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I can understand the need to tinker but it's a dumb idea IMO.   I don't care if he's 6'3" he's not a point guard.   What is interesting is that this tells me that they are still not 100% satisfied with the PG position.   Kidd has made other comments that Knight might be better suited at the 2 as well.    I know it's been quiet on the Bledsoe front 

Last edited by "We"-Ka-Bong
Looks like a pending deal for Bayless:

Meh. Another stopgap player. Apparently teams that were interested in Bledsoe are being told it will take too much $$$ for the Suns not to match. Bayless ain't it either.

Maybe next year's lottery will yield the PG they need, and then the rebuild journey will be complete. The starting pg for this team is playing for someone else (college or pro) this year.
Bledsoe is a really intriguing guy.  He's ultra talented and had a nice 2013/2014 campaign but for whatever reason Phoenix has not committed to him just yet. 

I think the Bucks have about 11MM in cap space to work with unless they can do some type of sign and trade to free up more money.   Next year they pick up a lot more cap space.

I personally think adding one more young player of Bledsoe's caliber would put this team in a position to be competitive.   Knight could shift to the 2 guard and if they can get Sanders to come around this is a pretty good team.   Ersan has been solid and Delfino can hit outside shots when he's healthy. 

Part of me thinks they might be better off tanking another year to add one more stud in the draft but there's no guarantee there either.   What they do have are two legit building blocks in Giannis and Parker that are 19 and that's a great start.

wait a minute!  They don't have to tank next season.  All they have to do is miss the playoffs.  Then, the new commish will make sure Milwaukee gets the first pick, like fatso did for Cleveland the past 3 out of 4 drafts.   Stern was/is an ass.  Like no one would think that he manipulated the lottery so the Cavs would get top picks.  Feeling sorry for losing LeBron.


The NBA's system of free agency/salary cap sucks.


Bledsoe wants max $$$, and I don't think he's worth that yet. He's unproven as "The Man". Talent, experience... Sure. But is he durable? Is he on par with the Chris Paul type PG?

PHX is entertaining offers because e they're in love with Dragic- and I can see why. He's really good. If they can parlay Bledsoe into another piece, that's what I would do.

So what can they offer in a sign and trade? Though the team recently made it public they're no longer shopping Ilyasova, that's the logical choice to me. A stretch 4 who can do a little of everything? He's a nice piece for a good team- kinda not for a bad tam wth younger players trying to rebuild.

Might be a deal that could work...
Last edited by Music City
Looks like the Bledsoe deal is dead. They're said to be picking up a promising young PG off waivers from the Lakers, Kendall Marshall. I don't recall his career at UNC, but  he entered the NBA after his sophomore season. Drafted by the Suns, was packaged in the Gortat deal with Washington, was waived and picked up by the Lakers after a time in the D league. True PG, I think he can play. Not sure what kind of defender he'll be, but it looks like a decent deal. This must mean no Bledsoe. But from what I have seen he looks more promising than Wolters, who in my view did not have a good summer league.
Last edited by Music City

They can win 25-30 games if they just beat the bad and mediocre teams in the East, which they are fully capable of doing.  I don't see them doing well in the West or against top tier teams this year.  If they can remain competitive while continuing to give their young players experience, they'll get the community behind them which is the most important thing right now.

I'm surprised how well they are playing overall, perhaps I underestimated what the kid would bring to the table (not like I had low expectations either).  I still expect a second half stumble, but at this point just missing the playoffs is the worst thing that can happen.  Either get in and take your lumps, or suck and get that early pick.  

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