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Movies--Treasure of the Sierra Madre, The asphalt jungle, The great escape, 12 o'clock High, To Kill a Mockingbird, City Lights, the Back to the Future series, Forrest Gump, O Brother, Where art Thou?, Big Lebowski, Airplane, Police Squad (or whatever those Leslie Neilson cop comedies were called), Fargo, Tommy Boy, Butch Cassidy and Sundance Kid, The Sting, Casablanca, To Have and Have Not, Key Largo, Run Silent Run Deep, other WW2 flicks I can't recall...



Music (I REALLY show my age here, but I don't care)--Beatles, Rolling Stones (Mick Taylor guitar era, please), Moody Blues, Stevie Ray Vaughan, Jimi Hendrix, Eric Clapton, cream, Janis Joplin, Buddy Guy, B.B. King, Albert King, King Crimson, Bob Dylan (not just the old stuff but the GREAT stuff he's done for the past 5 albums or so from Time out of Mind on), The Hellecasters, The Ventures, Jeff Beck, Rory Gallagher/Taste.



Books--To Kill a Mockingbird, The Pearl, Great Gatsby and The Last Tycoon by F.Scott Fitz, Day of the Locusts, Indian Creek Chronicles, Sand County Almanac, all the Gordon MacQuarrie "Stories of the Old Duck Hunters" books, Dos Passos' Manhattan Transfer, Desert Solitaire and The Monkey Wrench Gang by Abbey, Great Expectations, all the Sherlock Holmes books by Conan Doyle (except _Hound of the Baskervilles_ which I think is lame), Instant Replay (Jerry Kramer) and Distant Replay (Dick Schaap; isn't he on this forum?), most books by Vladamir Nabokov, esp. Ada and Transparent Things.

Lost in the funhouse and End of the Road by John Barth.  Journey to Ixtalan, Winesburg Ohio, Richard Louvs' Flyfishing for Sharks, Schweibert's Death of The Riverkeeper, and several others.  Fahrenheit 451 & The Martian Chronicles.  The Foundation Trilogy.

LOTR and The Hobbit.  The Big Sky by A.B. Guthrie.


Long enough list for you?  Please, talk amongst yourselves...

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