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My real hero was my Dad, who died as a result of wounds received in the Battle of Bloody Nose Ridge in WWII. He passed away at 37 years old, just what the Marine doctor told him when he was discharged. Turned 37 on June 11 and died July 1. My other hero is my Mom, who lost the baby she was carrying at the time of his death, and for raising six children by herself.

Dad's in this picture, from wikipedia (also in American Heritage Picture History of World War II). Just about in the middle of the picture with his head turned looking back kind of toward the camera. (His helmet almost looks white)

If he had lived, I'm sure I would have been a Marine, but was drafted and trained as a combat medic. 13 1/2 months in Vietnam.

Best wishes today to all veterans of all wars.

Oh, and I now see Fedya in a different light. His heroes are dead actors and actresses, but not dead soldiers!! Can we trade him to a Buffalo forum?
Originally posted by BILL H:
After coming back to the States from Vietnam and being refused service in a San Diego bar and told to get the hell out after ordering a brew,plus all the hateful glances and comments from Californians in general it was really great to see American attitudes change towards Vietnam Vets who were just doing what our Country ordered us to do,its just too bad it took so long.

Buncha tree hugging dip****s in Californdum anyhow. My father served two tours in Vietnam and has similar stories. He stayed in USAF for 28 years and loved every minute of it.
Originally posted by San Doggy:
I'm also a veteran. Navy and Navy Reserve. 22 years in and still going.I will deploy to the Horn of Africa next year and probably will retire afterwards. I was at the Packer game last sunday and what a great moment to be there in the pre-game ceremony thanking veterans for their service.

22 years,nice,is sea deployment still as exhausting and boring as ever,probably not as these are modern ships and not the ancient rustbucket I was a crewmember of in the 60s. you must be an E-9 Master Chief by now eh and if not how did you screw up, lol
I do photogrpahy for the USO here in North Carolina, and I photographed all 13 of the Triad Flights of Honor (part of the Honor Flight program around the country sending World War II veterans to visit their Memorial in Washington D.C.) going out of Greensboro, and it's been the greatest program I've EVER been associated with.

As the planes carrying these heroes leave the airport they are given a "water cannon salute" which is usually reserved for heads of state. These true Americans deserve it more than "heads of state" do...

Thank you, Veterans. It's been the honor of a lifetime to be associated with you.
Originally posted by trump:
True Story:

Thursday night, Quad Cities airport, flight got delayed from 8:45PM to 3am ... not too happy of campers.

about 11AM, alot of commotion going on near the gate where all of my flight were pissin and moanin ... tables being setup, people walking towards our gate with flowers, balloons, some young army guys in their uniforms, some refreshments being setup ... I'm thinkin WTF?

Gate door opens up, here is an honor Flight of Old Vets start coming in slowly, most gettin in wheel chairs thru the crowd ... everyone clapping and cheering, really raucous for being spontaneous, it was awesome ... especially seeing the old boys' faces light up.

I was very happy that I got to be involved in it and I believe most were ... just really neat experience in such a spontaneous and real moment.


Quad cities, Iowa?
Originally posted by BILL H:
After coming back to the States from Vietnam and being refused service in a San Diego bar and told to get the hell out after ordering a brew,plus all the hateful glances and comments from Californians in general it was really great to see American attitudes change towards Vietnam Vets who were just doing what our Country ordered us to do,its just too bad it took so long.

It did take too long. When my unit came back from Desert Storm, the Arizona Cardinals gave all of us a ticket to the card/pats pre-season game (I was stationed at ft. hucahuca, az). During the pre-game ceremonies, they were honoring all the war verterans...WWII, Korea, Viet Nam, then us. The Viet Nam vets got the absulute loudest ovation than any of the the others, and I remember thinking to myself it's about time these men get cheered for their service, rather than getting shat upon.
I always find Veteran's Day sort of wierd for me. I graciously, smile when people offer thanks, but I know that I didn't put my life on the line. I was prepared to, but I served during a mostly peaceful time, so I don't feel like I am a veteran compared to our boys coming back from Nam, Korea, WWII, Iraq, Afghanistan, etc. I served for 4 years (96-00) in the Navy.

Regardless, I tear up everytime I read about these Honor Flights, and know many great men and women have made the ultimate sacrifice for our country.
Originally posted by oshbaul:
Originally posted by trump:
True Story:

Thursday night, Quad Cities airport, flight got delayed from 8:45PM to 3am ... not too happy of campers.

about 11AM, alot of commotion going on near the gate where all of my flight were pissin and moanin ... tables being setup, people walking towards our gate with flowers, balloons, some young army guys in their uniforms, some refreshments being setup ... I'm thinkin WTF?

Gate door opens up, here is an honor Flight of Old Vets start coming in slowly, most gettin in wheel chairs thru the crowd ... everyone clapping and cheering, really raucous for being spontaneous, it was awesome ... especially seeing the old boys' faces light up.

I was very happy that I got to be involved in it and I believe most were ... just really neat experience in such a spontaneous and real moment.


Quad cities, Iowa?

Technically Illinois if you're gettin on a plane ...
Originally posted by PackerRuss:
I always find Veteran's Day sort of wierd for me. I graciously, smile when people offer thanks, but I know that I didn't put my life on the line. I was prepared to, but I served during a mostly peaceful time, so I don't feel like I am a veteran compared to our boys coming back from Nam, Korea, WWII, Iraq, Afghanistan, etc. I served for 4 years (96-00) in the Navy.

Regardless, I tear up everytime I read about these Honor Flights, and know many great men and women have made the ultimate sacrifice for our country.

A Veteran is someone who at one time in their life, wrote a check made payable to The United States of America for an amount up to and including his/her life."
I'm tired of seeing it... card events, flags, service choirs/bands, that God-awful Lee Greenwood song. The list goes on. I'm not unsympathetic to veterans, I'm just tired of seeing the hideous show plastered all over the place.

I'd rather see them promote other types of patriotic public servants or other heroes than just veterans. We're already aware of veterans, so maybe it's time to move on to other types. IMO, the message gets lost if it becomes too repetitive. Forcing teams to see this stuff every year loses the message. You make it 1 month a year to promote other people (new one each year), and you really start educating the people.

One group that comes to mind is postal carriers, especially as so many men watch the NFL and maybe don't know the risks. We all joke about angry shi tzu's with gingivitis, but it's something that all men need to be aware of.


But thanks.

FYI - lest someone takes this post too seriously.
I don't think we can thank our vets enough. The day is just a small gesture of thanks for their service.

I also think people should take time to be thankful for our policemen and firemen (and women) for what they do. Same goes for teachers. To take one out of 365 probably isn't to much, considering what they do for us. Those who volunteer, be it for the Red Cross or your local soup kitchen don't do it for the recognition, but their service to this great country can't be acknowledged enough.

Postal workers get Labor day off, that is probably adequate.
Originally posted by Herschel:
I'm tired of seeing it... card events, flags, service choirs/bands, that God-awful Lee Greenwood song. The list goes on. I'm not unsympathetic to veterans, I'm just tired of seeing the hideous show plastered all over the place.

How dare you, sir??? That is so unpatriotic of you. Lee Greenwood is a great American. When did you join Al Qaeda? Mad

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