Just received this message. Looks like site will be down during the first half of the game on Thursday.
We are writing to let you know about an upcoming maintenance of the server that hosts your Eve community and provides your web hosting. We are migrating your server to a new data center next week in order to continue to provide you with the highest level of service. Your site will be unavailable during the migration process. The specific details of your migration window and expected downtime are:
Migration Date: Thursday, Sept. 13, 2012
Migration Window: 5pm-9pm ET (4pm-8pm LFT)
Expected Downtime: Up to 2 hours
Unless you've heard otherwise from us, you should not need to do anything to prepare for the migration aside from notifying your community about the event. We will handle the logistics of the migration on our end in order to ensure the most optimal migration experience for you and your users.
We apologize for the inconvenience that this downtime will cause you and your users.
Original Post