I just do not watch a lot of TV. In fact, I am pretty much down to espn in the morning as I prepare for work, the HBO show Game of Thrones, and various sports telecasts (Packers when on, March Madness, occasional Badger football and basketball game), and I think that's about it.
I have Direct TV. A few months ago, I called and asked if I were to cancel, was I still subject to an early cancellation fee (no). I was actually just information-gathering, but of course it turned out I had all the cards in my hand and so the Direct TV rep made a couple concessions including giving me 2 months free HBO from which I could dvr season 3 (I did not and do not have hbo).
I think my Direct TV is close to $80/month = close to a grand a year.
So my question. Is Roku 3 a viable option for one such as I? (Or might there be a better option than Roku?) Best scenario? Via Roku 3 I can stream the Packers and a couple other sporting events. And maybe I can even grab Game of Thrones Season 4 instead of waiting almost a year for its release. (I admit - wow, do I LOVE that series.)
If so, I stick with my internet (which I need for my job anyway), drop all TV, and save close to $1000 a year.
Helpful comments/recommendations very much appreciated!