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MILWAUKEE - Scott Skiles and the Milwaukee Bucks have agreed to part ways, effective immediately, USA Today reported late Monday night. had reported earlier in the day that Skiles did not want to return to Milwaukee after his contract expired at the end of the season, but that the Bucks had attempted to persuade him to keep an open mind.

Skiles was 162-182 as coach of the Bucks, including a 16-16 record this season.
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It doesn't matter who the coach is. I loved watching the Bucks growing up, but almost never watch now. Unless you are one of the marquee franchises (with two exceptions) you are not going to be able to keep the star players that win championships. San Antonio got Tim Duncan who was satisfied to stay in Texas his whole career and OKC still has Durant. Almost everyone else worth watching plays in New York/NJ, LA, Miami, Chicago, Boston, Dallas, or Houston.

Just off the top of my head, there has been one championship team in NBA history that did not have a hall of famer or sure-fire future hall of famer on the team. That was the 2003-2004 Detroit Pistons (and Rasheed Wallace is more talented than many Hall of Famers - he's just a head case). In the last 20 years, the Bucks have one player who played for them in his prime that will make the Hall of Fame, and Ray Allen had to go play for the Celtics and the Heat to ensure that. Of course, we traded him to get two months of a washed up Gary Payton.

The best the Bucks can hope for is to luck into winning the lottery and drafting a superstar that can help them win something in the 3-4 years before he inevitably leaves for New York or LA. Does it really matter who the coach is in this scenario? The good coaches end up in the marquee places anyway because that's the only way they can win a championship.
Everyone saw this coming for a few years ...

So Mad that they did not take care of this in the off-season ... either extend the Coach and/or GM or get rid of them then.

Its amazing how the team really is a reflection of the ownership in big time sports. Its alarming how you look how a team is acting, playing, making personnel moves,etc. and then you look at who the ownership is. Its like a mirror.
I am disappointed, but I think I get it- Jennings is gone. So is Ellis. Yet another rebuild, and Skiles knows it. If the reports are true, and he made it clear he didn't want to come back, that's why.

So once again, starting almost from scratch. They need to trade both of them. Now. Blow it up and give yourself a chance at a couple top guys. Get picks for Jennings and Ellis. Don't waste any time- the front court looks solid. Get Mayo and Carter-Williams.
The Bucks have had 1 really good season (2000/2001) mixed into 25 years of frustration.

In some respects they remind me of the Brewers and thankfully they found the right leadership/ownership and they've been competitive the last 5 years or so.

Herb Kohl has done a lot for the team but if this team is serious they need to make a big splash and get a Phil Jackson type because everything else they've done hasn't worked. When they've been good they've had a HOF type coach (think George Karl or Don Nelson).
But who? Jeff Van Gundy? His brother? Mike Brown? None of these guys are Phil Jackson-types. And what is a Phil Jackson type? It's not like there are HOF coaches with rings out there waiting for a chance to coach again. And if there were, why would they come to MKE? All the coaches with rings had the one thing th Bucks don't have- a superstar or two. The best the Bucks can offer is a solid, young frontline. No stars on this team, with or without Jennings and Ellis.

Blow it up. Trade the 2 Gs, lose the rest of the sEason, and get a lottery pick that can actually make a difference.
Originally posted by Music City:
But who? Jeff Van Gundy? His brother? Mike Brown? None of these guys are Phil Jackson-types. And what is a Phil Jackson type? It's not like there are HOF coaches with rings out there waiting for a chance to coach again. And if there were, why would they come to MKE? All the coaches with rings had the one thing th Bucks don't have- a superstar or two. The best the Bucks can offer is a solid, young frontline. No stars on this team, with or without Jennings and Ellis.

Blow it up. Trade the 2 Gs, lose the rest of the sEason, and get a lottery pick that can actually make a difference.

And then what? It's the same old story. The NBA is a broken product. It's set up for about 8 teams to compete, allows the players to team up to form mini all-star teams, and the officiating is so dirty it's beyond belief. The only difference between the NBA and the WWE, is that the WWE admits they are a fraud.

The fans need to stop supporting this garbage, then and only then will any real change take place.
And then what? It's the same old story. The NBA is a broken product. It's set up for about 8 teams to compete, allows the players to team up to form mini all-star teams, and the officiating is so dirty it's beyond belief. The only difference between the NBA and the WWE, is that the WWE admits they are a fraud.

The fans need to stop supporting this garbage, then and only then will any real change take place.

I couldn't agree more. I hate the NBA. I stopped watching the NBA years ago.

If the Bucks could field a decent team on a regular basis, like they did in the late 70's early 80's, or even for a year or two (2001), all would be forgiven. I don't care if the NBA sucks, I just don't want my team to suck.

But there enlies the problem. As long as the NBA stays as is, teams like Milwaukee, Golden State, Minnesota, Cleveland, etc. will continue to be the bottom dwellers. Sure, every so often a team will hit it big with the lottery. Then have a 2-3 year window in which they might be competitive. Then it's back to the same old crap again. Maybe when Stern retires, things will start to change.
Last edited by "We"-Ka-Bong
The reality is that this team had the #1 pick and they ended up with Bogut. He never ended up being the difference maker that a Chris Paul or Deron Williams or Dwyane Wade have been.

Sometimes you need a little luck. I'm sure Portland would love to have Durant now vs Greg Oden. Durant turned OKC into a powerhouse. The Bucks simply have not drafted well over the last 10-12 years or so. In fact, Glenn Robinson and Ray Allen were probably two of their best picks and that was almost 20 years ago now.

They aren't necessarily in salary cap hell but they need to be cautious of trading away everyone and blowing things up. I think they have some good, young talent with potential like Henson and Sanders and Tobias Harris but the reality is that Ellis isn't a long term guy and Jennings is really inconsistent. It used to be this team was blessed with backcourt talent but now it's switched. Their better prospects are their big men.
Excellent analysis Tschmack!

Im a huge Bucks fan but this team has really had no direction for quite some time. i thought originally Skiles was a great pick up and to a certain extent I still believe that. He's been able to get the Bucks playing decent basketball. Not great, but decent. Defensively this team has made strides. I think now is the time to infuse some energy into this team so the coaching change is probably a good one.

I was listening to Mike and Mike this morning and the updates came on and i saw that the Lakers had lost again....funny, I know, but i was thinking. Why not trade away Jennings to the Lakers as they need a point guard along with one of the bigs (not named Sanders) and bring in Gasol. Teaming Sanders and Gasol together I think makes our front court even more potent. Sanders defensively and Gasol offensively. Plus i don't think it would bother Gasol too much if he got out of the spotlight of LA.

The Bucks need picks, not Gasol. Backcourt, not front court. If they want to trade, trade for a G. Dangle Ellis first, Jennings second. They're keeping neither of them.

Jennings says that "if I am suppose to be the Franchise player, why didn't the organization tell me they were getting rid of Coach Skiles", blah blah blah. Franchise player???? You really think you're in the area code of Franchise players? Sure, light up Nate Robinson. Great. Now do that against Paul, Rose, Williams, and Parker consistently and you can use "franchise player" in a sentence that contains your name.

The kid looks like he's positioning himself for the negotiations already. He wants a 100M contract, but he ain't worth half that.

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