Today on KFAN in the Twin Cities they mentioned DD to the Vikes, but one of the local writers said he thinks it's just a line from someone (DD's agent?) to try to drum up some interest from any team. I've always thought DD was an in-tune guy, but then I read this: "'I think I could go to any team and be either their number one or number two guy and be solid for another three years,' Driver told FOX 11 two weeks ago." If he can't find his way onto the field after an injury to Jennings and then Cobb... well, DD needs to take off the rose-colored glasses.
The Packers are letting Driver go, he's free to go wherever he wants as far as I'm concerned. It's not the same as the Favre situation if he goes to the Vikes, he's not being a jerk to the organization or trying to force their hand. Drive hasn't strung the organization along and he isn't running his mouth or badmouthing the team. If the Vikes or the Lions or the Bears are the only teams interested in him, I wouldn't blame him for wanting to go there. He'll still be a Packer HOFer in my book.
Yeah, that.
Yeah, Driver's never been anything but a completely class act, on and off the field. He's represented the franchise better over the years than almost any other player in recent memory. If he wants to keep playing, and the only way he can do it is by signing on with the Vikings or Bears, best of luck to him. He deserves to do whatever he feels he needs to do; he's earned it many times over.
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