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My daughter is a senior at Pitt and traveled with some friends to Philly to watch the game there and be where the action was.  I didn't know if I should be more nervous if the Eagles won or lost, but luckily the hometown Philly girl she was with got them on a train home as soon as the game ended.  Can't believe some of the images of the "celebrations" I've seen so far.  Police and hospitals are probably still having a busy day.


Dropping like flies in Philly

Going down in flames

Last edited by RochNyFan

More on TV ratings. 

Personally, the NFL is in trouble and has been for several years.  Too much football, too much cost for average fans, too much technology, too much confusion on rules and penalties, too much coverage, too much analysis and overblow commentary, too much controversy and too much political BS and of course too much MONEY.  Then toss in all looks the same anymore.  Big mistake to keep Goodell...

An audience of 103.4 million TV viewers watched the Philadelphia Eagles win their first Super Bowl ever with their 41-33 victory over the favored New England Patriots, according to Nielsen, a 7% decline from last year for TV's biggest annual event.

NBC put the total number of people watching at 106 million when streaming on digital platforms such as, NFL Mobile, Yahoo Sports and are added in.

The TV audience is the smallest since 2009 when 98.7 million watched Super Bowl XLIII on NBC. The year-to-year decline is not as steep as the nearly 10% drop the NFL experienced during the regular season. But the 7% decline is likely to cause some concern for the league and its television partners.


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