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All in all, 15-2 isn't much to sneeze at. Sometimes we have to remember this team is human after all. A lot of good memories and bragging rights from this season. Some spit and polish will take us back to the Super Bowl!
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I really don't feel turrible about the loss.

Really they came out looking a bit overwhelmed after the week they had.

ARodg was off, passes were dropped, D was better but off when they really needed it.

I think this week's tradgey was underscored. It hit them hard.

Still am proud of them and the season.

Got the feeling when Driver got the last TD he was wondering if that's true for him.

He looked like he was soaking it in on the bench afterwards. I never grieved when Favre retired, but if Driver calls it a day, I will be mighty sad.
It was a fun ride.

I guess all they say about how hard it is to repeat is true.

Maybe they get the target off their back next year, and a couple of the defensive players get over their big contracts and get their fire back, and they get some defensive help through the draft or free agency.

I'm already looking forward to next year.
Originally posted by Rusty:
Got the feeling when Driver got the last TD he was wondering if that's true for him.

He looked like he was soaking it in on the bench afterwards.

Yup. Even when he was still on the field.

I bet he hangs them up.
Donald has to come back one more season. The offseason workout and camp aside, he still has it. The guy had some big plays this year, and quite frankly, he dropped the ball less than most of the guys that are supposed to be the stars now.
Some spit and polish will take us back to the Super Bowl!

Are you trying to say we just need to "polish up the spark plugs" & "Give the engine a little tuning" (or words to that effect from Ray Rhodes)???

toobad I'm so disappointed Frowner
I am of course disappointed in the game today but a record of 15 and 2 is something many other teams would really love to have. Repeating as SB champs is a very difficult job.

Donad Driver did a good job today also. I don't recall how many passes he coaught (I remember 2 at least) but he did NOT drop the ball as so many of the other WRs were doing. Hope he stays with the Pack another year.
I don't think they had a target on their backs this year

Everyone else was concerned about Tebow or the Lions or many other stories- especially when they lost to KC to end the undefeated talk

They had it all lined up in front of them- HFA, no New Orleans to worry about, and a pretty weak AFC crop

Maybe the path should have been more difficult because it sure seems to me that when faced with adversity yesterday they collapsed like a house of cards

Oh well, I had the same feeling with the Brewers and Badgers this year- pleased about the fun it was to follow them during the regular season, but also disappointed knowing each team had so much more potential than what they showed at the end

You have to capitalize on these opportunities because you never know how many of them you'll get
The older you get you start to realize that these opportunities don’t come very often. Don’t mind to lose but it kills me to let a season like we had go down the way it did. The game broke my heart last night. Got up this morning put on my Packer jacket and went to work. One hell of a great season and it was an awesome ride but i will not listen to Sirius NFL until after the Super Bowl. Free agency cannot start soon enough. And if it was Donald's last game in Green Bay I want to thank him for all he has done and thanks for showing up yestarday, not many on the team can say they did,

they weren't going to win a second super bowl with that defense.

they capitalized on an opportunity last year.

you can't win the super bowl every year.

they'll have a good team next year, and should be competive for the foreseeable future.

i have no complaints.

we're fans of the greatest team in pro sports.

looking forward to the draft.

as soon as the schedule comes out, i'm making plans to take the whole family to green bay for a game this fall.

go packers!
16-1 in the regular season isn't enough, sorry but I'm not going to accept a regular season conference championship over a Super Bowl Championship. No, their paid well enough to show up for every game and to bust their balls to catch every pass. No thank you for the performance you gave on Sunday, if I want that kind of performance I'll relive the late 70's. This team has too much talent to accept what happened yesterday!!!

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