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Originally posted by Dumbass:
Is there really any difference to those threads on the main board that refer to him as ToG rather than Far.. Fa, well you get the point? Can we refer to him by name and focus on stamping out comparisons. Having to remember ToG everytime makes my small brain hurt. Imagine what it does to Iowa Cheese's brain.

Couldn't agree more....and while we are at it can we just get rid of the phoney username Goalline it too is so hard to remember. Dumbass works much better and we will all know and understand who we are talking about.
Originally posted by Iowacheese:
Originally posted by Pakrz:
I thought I was dumbass??

Nope your Batman

My Batman? Oh wait Pakrz Batman!! Got it!

I never said you had to refer to him as TOG. It was started by Blueshound then everyone picked up on it. I've used his name on the main board. My main thought is comparisons to any current or future QB's are not allowed. I also don't want Favre threads dominating the main forum which was bound to happen as you yourself pointed out, Goalline.

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