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Caught some of this on ESPN today.  Here is the read and below are some pieces.  Of course, I should have figured Skip Clueless was one of them.




“Aaron Rodgers is getting applauded for something that could’ve made him the goat of the game instead of the hero of the game,” Bayless spewed during Monday’s installment of ESPN First Take, as transcribed by USA Today. “… You ask me how impressed I am? Zero. Zero.

“Aaron Rodgers does something that he’s now applauded for. ‘He went Dan Marino.’ This was as high-risk and maybe as dumb of a risky play as you could attempt at this point with no timeouts left.


"Tom Brady would never have to resort to these type of plays. Tom Brady wouldn’t do that.”



Rodgers conceded that no matter how he feels about it, people are going to question and criticize.

“There will always be critics,” Rodgers said. “And critics thrive on bringing new stuff all the time. There are going to be things that they look for and spin or highlight to make their point valid. And as long as there are going to be critics, there are going to be opportunities to prove those critics wrong. When you prove them wrong in one situation, then they’ll find another situation. You can’t spend any time or energy worrying about what people are going to try and say about you. They are always going to be there. I’m just going to keep playing the way I’m playing and hopefully win a lot of games here.”


After hearing the audion replay of Aaron Rodgers answer.   The woman anchor on ESPN finished "And Aaron Rodgers is absolutely 100% correct..."



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“It is not the critic who counts; not the man who points out how the strong man stumbles, or where the doer of deeds could have done them better. The credit belongs to the man who is actually in the arena, whose face is marred by dust and sweat and blood; who strives valiantly; who errs, who comes short again and again, because there is no effort without error and shortcoming; but who does actually strive to do the deeds; who knows great enthusiasms, the great devotions; who spends himself in a worthy cause; who at the best knows in the end the triumph of high achievement, and who at the worst, if he fails, at least fails while daring greatly, so that his place shall never be with those cold and timid souls who neither know victory nor defeat.”

― Theodore Roosevelt
One of my favorite quotes might apply here. 


 Cold and timid souls indeed. 



What critics?


As in Bayless? That ratings whore doesn't even believe in 1/2 the schit that spews out of his mouth. It's all about clicks. He said/wrote what he did purely to invoke fake rage over something he himself doesn't believe.


He's BSPNs version of:





Agreed.  Good idea, Dr. Bob.


Hey, maybe AR could go down in lore like Chuck Norris or that Dos Equis "most interesting man":


AR:  He's so good, that people even criticize him for all the bad things that might've happened.

Originally Posted by packerboi:







Not trying to hijack the thread, but my wife and I saw Gone Girl this weekend, and there's an actress that absolutely nails her Nancy Grace like role.


Fedya will write a blog about it 40 years from now when it's on Turner Classic Movies. 


I kid because I love, Feds.

Rodgers is so careful with the ball that if Finnegan had been closer or if Rodgers was less sure of Adams, Rodgers would have just spiked it. The only way it really could have backfired was if Adams didn't get out of bounds. That's the only real risk Rodgers took. And the rookie performed like a veteran. Game over.

Lmao.....risky? Rodgers....rarely takes risks. Like Doc they're worried about what MIGHT have happened IF he screwed up.

Create news....yeah that's the ticket!

6'2" 220 LB kid with nothing but upside just earned the ultimate form of trust from the best QB in football. Kid did his job well. He knows it. AR knows it. Thats all there is to the story. 


Anything beyond that is a mixed bag of what if after the fact bewilderment for the 24/7 media heads to volley amongst themselves. 

My gosh, there is risk in every play.   The way the Dolphins Dlinemen were crashing through the Packers Oline, could it have been riskier for the Rodgers to drop back and then get chased all over the pocket?  He just fumbled seconds before.


Bottom line, it worked.  Rodgers did exactly what he should have done and Adams made a smart play to run by the DB and then out of bounds.  


Packer Update should be ashamed.  And Bayless, well.... take a guess?

Last edited by GBP1

I watched the whole thing. In fact I DVRd the replay because Stephen A.'s response was epic. I thought Skippy was gonna cry. And of course you're all correct...Skippy started out his "criticism" by daring AR to come on the show and debate him. The ratings whore still thinks AR will bite, but he won't. AR NEVER mentions Skippy by name, but in this case he called his criticism "Comedy" which pissed little Skippy off.


Stephen A. had a field day with him and asked him to name even ONE time that he has ever criticized Tom Brady after a win. Skippy looked at him like, "Hey, that wasn't in rehearsal.."

Loved AR's response and Skippy's sad puppy dog face.

Originally Posted by Fandame:

Rodgers is so careful with the ball that if Finnegan had been closer or if Rodgers was less sure of Adams, Rodgers would have just spiked it. The only way it really could have backfired was if Adams didn't get out of bounds. That's the only real risk Rodgers took. And the rookie performed like a veteran. Game over.

If he would have spiked the ball after faking a spike it would have been a penalty for intentional grounding....

I say he would have thrown it about 20 rows up...

what ridiculous BS.  could woulda shoulda never won a ball game.

Braying donkeys make more sense than skippy.  then again, as others have said, skippy's schtick is about feeding his inner attention whore, nothing to do with reality or objectivity.

The risk lay with Adams.


AR is thinking: If I fool them, DA might just scoot right into the EZ, if he can't get in he just has to step OOB.


That is a risk worth taking if you have trust in DA making the right decision.

Originally Posted by FLPACKER:

Bayless was a "Favre-lover" who has never forgiven the Packers or AR for replacing him.

Bayless a Favre-lover?  He was one of Favre's loudest critics during the MVP years.  He never gave Favre credit for anything.  He has always been a hack.

It's been almost 20 years since Skip wrote a book about the Dallas Cowboys that posed the unsubstantiated claim that Troy Aikman might be gay. He sold a crap load of books and made a crap load of money.


And that was effectively the end of Skips "journalistic" career. He figured out then and there where the real money was hiding.  

Originally Posted by Iowacheese:

And you dip****s keep talking about Bayless and watching his show....mission accomplished for him and ESPY

I've never understood this does ESPN know whether I'm watching or not?

I used to think Skip Bayless was a phony, but after reading some things about him and his personal life, I think he's just goofy and a little nuts.  When he says "Aaron Rodgers is overrated", he really believes it and will stick to his opinion until he's dead. 


I think he's crazy and frankly sometimes pretty ignorant, but I think his opinions are real and not just something he's thinking up just to create good ratings.  He probably embellishes his opinions quite a bit, but I think they are truly his own.


"Tom Brady would never have to resort to these type of plays. Tom Brady wouldn’t do that.” 


Really? NEP vs MIA 


The Patriots are reaching deep into their bag of tricks against the Dolphins. In a game in which Miami might hold a decisive lead if it were not for two Rob Ninkovich interceptions to halt Dolphins drives, the Patriots have to capitalize with the opportunities they get in case Miami stops shooting themselves in the foot.


With less than a minute remaining in the first half inside Miami territory, the Patriots threw a screen to Wes Welker to advance to the 12 yard line. When it appeared as though Tom Brady would spike the ball with fewer than 20 seconds remaining, he made a signal to Randy Moss with his facemask. Brady then faked the spike, a la Dan Marino's famous ploy to beat the Jets in a 1994 game.


Unfortunately, Brady's fake didn't go quite as well as Marino's. While the fake caught Miami off-guard, the throw was slightly behind Moss, who couldn't haul the pass in for a touchdown.




Originally Posted by GBFanForLife:
Originally Posted by ChilliJon:

 Troy Aikman might be gay.


You have proof he isn't?

I suppose the strongest evidence would be Joe Buck marrying a hot blonde this past summer. I always had Joe and Troy pegged as a couple of guy's that enjoyed a competitive game of tummy sticks. 



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