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Packers are really struggling but it's still too early to pull the plug. There's a very good team in GB but MM hasn't found the combination to unlock them.

Right now I'm hoping this team can scuffle it's way to 5-4 by the bye week.

The second half of the season are divisional games with the teams GB needs to track down. Division title is still in reach.

Long season. These days I'm a "getting hot at the right time" fan first.
What needs to be rebuilt? Only thing I can think of is Rodgers. There is something wrong with him. Each game he throws a completely stupid interception. Then he becomes shell shocked and just stands in the pocket and gets sacked. I guess the play calling leaves a lot to be desired. It is ok to try and run the ball but the outside runs for -2 just don't cut it. Whatever happened to "take what the defense gives you"?
Yeah, it is no time for panic...yet. But it is time for the coaching staff to get their act together and get the players playing at least half-way good football.

Yesterday's loss belongs at the feet of MM. He failed to get his team focused for an entire game against an inferior opponent. He called a miserable game. He allowed his asst coaches to under prepare and under perform.

Capers is another one who cannot hide from this loss. To allow a rookie QB and old-worn down WR to pile up so many yards is simply hard to believe.

Aaron Rodgers better get his head on straight. Missing a wide open Jordy Nelson for a sure TD, is another botched play that we have seen too many times this season.

I really cannot think of one real positive thing from yesterday's disturbing loss.

I guess we will see just how good of a HC McCarthy really is.
I don't really get it. I look at this team and with the exception of 2-3 positions (C, ILB, and RB), there aren't many holes. Talent-wise, our team seems to be pretty good on paper. But for whatever reason, the talent on paper isn't showing up on the field consistently. One game, the defense looks completely dominating against the Bears. Two games later against the Colts, the defense looked like it was playing with 9 guys. Yes, they have young guys out there, but they don't seem to be the problem.

Same with the offense. We supposedly have 2 of the best young guards in football.....yet they get pushed back every run play and can only convert half of their 3rd and 1's (which is pathetic). Our WR's are supposed to be the best in football, yet they can never get open. And don't point to Jennings injury. If Marques Colston gets hurt, the Saints still figure out how to throw the ball. If we have the best WR's top to bottom, losing one guy shouldn't set the offense back this far.

I really just don't get it. Maybe I'm overestimating their talent. Maybe the coaching staff isn't as strong as we thought. I don't know. I hope they figure it out this year, b/c this team doesn't seem like they need to rebuild.
We shouldn't underestimate how much emotion and effort the Colts played with. They put everything on the line and if you have talent, which the Colts do, and you play like that you're going to succeed. The Packers were flat and I think were stunned by the raw emotion the Colts were playing with. Just ask Brett Favre how playing with emotion can boost your performance.
Sadly, I agree. Even though it is early in the season, this team is in trouble, and only a complete overhaul can salvage this season.

Start with the front office. I strongly believe Ted Thompson is not as strong of a drafter as we believe him to be. He cannot find players that have been healthy. He sticks with guys like Neal, Harrell, Sherrod, etc. who are never available and healthy, thinking they will be superstars. They've been nothing but waste of roster spots yet and haven't made a difference on this team. In addition, take a look at his draft records. He has drafted more busts than superstars. Don't believe me? Take a look at his record for yourself:

Aaron Rodgers QB CalTech - Just ok, more on him later.

Nick Collins FS Bethune-Cookman - Star player, but he had a career ending injury. TT should have seen that coming.

Terrance Murphy WR Texas A&M - Bust. Again, career ending injury TT should have forseen.

Marviel Underwood DB San Diego State - Bust

Brady Poppinga LB Brigham Young - Bust

Mike Montgomery DT Texas A&M - Bust

A.J. Hawk OLB Ohio State - Bust

Daryn Colledge OT Boston State - Bust

Abdul Hodge LB Iowa - Bust

Johnny Jolly DT Texas A&M - Bust

Justin Harrell DT Tennessee - Bust

James Jones WR San Jose State - Just ok

Jordy Nelson WR Kansas - Bust

Brian Brohm QB Louisville - Bust

Pat Lee CB Auburn - Bust

Jeremy Thompson DE Wake Forest - Bust

B.J. Raji NT Boston College - Has had 1 great season, his rookie year. Has been up and down since. Think he's trending down.

Clay Matthews LB USC - Star

T.J. Lang OT Eastern Michigan - Bust

Jarius Wynn DE Georgia - Bust

Brandon Underwood DB Cincinnati - Bust

Morgan Burnett SS Georgia Tech - Bust

Lawrence Guy DT Arizona State - Bust

Nick Perry LB USC - Bust

Jerel Worthy DT Michigan - Bust

Get the point? That's enough Ted.

Secondly, I'm not impressed by McCarthy's coaching, nor have I ever been. He's mediocre at best and clearly lived off the coattails of Phiblin who has successfully turned the Dolphins into a Super Bowl contender. He seems like a good man and I wouldn't mind seeing him kept as an OC, but not a DC. His leadership hasn't been great. There is no evidence of him using data to inform his game plans, which is the key to meet the NFL's new passing standards. He also brought in Capers who has been far less consistent than Bob Sanders. An unnecessary move, in my opinion. I say hire a new Defensive-minded head coach such as Billy Davis or Jack Del Rio who has experience as a leader and can wisely use the data available to improve the team's performance. Either keep McCarthy as an OC or bring in the original Offensive guru Chain Gailey to lead the offense and build a new game plan.

Finally, I'm beginning to think Rodgers is now on the downside of his career. Sort of like how Favre began to falter after that SB win, we're seeing the same with Rodgers. He's nearing 30 years old and doesn't have that "fire in the belly" to win this year like we saw before. The commercials are really starting to take away his focus. If He cannot turn it around this year, then it is time to take a look at the QB of the future in the draft and/or free agency, and one who can fit with today's data-driven National Football League.

That's what I think.
Originally posted by CUPackFan:
I don't really get it. I look at this team and with the exception of 2-3 positions (C, ILB, and RB), there aren't many holes.

Maybe it's time to add CROSBY MadMadMad to the list. Despite Raji going out (and losing that push in the middle) giving Luck more breathing room and Benson going out, the Packers were still in a position to at least force overtime, when Crosby shanked another clutch kick. As much of a tool as Longwell was, he was most often good when they game was on the line.
Originally posted by GBFanForLife:
What needs to be rebuilt? Only thing I can think of is Rodgers. There is something wrong with him. Each game he throws a completely stupid interception. Then he becomes shell shocked and just stands in the pocket and gets sacked. I guess the play calling leaves a lot to be desired. It is ok to try and run the ball but the outside runs for -2 just don't cut it. Whatever happened to "take what the defense gives you"?

It just looks to me that Rodgers doesn't have that fire in the belly he has had the last 2 years. He is not reading what the defense is showing, thus the sacks.
In my opinion he is resting on his play (MVP) from the last two years. Agreed on the play calling, it is too predictible but he can audible at the line and that is why I think he is not reading the defense.
Rebuilding to me implies progress or attempt at improvement. Going from 5-0 last year to 2-3 this year is regression and dismantling of a program.
This season is shaping up to be an unmitigated disaster in many ways large and small. Next year will have to be the rebuilding one. This year is more like attrition.

This whole Brees/Unitas thing has made me realize the glory days of the NFL are long gone. The lack of running the ball or good defense is getting boring. For a fan of a storied franchise like the GBPackers everything seems to be tarnished. Its a bitter pill indeed.
"Aaron Rodgers QB CalTech - Just ok, more on him later."
SB title and NFL just ok.......

"Nick Collins FS Bethune-Cookman - Star player, but he had a career ending injury. TT should have seen that coming."
I know when I watch on tv, I try to view plays in the context of "Look out! You're about to be injured!"

"Terrance Murphy WR Texas A&M - Bust. Again, career ending injury TT should have forseen."
Most times when I've suffered injuries due to sports I have known it would happen beforehand....maybe I'm just some sort of sadist.

"Jordy Nelson WR Kansas - Bust"
Self-made player who scored 15 td's a year ago....

"Nick Perry LB USC - Bust
Jerel Worthy DT Michigan - Bust"
After 5 games...these two are busts? Really?

"He's mediocre at best and clearly lived off the coattails of Phiblin who has successfully turned the Dolphins into a Super Bowl contender."
After 5 weeks the Miami Dolphins are clearly Super Bowl contenders.
Its a different year. Let it play out. The Packers have always been a november-decembe team under Mccarthy. Not even clsoe to conceding the division. They will be playing better in another month. Frustrated now but believe the team will be much better in the second half of hte year.

Watch them beat the heck out of Houston next week. It would not surprise me one bit. And then all the naysayers will be back on the bus.

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