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Run test set for Packers WR Jennings

By Tom Silverstein on Monsday, October 22nd, 2012

There's a chance that Green Bay Packers wide receiver Greg Jennings will return this week from a groin injury, but don't expect a prediction on whether it will happen until Thursday at the earliest.

Jennings will continue on the rest and rehabilitation plan he began Oct. 1 after aggravating the injury against the New Orleans Saints.

The plan, however, is for Jennings to practice only one day this week if it turns out he's capable of playing. The last time, the medical staff thought he practiced too much during the week and that resulted in a setback during the game.

So Jennings will go through a run test Thursday, and if he passes he'll be given an opportunity to practice Friday.

"The plan with Greg just from Day 1 was to try to get as far into the week because with his type of injury, the fatigue (is a concern), going through the testing and him maxing it out," coach Mike McCarthy said. "The fatigue part of it we felt, sending him out for a bunch of practice, was probably not in his best interest for the week he comes back."continue
After the jump...MM speaks about what the greatest concern is with a groin injury, An insight into MM's offensive philosophy about what kind of plays they like to run, Why it's possible Greg Jennings could still be held out even if he passes the test. What affect on the game planning Greg Jennings would provide, Offensive coordinator Tom Clements comments on Randall Cobb and how one aspect of his abilities relates to a role they ask him to play in the offense, Shawn Slocum on Mason Crosby, MM expresses his feelings towards the run game, Shawn Slocum talks about his unhappiness with the Bush special teams penalty.

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It really has to make you wonder if Jennings is really committed to this team or the next contract.

Right now, the offense is clicking without him. I think the team is better with him than without him but much like Finley you have to stay healthy and motivated to contribute to the team and neither guy has been able to do that so other guys have stepped up.
Keep Jennings on the shelf through the BYE week.

We're ok & then we close out the season strong with a fully armed & operational battle station. Errr....something like that
Keep Jennings on the shelf through the BYE week.

concur. don't try to fix what ain't yet broken. offense is working w/o him and we're playing a weak sista of the poor - rest and rehab GJ. oh yeah, since I called Jax weak you can guarantee it's a trap.
Originally posted by Boris:
We're ok & then we close out the season strong with a fully armed & operational battle station. Errr....something like that

Luke, I am your father, come to the dark side, eh?

I can't think of a better game on the schedule to sit Jennings if he really is borderline. But I actually believe MM when he says players will go when they're ready, and neither opponent or play of replacements affect the decision.
Originally posted by turnip blood:
I suspect Jennings wants to play. Sitting will cost him big money come contract time.


If he is ready to go I would start him against Arizona in Week 9. This gives him the bye week to recover from his first game action in several weeks.
I used to think a player's reputation or injury history would cost him at contract time, but bottom line is that it only takes 1 team to make that offer. And somebody will show him the money. If you have the talent, somebody will make the phone call regardless if you're a cancer or nut case! It's all about winning!

Jennings has never been a cancer. His age is not a real big concern and even if there are whispers of the injury bug his stats are good enough for teams to take that chance.
Originally posted by Tschmack:
It really has to make you wonder if Jennings is really committed to this team or the next contract.

I am thoroughly confused by this line of thinking. I have not seen anything in Greg Jennings history to suggest in any way that he was/is only concerned about himself and his contract.

Watching Polamalu in/out of the lineup because his comes back too early is what I think about right now. To me there is absolutely no point in bringing back Jennings early, and having him reinjure himself and going through this all year. Getting him healthy for the stretch run is of paramount concern in my mind. Add in that we're playing Jacksonville (Yeah I'm aware of Indy game) and to me this is about being smart and getting Jennings 100% instead of rushing him back and going through this in/out cycle again.

But again - the backlash around Jennings by some, whether its this line of "thinking about contract" or "screw it let him go" is very premature and out of place. Jennings has been a model teammate, and while it may be likely we can't afford him, I will not discount the value he's had on this team since he got here.

If you ever forget, go watch the Super Bowl again. Watch his TD catch while getting drilled by Polamalu. Watch his 2nd TD. Watch his catch that sealed the game clinching drive on 3rd and 10. Watch his enthusiasm on the sidelines. Hell watch the opening drive vs Chicago that playoff run.

Greg Jennings does not deserve to be questioned about his commitment to the Green Bay Packers.
The fact that he and Rodgers are doing so many commercials makes me question their BFI. After all, you can't very well maintain a credible BFI if you're spending so much time hobnobbing with Hollywood types.
Of course we want to believe Jennings is committed to the team. For me it was the timing of several events and comments. Just a few weeks ago the offense was not looking very good. Receivers not getting open, rumors of poor team chemistry and finger pointing. The opposing defenses had much to do with the offensive problems, but the media goes after whatever they can sink their teeth in.

At this time Jennings made the comment that he wouldn't come back until he was 100%. I'm making too much of that statement, but it simply hit a nerve with me. Maybe I wanted him to say I need to be out there helping my teammates, but the coaching staff wants me at 100% for the final push. Hell, it's getting to the point nobody is 100% nearing November. And each Sunday I hear that John Doe is playing despite a groin injury. I wonder why can't Jennings play after being sidelined for how many weeks?

I understand everyone's reasoning about saving him for the end. It's great we have the luxury of a deep WR corp. And I'm probably no better than the media in making a big deal out of this, but I simply question why it's taking so long for him to get on the field again.
Originally posted by Grave Digger:
The fact that he and Rodgers are doing so many commercials makes me question their BFI. After all, you can't very well maintain a credible BFI if you're spending so much time hobnobbing with Hollywood types.

I don't think he should be doing that many push ups with a jet ski on his back if he's on the injury report
Originally posted by Tdog:
I think that website would more aptly be named ....
no, you don't trade GJ to a good rival team in the NFC.

I was gonna post this until I saw you already did, what a completely moronic suggestion. Only way it happens is if TT suddenly picks up a severe bi-polar disorder and a nasty meth addiction.
Originally posted by missingU92:
I used to think a player's reputation or injury history would cost him at contract time, but bottom line is that it only takes 1 team to make that offer.

Sometimes, sometimes not, it is always better to have 2 team bidding for your services then just one. The NFL is also a out of sight out of mind league or more precisely fans have short memories. Ultimately owners dish out big contract to players that put bottoms into seat. For Jennings it is better for him to be on the field making people noticing him rather then riding the bench. Besides hurting his packet book I am sure Jennings wants to be playing, it is his life. That last part is for anyone thinking I am critizing Jennings.
Jennings has pride and a lot of it. When he sees guys like Nelson, JJ and Cobb making plays, guaranteed his inner fire gets stoked. He also probably learned a good lesson to wait until his body says it is time!
Originally posted by Orlando Wolf:
Jennings has pride and a lot of it. When he sees guys like Nelson, JJ and Cobb making plays, guaranteed his inner fire gets stoked. He also probably learned a good lesson to wait until his body says it is time!


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