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Seahawks defense has allowed just 49 points the last 7 games. Regardless of competition, that's ridiculous. They got their core defensive guys locked up so they should carry that team for years



Originally Posted by CAPackfan:

They got their core defensive guys locked up so they should carry that team for years

People said the same about the 49ers. Tough to sustain excellence in this league.

Originally Posted by The Ref fka Blair Kiel:

Originally Posted by YooperPackfan:
No way Packers beat the Seahawks on their turf

Then really no point in watching, eh?


Or posting

This GB team is not the same one that walked out onto Century Link field opening night.


Don't want to get ahead of myself, but if we go there again next week, it will be a much closer game than the last go around.

Originally Posted by Fond Du Arrigo:


This GB team is not the same one that walked out onto Century Link field opening night.


Don't want to get ahead of myself, but if we go there again next week, it will be a much closer game than the last go around.

The Seahawks are a much improved team since also. 49 points in the last 7 games? Thats just crazy defense
Originally Posted by Fond Du Arrigo:

This GB team is not the same one that walked out onto Century Link field opening night.


Don't want to get ahead of myself, but if we go there again next week, it will be a much closer game than the last go around.

I agree that it will be closer....but a QB like Wilson is just such a bad match-up for this defense with his mobility.



Last edited by CAPackfan
Originally Posted by Fond Du Arrigo:

The Seahawks are pretty good.



We should all just roll over & hand them the trophy right now.


Impossible to beat in Seattle. Why even try?

Scam Newton put up 24 on the Seahawks, Rodgers should be able to put up 40. The Seahawks feasted on Scams poor decision making and not being able to read their coverage, a savvier QB and WR will be able to exploit their weaknesses. Their pass rush was nothing special either. Cam had plenty of time. The Panthers weren't ready for primerime, but they did show the chinks in Seattle's armour.

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