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I am shocked just shocked this has not been brought up yet. The girls have a case.

As for pro level Cheerleaders they annoy me more then anything else. When I go to  Raiders game I find the scantily dress cheerleaders as  little more then soft porn. I for one do not like mixing my perversions with football. 


Last edited by turnip blood
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Originally Posted by DH13:

Cheerleaders dancing around is "soft porn"?  Have you not been on the internet since 1997?

Soft Porn on the internet since 1997? It has been as hard as it get since then.


"I have always admired the female strong, power type person that Angelina Jolie plays in her blockbuster type movies like Laura Croft Tomb Raider"

Quote taken off a Raiderette bio.

Sometimes you have accept you are doing what you were put on this planet to do. Being a cheerleader ain't all bad.

If they agreed to an employment contract for $1,250 per season, and in that contract it listed games and other appearances as part of the job... no sympathy. If they took the job without a contract... stupid.



I would agree with you Fedya but the Raiders required the Cheerleaders to do stuff beyond cheering at games there is the problem dang federal and state employment laws.

I may of been a bit too tongue and check about the Raiders Cheerleaders being borderline soft porn. I wanted to take a shot at the Cowboys Cheerleaders; any opportunity to run down that organization is to tempting to pass up.

To bring this discussion to the Packers the way they do there Cheerleaders is right for the team. I think 30% plus of the Packers fan base is women I would guess the women attending Packers game like the college Cheer teams. Doing the cheers for the Packers must be a thrill for the kids doing it.

Last edited by turnip blood

Originally Posted by turnip blood: 

I would agree with you Fedya but the Raiders required the Cheerleaders to do stuff beyond cheering at games there is the problem dang federal and state employment laws.


 Required? Are you reading other articles about this or do you have knowledge about their contract? The link in your OP says nothing about required.



Just a guess. They have an employment contract for games and personal appearances with no parameters around the type or frequency of those non-game events. One of the smarter ones did the math and figured out she was making less than $5 / hour and decided she wanted more. Good luck... but nothing would surprise me with this lawsuit and the judicial system in general.


I saw a TV show were 2 lawers were talking about this cas and they said the Raiders required a bunch of off the clock work from the Cheerleaders. The lawyer  said the Raiders will loose this case.

Sorry I don't remember more I was not very interest in the story until I heard the Cowgirls are doing the samething.

Last edited by turnip blood
Originally Posted by Hungry5:

Just because some lawyers were on TV talking about this doesn't mean they know the details of the case.





All they would have to do is read the legal  brief.

And lets get this topic back on track, taking pop shots at the Dallas Cowboy Cheerleading squad.

Last edited by turnip blood

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