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Based on the reports, it made sense to overturn the test. The seal is on there for a reason and if it was broken at any point before it was tested, it should be invalidated. If he really was taking PED's though, you can bet the league will test him again (if they already haven't).
Originally posted by CUPackFan:
Based on the reports, it made sense to overturn the test. The seal is on there for a reason and if it was broken at any point before it was tested, it should be invalidated. If he really was taking PED's though, you can bet the league will test him again (if they already haven't).

The NFL testing is random correct? Just like MLB I think. I bet he gets more "random testing" from here on out. I read where Ryan Braun was tested like 22 times before the All Star break last season.....
This really sucks. Why is Seattle the darling of the NFL? First the NFL gives them a game that they lost and now this. Mike Neal got no such break and had to sit out for 4 weeks. They should fire the idiot that botched the test.
I'm not sure why Adderall is on the banned list, but I'm pretty sure the drug itself has nothing to do with the latest string of failed tests.

The league won't specify what drug showed up in a given sample, so cynics like myself believe the players are citing a prescription mixup and rulebook technicality to avoid looking like cheaters when God knows what comes through on theses tests.

Sherman's case is a bit different, because it seems as though proper protocol might have been broken. And whether or not it's a convenient technicality, he might have had a legitimate case.
We have a random testing program at work. We bring in an outside nurse to administer the tests, but I can tell you that if the seal was tampered with or the cup was actually leaking we'd likely throw out the results altogether.

My question is that if the collector knew the cup was leaking why not just transfer it to another cup and begin a new chain of custody procedure? It's really not that different than someone requesting a "split sample" which I believe is required for any random DOT testing. Don't know the NFL procedure but I am sure the players can request one as well.

People may not like the outcome but there isn't a judge in the world that would have upheld that suspension if what's being reported actually happened.

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