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Seeing as this thread has already derailed. 


I do do find a great deal of enjoyment that a former Packer practice squad dropout that was gained for a bag of lock washers has already racked more than 1/2 the yards and TDs as Greg Jennings in spot duty and is quickly becoming Teddy Bridewaters go to guy. 


Rick Spielman. If at first you don't succeed. Try, try, try, try, try, try, try, try, try, try, try, try, try, try, try again. 


The Vikings Suck. 

The mention of Screamin' A and Skippy made me think of Marvin Lewis calling Johnny Bench a midget today. Dumb people pumping hot gas out their wind holes. 


Screamin' wasn't wrong on Rodgers. But it was done to put the bright orange softball with rubber laces on the batting tee for Skip. And Skip still had to run it out for a participant single. 

Skipsh!t just says whatever comes to mind...regardless of the veracity.  He mentioned Favre's "wheels" as being "beyond Rodgers' wheels.  Favre could flat out run." 




In 19 full seasons, Favre ran for a total of 1844 yards with a season high of 216 (1993).  Highest average/carry was 3.6 (1993 and 1997) and his long was a 40 yarder in 1996.


In roughly 6 1/2 seasons, plus 7 games he appeared in as a backup, Rodgers has run for a total of 1790 yards with a season high of 356 yards and 5 seasons of more than Favre's 216.  Rodgers highest average/carry was 5.6 (2010) and his long was a 35 yarder in 2009.  Rodgers career yards/carry is 4.8 to Favre's 301.



I guess my point is that Skipsh!t just says anything to make point....whether it's accurate or not. I don't pay much attention to him, but hevdefinitely has hard on for all things Rodgers. And I brought that up because that'swhat Skipsh!t mentions first after The Yeller's accolades.

The thing that i was laughing at the most is when skipper was talking about the great BF.

He slobbered on how great his deep ball was. If you recall that is one of the things about

Favre his entire career including when he was younger that was considered one of his weaker points.  Great arm but deep not that accurate except for the rocket balls.


Skippy is a piece of work. He knows that most of espn's viewers are younger and many

including Steven of his own admission do not remember everything BF was known for and could or could not do well like the wheels comment.


Therefore, he comes off as the expert and only the most knowledgeable and older fans in general and packer fans in particular know the truth.

That is probably the number one thing about him i can't stomach.

Anybody and everybody that's spent a lifetime watching football is having a tough time wrapping their head around how good Aaron Rodgers is. Skip has backed himself so far into his own sinkhole that every Aaron segment results in him pulling another square foot of topsoil onto his career. 

Some good points.  It's not enough to simply ignore him, because people believe lies when professional reporters write them down. History gets re-written that way.


"All a part of the money-making game" blah blah blah.  All it is, is unethical scumbag bull****.

I don't know if Skip is a moron or a ratings sellout. But he's certainly one or the other. I don't know how you spend a life doing something and wrap things up with that being everyones parting question. 

Bayless at his best, when he was writing in Dallas, was what Jason Wilde is today. A good writer about athletes in a folksy way, but knows little to nothing about the game.



Never gonna get back that 13 seconds. Thanks Obama.

Last edited by H5

Skippy is not a moron.  He's a sellout in that he seems to be fine with knowing that the vast majority of sports fans in the country think he's a walking joke, but he's not stupid.  He's a very successful troll.  Look at how much he's talked about here and then multiply it by every pro sports team and every major college sports team.  


He makes a lot of money with his shtick.  If that's all that matters to him, then he's a success.  Knowing he's a clown, if that doesn't bother him, doesn't matter.

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