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Despite some conflating enjoyment of watching the University of Oregon football program with attending there, I am an undergraduate of the University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign.


Despite the fact that I've witnessed the program go to 4 straight bowl games while I was there and following that up with 6 bowl appearances in 20 years, I am, and will continue to be, an avid fan of the football program, even though it's arguably the worst Power 5 football program in College.  Because that's what you do.


I have lived through Lou Tepper - a guy that was like if Mike Sherman and Mark Trestman had a baby, but worse.  I lived through Ron Freaking Turner.  I am currently watching Tim "LASAGNA" Beckman.


Ron Zook is "fun".  He's a great interview.  He's a "players coach" (cuz he's likely doing shots at the frat with them).  Above average recruiter, charming guy that can convince kids and parents he's gonna take care of them.


But, here's the thing.


HE IS A COMPLETE AND UTTER INCOMPETENT COACH.  His clock management makes Andy Reid look like Belichick.  His "strategy" makes Mike Smith look like Tom Landry.  He's the worst in game coach I've ever seen.


Ron Zook is the anti-Midas.  Everything he touches turns to ****.  If Ron Zook is doing anything with this staff moving forward that entails anything more than finding good porn sites for the team or creating new liquor shots to point (This one is RumChata, SoCo, Midori, and Bacardi 151, I call it the "Hot Take"), we are in trouble.  



Last edited by Timpranillo

Every once in awhile Rodney comes up with something worth considering. This is one IMO:

@PackerUpdate: Best internal candidate to replace Slocum isn't Ron Zook. It's RBs coach Sam Gash, who was assisted on special teams with DET in 2007.


@PackerUpdate: Gash is passionate and a very good teacher. Don't see this happening, but I thought it was worth mentioning.

The Zookster is hopefully out on the same train as Slocum. McGinn foaming at the mouth to bring O'Brien from NE. Wisconsin native and Godfather of ST coaches in the League.

Open the vault and bring this native son home for 2-3 years, and train Jarrett Bush to take his spot.
Originally Posted by El-Ka-Bong:

If the players had just played better, this would have never happened

As bad as special teams was all year, if Brandon Bostick does what he's coached to do Slocum likely ends up with a Super Bowl ring instead of a pink slip. 

I can't applaud MM for this.  He waited until it cost his team a SuperBowl appearance.    This has always been a fualt of his.  I don't know if it's loyalty or stubbornness, but he takes way too long to react.  


Obviously the guy is doing a lot of things right and put us in the position to be that close to the SB.  It's just painful that his decision to stick with this nimrod through all his failures ended up being what cost us. 



He needed to go and he's gone. 


Slocum didnt cost GB the NFC Championship. He was a contributor of many. 


Slocum is is gone for an unimpressive body of work and the NFC Championship was the final straw. 


I dont think anyones applauding a damn thing today. 

So with few injuries this season, the Pack finished 32nd in a 32 team league in STs.


The failure of STs is on McCarthy just as much as his good buddy Slocum. 


I'd rather have competent coordinators than cronies. Hope McCarthy does not promote his longtime pal Zook.

By all appearances MM stepped up his game after last season when he zeroed in on Dom, then jammed through D course corrections after the bye. Lets hope he can do the same with STs and that hire.

Morton was on the staff for 5 seasons.  Methinks they know what they have there. Heaven knows why he was let go. Or whether he'd go back to the team that had just fired him.


I'd like to know why the Morton advocates think he's the man for the job.

Last edited by ilcuqui
Originally Posted by cuqui:


I'd like to know why the Morton advocates think he's the man for the job.

'twas a joke.

Morton was "let go"  because he told MM that Slocum was an idiot

Last edited by Satori

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