, but I remember the last really "safe" pick the Packers took and that was Hawk. Still hasn't lived up to his draft position.
RGIII was the second in QB rating (different number than NFL). Luck was fifth. The problem is no one wsa thinking that would happen with him this year. Luck has given us a longer track record to study. The question posed gave me a generic team. In that case I take Luck. He is more proven and more polished.

BUT, if I am the Colts, I might think differently. If I bring back Manning, I might take RGIII. EGIII is less likely to create problems sitting on the bench for a year or two to get used to a system. Not saying Luck would make those problems himself, but someone would make it tough. RGIII had the better year this last year. He is just getting going. Luck is ready to start now. I think comparing RGIII to Vick is disingenuous. Vick never had a QB rating like EGIII's (189.5), and Vick was playing in the Big East not the Big XII. Also, Vick could never have gotten into Baylor.

Still, a guyt named Luck with a horse shoe on his helmet would be great.
Originally posted by vitaflo:
RGIII, more upside than Luck, IMHO. Luck is supposed to be the "safe" pick, but I remember the last really "safe" pick the Packers took and that was Hawk. Still hasn't lived up to his draft position.

Except that Luck is freakishly athletic. Hawk wasn't.
Originally posted by Grave Digger:
Luck, no doubt. I wouldn't say Griffin has more upside because Luck has a ton of upside.

Griffin is a very impressive QB and a ridiculous, and he's surprising polished as a passer considering the system he played in. Griffin is going to be the complete QB that everyone always hoped Mike Vick would be. Luck is a much more complete player though at this point and will be able to start from day 1.

Difference being Griffin has a brain and will play in the pocket. Still would take Luck. I personally don't give **** about a QB's forty time.
Who will trade up with St. Louis for the rights to draft RGIII ?

How about The New England Patriots ?

They've been very busy stockpiling high picks over the last couple of drafts and I am guessing they did it to have a shot at a QB to groom behind 35 year old Tom Brady. They have (2) firsts and (2) seconds this year

RG III gets a year (or 2) behind Brady and then is ready to roll in 2013/2014

Packers went TOG-Rodgers, Colts will go Manning-Luck and maybe Pats will go Brady-Griffin
I think the Skins are starting to realize RGIII may not be worth 2 or 3 1st rounders. LaVar and DUkes were talking tonight like they were thinking of going after Orton and then trafting Tanehil (sp).
The most likely spot would seem to be Cleveland at #4. Even if they gave up both of their firsts they'd still have the rest of their picks and who knows, maybe they could give up less, maybe their #4, their second and a second next year. Saintg Louis only moves back two spots and trade down again maybe if Kalil goes #3 as expected.

Saint Louis would, of course, love to have #4 and #22 and I still would expect them to trade back from #4 if at all possible. My Vikings rube friend at work is still mad they beat Washington Christmas Eve and lost the #2 pick. If Tannehill and Cousins look good leading up to the draft the market may get a bit softer for RGIII and Flynn. It would almost be funny if Cleveland just sat at #4 figuring they could sign Flynn as a contingency and RGIII fell in their laps.
RGIII blew the doors off with his unbelievable 40 time, but if you look at how Luck did in the athletic drills (including the 40) he actually scored out really well.

The only thing you worry about with Luck is he's been so hyped so long and can he constantly live up to the hype? Put it another way- if he doesn't come in right away and play like an All-Pro can he live up to the scrutiny he'll likely receive?

RGIII did it all IMO and what really put him over the top was how he interacts with others and some of the leadership qualities. I think he could end up being just as good if not better than Luck, and the 4.4 speed is really intriguing. Mike Vick could beat teams practically just with his legs alone, and unlike Vick it's obvious to me that RGIII can throw the ball and throw it well.

It's a good year to own a top pick if you need a QB. The beauty of it is that you won't see some HUGE rookie contract like in years past.
You pretty much have to take Luck based on the talk surrounding how he's been prepped to play in the NFL. He's going to be really good. And his combine numbers are pretty much identical to what Cam Newton did. He's a bit of a freak himself at 6'5" 230.

What makes Griffin so intruiging are the comments from the interviews he did at the combine. The guy had incredible recolection on specific plays from film in college. He was walking people through progressions, the defene he saw, why he chose the route he did. Mayock mentioned it again this morning. He looks like he's going to be a legitimate pocket QB with 4.4 speed.

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