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Originally posted by Tdog:
For me and my buddies the word for this season has been "Redemption".
beating Philly on the road twice
sending Vick home from the playoffs
beating the queens twice
beating the bears twice when it mattered most
reclaiming HFA quite a bit, only one loss at home

by and large, all the result of a DOMinant defense.
First year in a long time that I had confidence in our defense to close out a game which they have had to do too much but they continue to deliver.

I'd really like the offense to shine in the SB to payback the defense for their efforts. But I trust the D to deliver either way.

For me it was the beat down we put on Dallas, I have painfull memories of the NFC Championship games against them before we finally made the Super Bowl in the mid 90's.
This team's 'leap' to me was taken when GB went down and absolutely slapped a good ATL team around. That ass-kicking was as impressive a performance as I've seen from the GBP in a long time.

Somebody here predicted that exact thing before the game in the prediction thread - that they would beat ATL the way the 95 squad did to SF. Egghead.
I think a lot of it this year has to do with chemistry, and with "intangibles".
Like many have said already, this team wouldn't be the team it is WITHOUT going through the injuries that sent 15 players to IR.
I felt they were a year or two away because of Rodgers development and the defense needing to gel. But, you could feel it coming after that win over the Giants.
To me, one of the best things about this team is that it is a TEAM.
It's NOT Bert and 50+ other players along for the ride.
I would be willing to bet that if you asked the guys that played with Bert if this is a better team than the '97 NFC playoff team, they would all agree it is because the focus isn't on one player. Lots of guys have taken turns stepping up this year. That's what helps create the intangibles- to know that someone has been there every day to pick up the load when someone goes down. It's not a team relying on Bert's arm with one last second desperate interception at the goal line. That has really felt good this time around.
Praying for the next week to hurry up and go by fast..
Originally posted by Tdog:
For me and my buddies the word for this season has been "Redemption".
beating Philly on the road twice
sending Vick home from the playoffs
beating the queens twice
beating the bears twice when it mattered most
reclaiming HFA quite a bit, only one loss at home
edit: forgot crushing the giants and eliminating them from the playoffs

by and large, all the result of a DOMinant defense.
First year in a long time that I had confidence in our defense to close out a game which they have had to do too much but they continue to deliver.

I'd really like the offense to shine in the SB to payback the defense for their efforts. But I trust the D to deliver either way.

Or, how about redemption by the defense for a loss at Pittsburgh a year ago? They have exorcised a few demons this year, and I'm hoping they remember the bitter sting of blowing a lead with 2 min left against this team. Hopefully offense and defense get each other's back in this game.
I think they remember the bitter sting.§ion_id=40

β€œIt was embarrassing," defensive end Ryan Pickett said of a game that ended with Pittsburgh wide receiver Mike Wallace catching a 19-yard touchdown pass from Ben Roethlisberger with no time remaining. "To give up the kind of yards we gave up against Pittsburgh last year, we definitely are motivated. The tape wasn't easy to watch. They did everything they pretty much wanted on us."
Originally posted by JJSD:
The upset loss to Lindy in Indy was in 97. They lost to the Queens in the dump and then to the Chefs and Dallass later in the year when guys were getting hurt in droves, including Chmura and Brooks. The biggest 'trauma' in '96 in terms of doubt was, of all games, against the Rams on the road. STL was horrible that year what with the Immortal Tony Banks and Superstar Lawrence Phillips, but that game was in doubt until Evans had an INT that turned it around. GB was on the ropes until then, and a loss there may have led to an implosion.
Yes, good history.

However, Brooks went down in the Monday-nighter against the 49'ers. Remember that game? Beebe had the game of his life and Jacke won it with a 52 yard field goal.

Just before Kansas City/Dallas, Packers lost Chmura and Freeman. Just before Rams, they picked up Rison.

And yes, I agree, that Ram game was the turning point. I remember it was the Sunday night game and the Pack was sluggish until the play of the season - the Doug Evans INT.
Yes, it was a Monday night game. I believe they kept showing Majik in the living room with a couple other Packers as well as Steeler players. The game impacted both teams.

Vikings win, Vikings in, Bengals out, and Steelers in.

Bengals win, Steelers out, Vikings out, and Packers in.

Pack beat the Montana 49'ers in SF that year. Tough end to a wonderful season.

I also remember Sunday if the Patriots beat the Rams, Pack was in. Pats lost in the closing moments.
As to this year, I am the proverbial nervous nellie. Everyone knows that to get to the final game and lose just hurts so bad.

That being said, if the Packers win, the only championship that equates (well, eclipses) is the Ice Bowl because of the immortality it gained for the entire franchise and for Lombardi and that particular team. Now, that team was known to be good and while having a 9-4-1 regular season record (compared to Rams and Colts at 11-1-2), the record was misleading. Losses to Colts and Rams were razor thin close. Pack laid down in the final regular season game to (I believe) the Steelers, as they rested players including Starr.

Also factor in the whole nature of the Ice Bowl.

But, this is special and if the Pack wins, it eclipses all championships from the perspective of the incredible adversity.

If the Pack loses, it will hurt for awhile, but I will ultimately recollect the year very fondly and with a ton of pride and appreciation for being a beneficiary of being a fan of the best team in American professional sports.

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