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As much as I hate Richard Sherman, which is a lot, I was glad to see someone throw some sh*t in Michael Crabtree's face. That guy is beyond arrogant with his sh*t eating grin. Sherman's an a-hole, but at least he punks out people I hate (Skip Bayless, Michael Crabtree, etc.). 

Your enemy's friend is your enemy friend.


I thought it was hilarious.  Sherman is a sharp ball, idolizes Ali and no doubt plays a bit of a character in front of the camera. 

Last edited by DH13

It was not the well-rehearsed lines we're used to hearing from NFL players where they effusively praise the opposition.


Maybe it is just me, but I think Green Bay could use a few players like Sherman on the defense.

Right after the tipped INT Sherman ran up to MC and slapped him on the butt and extended his hand and said, "Helluva game, helluva game".  Then MC shoved back at Sherman's face.


If I remember right, Crabtree had plenty of issues of his own when he came into the NFL.  So he aint no saint either.

How dare you all expect class from a Stanford grad..


By he way, have listened to the interview a few times----Ebonics is now acceptable at the Harvard of the West? 


The battle is lost my friends.

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