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Finally. After how the brewers have been playing since late june, this had to happen. Let's see how this team responds now. Maybe a fresh change after how the last half of the season went in 2014 and this horrific start is just what the doctor ordered. It would be something to see an immediate turnaround happen or even a steady ascent back into the thick of it.

Attanasio is the Dan Snyder of major league baseball.  The way this team is running through field managers and coaches is ridiculous.  This is Melvin's 21st year of being a GM.  Assuming the team misses the playoff this year, that GM will have assembled a sub-.500 winning percentage in the regular season, will have gone to the playoffs only 5 times and will have only won one playoff series (7-18 record in the postseason).  But of course Melvin is safe, because he's just a puppet that does what Dan Snyder Mark Attanasio instructs him to do.


This organization is a complete joke.  There is a reason why the Cardinals are the Cardinals and the Brewers are the Brewers.  

This is not a playoff team as currently constructed. It's also not a 120 loss team. Roenicke is a solid baseball guy who may be a successful manager again in the future. He's just lost this team. It happens.


Let's see how Counsell does. It also hopefully creates a situation where some of the young players can play in an atmosphere that doesn't include a manager who everyone knew at some point was a dead man walking.  

The newest fad in our lives continues to strike baseball.  Managers who have never run a MLB team are the 'IN' thing. Matheny, Ausmus, Price, Cash and now Counsell.


Craig gets a multi-year contract.  I suspect he gets the current crop of Coaches until year end and then he will make decisions on who to keep or let go.


I have a hunch that Melvin will retire at years end, also.


Craig gets to face Kershaw and Greinke to open his tenure. Thanks a lot Doug!!!!

Last edited by Tuna
They should just give Craig a series of 22 game contracts.  After all, Danny-boy Attanasio decided it was worth picking up Roenicke's 2016 option and then fired him 40 days later.  It took all of 22 games, less than 14% of the season (Melvin said the decision was made prior to the Cubs series) for Danny-boy to decided the field manager that was his man really wasn't his man after all.  So when the Brewers finish with a crap record, Attanasio can fire Counsell....oh wait, then we'll be on the "fire the hitting/pitching/bullpen/etc coaches" portion of the scapegoat Counsell will be safe but it will be the fault of all the other coaches.  Craig should at least make it into 2016, the rest of the guys better be touching up thier resumes.
Well, at least Brewer fans will have the pleasure of watching K-Rod and his 13 million dollar contract rack up all those saves this season.
@ the Milwaukee Brewers.  Back to where they were at the end of the Selig-era, the laughing stock of MLB.
 Originally Posted by PackerJoe:
After all, Danny-boy Attanasio decided it was worth picking up Roenicke's 2016 option and then fired him 40 days later.  

I'm confused at your hard on about this.  They picked up his option for ~$1M.   They thought the team was more 1H last year, and they gave their manager a perception of support.   


Who cares, it's Mark's money and it's a pretty standard deal.  It's not preventing signing a player, it's not setting the franchise back because they hamstrung the org with the option.  


@ the Milwaukee Brewers.  Back to where they were at the end of the Selig-era, the laughing stock of MLB.



The last 5 years of Selig produced this a .410 winning percentage and not one season with more than 73 wins.


The last 5 years of Mark has produced a .508 winnings percentage and not one season with less than 74 wins.


Totally the same.   

Sounds like Craig Counsel is the right guy for this job at this time.  Heard some good stuff from him  No fluff.  No "sentimental hogwash".  It is the business of winning.  But winning in your hometown will make it all the more better.  Good Luck Craig and Brewers!


Personally, I think Doug and Mark had this change in mind for a couple weeks.  This past week just clinched it for them.

Last edited by GBP1
I don't get the perspective that Attanasio is driving the franchise into the dirt. The Brewers have had a decent run here- maybe it is time to regroup. But laughingstock? I don't get it.

The Cubs gutted the roster, sucked for 3-4 years, and now are looking like a powerhouse. I don't think the Brewers need to go that far- but maybe 2015 is a slash year and they'll turn assets into prospects. Seems like the time is now to make that decision.

The Braun contract ever looming, but he's starting to resemble the guy they're paying for. All is not lost there. But Councell? I don't know... It doesn't seem like a long term answer. But in the end, in baseball, it's about the roster. This roster got old and bad and they need to turnover and regroup. Who knows what Councell means in that?

I'm not sure how MLB works, but how easy is it to get a good GM candidate in May?  Personally, if this thing is going to be broken down, I'd want the guy in it for the long haul to be making those moves.  If Melvin (and Mark A.) are still thinking in terms of short term wins, the results will be mediocre because it lacks vision.  


Firing Ron seems more show than substance.  I actually don't think this team is as bad as the record shows, so I assume any turn around will be attributed to Counsel, which will also be a mistake.  Disappointed to hear the "hope we get a hot streak" comments because again, it lacks vision.  


I don't care that Counsel was selected to manage the team from now on, I am concerned that this will be the only change.  

Disagree.  I think this team was playing good at the start last year and they weren't just lucky. 


If this team gets to winning, I think it will be attributed to Counsel and should be.  It has been going nowhere since last August.  Certainly RR couldn't get them to play better. 


A few changes were made, but relatively speaking same team different mgr.  If the new mgr can re-ignite this team to play like they did last spring and early summer, then he should get the credit.

Last edited by GBP1

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