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@Goldie posted:

Love John, but his voice isn’t real good for broadcasting…….he gets drowned out by crowd noise.  He’s great when I can hear him, but the tone of his voice just isn’t real good for broadcasting.  JMHO.  

He's fantastic at analysis - in part because he wasn't a glory-boy QB.
Kuhn brings a completely different POV to the broadcast, he was one of the grunts and offers amazing insights imo.

Fixing the crowd noise/ background is easy enough.
I'd take Kuhn over any/all of the airbags the networks trot out there

@Herschel posted:

I still think it's Taylor's job to lose. Taylor is better in pass protection and probably better suited for all the special teams.  Goodson had some monstrous holes to run through tonight that I probably could have gained decent yardage through.

Taylor and Goodson were playing with and vs. the same guys. Taylor was getting 3, 3, 2, 3, 2 yards pretty consistently.

Goodson comes in and he's getting 3, 4, 7...

He's also got much better hands than Taylor. If you cut Taylor there's about a 90% chance he's available to sign to your PS. Cut Goodson and it's 50/50.

@BrainDed posted:

Jordan Love is not the guy.  

Maybe. He looks good one moment and then has wonky ball placement the next. His pocket awareness isn’t great, but it’s seemingly a lot better than it was. He looks better than last year but still maddeningly inconsistent.

Is he behind in his development a year or is he a guy who will always struggle with consistency? That’s something they’ll need to figure out this year.

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