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I am actually disgusted that anyone lives in New Hope and has the audacity to talk about class and dignity
Signed, a PO'd resident of Anoka
It's more disgusting that people talk about baseball.
Imagine the outrage when they find out he was cutting small holes in that net.
Carl Gribberschimdt?
Daaaammmnnn....I'm lookin' GOOD!
"Nets being put up in our Minnesota stadium must be done by someone wearing a Minnesota hat or nothing at all" - Carrie Skagerberg
So... naked maintenance workers?
I could start to understand a sliver of this insanity if the person were wearing a Brewers' hat but trying to mix up your jealousy between football and baseball is just... so minnesucka.
Jealousy knows no boundaries!
Neither does stupidity.
Minnesota fans: People who think petty jealousy and insane provincialism is somehow a great, traditional rivalry.