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Awesome series by Football Outsiders examining the winners/losers of the draft six years after the fact, based on player data and other variables (i.e. injuries). My favorite is the 2001 draft, which looking back, shows how FUBAR this team was going to become under the reign of error of Senator Sherman.


Anyhow, here's the 2008 Draft. Look for how many TT players get a nod.

Great ideas rooted in love.(R)

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As much as Pat Lee was basically worthless to GB for a 2nd rounder, I think he gets an asterisk next to his bust label.  The guy stepped up and held his own in the SB and made a huge difference in that game.  If he plays like crap, GB loses that game - simple as that.  


He's still a bust, but you can't say he didn't make a difference in winning a title.  Sure, it was over the course of 2/3 of a game, but it was the biggest and most important game and it came at a time when GB players were dropping like flies and the team was leaking oil badly.  


No question Brohm-icon was the biggest waste of a pick in that draft.  Ugh.  What a disaster he was.


Last edited by JJSD

Bummer. I wanted Chad Henne too who isn't much better, but went the pick right after Brohm-icon.


Oh well. Can't pick 'em all! All you can do is select the very best player you can with the information provided at the time of the selection & move along. 


However, I'll take TT over every other GM in the league. I like his 'quiet' steely-eyed assassin style

Last edited by Boris

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