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He's a fine QB, 1st round talent. It will be interesting to see where goes in the draft. The only thing that will hold him back in the draft is his height. I can only think of 2 QBs under 6'2" that have gone in round 1 in the last 10 years...Mike Vick and Rex Grossman. The kid deserves to go in round 1 because he's the total package as a, athletic, cannon arm, etc. It will be interesting because I guarantee he will test well, especially at the Senior Bowl.

By the same token, has there ever been a more overrated QB than Taylor Martinez? He's a poor man's Eric Crouch.
Originally posted by Grave Digger:
He's a fine QB, 1st round talent. It will be interesting to see where goes in the draft. The only thing that will hold him back in the draft is his height.

Not a problem. The kid just needs to wear some lifts!
Did you see Bielema right after the game? The reporter was asking about him and Bielema ended his answer with, "...and the best thing about him is, he's a Badger." Looked like he was going to start crying.

Badgers finally have a big time QB.
I saw that, Pistol. Definitely a pretty cool moment.

They talked about how much time Bret spent trying to bring him to Madison. Even after he started playing baseball with the Rockies minor league system, he'd call him, and congratulate him after a good game, or give him a "pat on the back" message after a rough outing.

Russell sounds like he has his head on straight. Great young man, and a hell of a football player. We are really lucky to have him.

Originally posted by mr21mr21:
Originally posted by Inabell:
Barry Alvarez compared Wilson to Drew Brees.

I didn't know Brees was black? Confused

Love the obligatory white WR and black QB comparisons

I thought that dark spot on his cheek was a birth mark.
Originally posted by ammo:
Now they need some respect. Hard to get to the NC game ranked 7th in the polls.

Keep winning all your games by 31 and you'll make the NC.
IMO, other than being black and 5'11" they have very little in common

Vick is/was probably the greatest running threat at QB there's ever been to play college football. While Wilson is pretty elusive and effective with his legs, he's not dominant like Vick was out in the open.

On the other hand, right now Wilson is a much more refined passer than Vick ever was at Va Tech. Heck, you could make a case that Wilson is a better thrower than Vick right now.

Their body types are also a little different. Vick is more like a WR, whereas Wilson is more stocky like a RB.
Wilson is nothing like Vick. Watching him play, I think Alvarez's compaison to Brees is pretty good, actually. Brees is not a rocket thrower, but he throws the ball like Brees. Very accurate, leads them into breaks, puts the ball in the right spot, and the WR doesn't have to be wide open to get the ball. And like Brees, he is a little short, but he doesn't have much issue seeing the field.

The kid could very well be the same kind of player.
Originally posted by Boris:
Originally posted by ammo:
Now they need some respect. Hard to get to the NC game ranked 7th in the polls.

Keep winning all your games by 31 and you'll make the NC.

The Badgers schedule is so easy going forward, that it's gonna be tough to get there. Which is ridiculous, because this team's as talented as any BCS eligible team, IMO. Like you said, they're gonna have to put on a show every week, and hope a few teams ahead of them stumble, in order to have a legitimate shot.

I suppose this is the part where we should start the debate about a BCS playoff system.
No one ever held that against O$U or Michigan... why would it be held against UW? Oh yeah... that's because it's not O$U or Michigan.

The point is that the Badgers should be in control of their own destiny- if they win out, they should be one of the teams playing for it all. As Michael Hunt said this morning, many big dreams have died in East lansing, so there's work to do. But the Badgers just body-slammed the #8 team in the country in front of a national audience. If Bama did this they would be a shoo-in already.
An SEC team is going to get the nod over a Big Ten team (especially now with a "down year" for the Big 10) at the end of the season if there's any question. That's just a fact Badger fans are going to have to come to grips with. The silver lining is the Badgers have a great chance of running the table, and Alabama/LSU have a great chance of dropping a game.

I really agree with Boris, they have to go out every week and dominate the competition, and let the chips fall where they may.
The Badgers went to MSU in 2004 undefeated and ranked #4 in the country only to get totally schooled and they never recovered after that. Last year, the #11 Badgers couldn't seal the deal in East Lansing and that loss was the only thing separating them from a possible NC game bid. In other years, it's been a place where UW teams have really struggled.
Bucky will have a difficult time making the NC game. Illinois is the only ranked team remaining on their schedule as of now. LSU, Oklahoma and Alabama will be fighting for the big game. But I love to see the Badgers getting even more national attention!
and like the announcer (I think Mussberger) said, the Rosebowl ain't nothing to sneeze at (or something like that)

and then we won't have to stay up half the night to watch them, we can do it on NY Day
My thought when watching Russell Wilson would be he'd make a great backup to Rodgers if Flynn leaves. The bad news is, that isn't likely to happen as the Pack just isn't likely to use a high pick on backup.

Alot will have to fall right for the Badgers to have a shot at the National Championship. Having the Big Ten Championship game might give them an extra boost if they win that too. Maybe if it turns out to be undefeated Wisconsin vs. undefeated Michigan in that B10 Championship game, a win might give the Badgers enough juice if the other top teams in the SEC/B12 have 1 loss. I think Wisconsin could easily go undefeated the rest of the way, Michigan is less likely to do so.
Maybe if it turns out to be undefeated Wisconsin vs. undefeated Michigan in that B10 Championship game, a win might give the Badgers enough juice if the other top teams in the SEC/B12 have 1 loss.

Beat me to it. That's probably their best shot.
Originally posted by Tschmack:
The Badgers went to MSU in 2004 undefeated and ranked #4 in the country only to get totally schooled and they never recovered after that. Last year, the #11 Badgers couldn't seal the deal in East Lansing and that loss was the only thing separating them from a possible NC game bid. In other years, it's been a place where UW teams have really struggled.


I love the line that many big dreams have died in East Lansing.

Nebraska was not the 8th best team in the country.

NC talk is a little premature IMO JMO.
If they beat Michigan State then the Rose Bowl is a realistic goal but any dreams of a National championship bid are pretty long odds. I hate having to hope Nebraska does well the rest of the way. :hurl:
As premature to as it is to even talk about a NC, it's equally premature to dismiss the possibility if UW runs the table. Four of the teams ranked above them play each other (L$U/AL and OK ST/OU) and a couple of others have big tests upcoming, such as Stanford playing Oregon as one example.

You know whomever wins duh SEC basically gets an automatic bid into the Big Kahuna unless they somehow have two losses, and even then it doesn't disqualify them. That leaves one spot between Boise, Oklahoma, UW and perhaps Stanford.

Way, way too much football left for all of these teams to have any idea how it will shake out. I just don't know who could have stopped UW the way they looked last night. They were absolutely rolling.
Originally posted by fightphoe93:
My thought when watching Russell Wilson would be he'd make a great backup to Rodgers if Flynn leaves.

He isn't going to be a backup candidate. Some team will be making him the starter.
Michigan State is probably the second best team in the Big Ten, so you have to hope they keep winning so a Badgers win will look better in the polls/computers. Ohio $tate and Penn State look like garbage, so that's not going to help them, although, Illannoy is better than we thought.

I have a difficult time believing both L$U and Alabama will be undefeated so if the Badgers can run the table they absolutely deserve to be mentioned in the NC game.

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