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Kinda still a tad bit bitter about the game so the Seahawks can go ahead and die in a plane crash for all I care. All kidding aside, I'm no doubt rooting for the Pats to win and I think they will. Brady looks like a man on a mission. We gave the Pats some great film to show how to beat the Hags legion of boobs. Plus the Hags are not exactly the healthiest team either.

I agree the AFC sucks. But, i am talking matchups here. I do not see seattle stopping the pass offense especially with Gronk. on the other hand i see no conceivable way that wilson passes

consistently on NE cbs. They will become one dimensional with Lynch and Belichek will have a spy to stop the read option.


Believe me, i would like to see noone win this, but all indications to me are a major matchup

problem for Seattle and therefore a blowout.


Last year was the opposite in matchups because the Denver team is and always has been a soft team defensively with an old immobile Manning for the qb known to choke in big games.

I realize Brady is not very mobile but that guy comes up big in big games.


In other words, i believe Seattle is highly overrated this year as gb proved and is probably 70 percent as good as last year while NE is 30 percent better which equals blowout!!!


Unfortunately really cant win on betting cause no spread for this game yet.

@mortreport: NFL has found that 11 of the 12 Patriots' game balls used in Sunday’s AFC title game were under-inflated by 2 lbs each, per league sources.


@mortreport: NFL has no comment at this time and Patriots say they will continue to cooperate with the investigation. 


@JasonLaCanfora: As NFL investigates Deflate-gate would be wise to speak to Ravens. Some there believe kicking balls used in their playoff game underinflated.


@JasonLaCanfora: There appeared to be less air in some kicking balls which may have had an impact on the depth of punts and kickoffs in AFC Divisional game.


@itsCrab: @AaronNagler Loss of 7th round pick, sweep under rug, "Guys look! The Super Bowl!".


Last edited by ilcuqui

I'm sure the commish that was at the owner's party Saturday night will dispense justice fairly.


This was Saturday night. But Rog is on top of this story!
@TwhitlockJason: Roger Goodell has announced that newly appointed independent investigator, Robert Kraft, will make a ruling on punishment for Patriots.
Last edited by ilcuqui

Looking forward to Pete Carroll being asked to comment on New England cheating. That won't be awkward. 


And WTF is with New England's maniacal desire to pull **** like this? Are they that hard up to make everyone forget they cheated they resort to cheating? Is Billy just a pathological nut job? 

Last edited by ChilliJon

Since the K balls are exclusively in the possession of the refs, from delivery at the game site to direct observation by a ref while each team is given 45 minutes to rub the ball down, doubtful those balls were messed with.


See here for more on the K ball process:


Last edited by El-Ka-Bong

Earlier this afternoon.


Rodgers on Patriots deflated ball story:

I have a major problem with the way it goes down. Majority of time referees take air out of the ball.


Flat football is an advantage if you have smaller hands.


It's not an advantage when you have a football that's inflated more than average air pressure. We're not kicking these footballs.




Interesting point from Aaron Rodgers on air pressure. Upset that officials take air out, says wants more air, no maximum on pressure.
Last edited by H5
@JasonLaCanfora: As NFL investigates Deflate-gate would be wise to speak to Ravens. Some there believe kicking balls used in their playoff game underinflated.

Can we finally get rid of the ****ing -gate suffix for every single GD "scandal"?
Interesting point from Aaron Rodgers on air pressure. Upset that officials take air out, says wants more air, no maximum on pressure.
If the NFL is going to give the finger to kickers by making them use a special ball they're not allowed to doctor, they need to do it with the regular balls too.

What I don't understand is that it took a Ravens player who intercepted a ball to determine the balls were underinflated.  


After every play, one of the refs---line judge, back judge, side judge, etc- is handed the ball by a ball carrier so they can spot it for the next play.  None of the refs noticed the ball was underinflated, that the balls used by the Ravens were inflated differently than those used by the Pats?

Retired ref Gerry Austin was just on Mike & Mike. He said the refs are more concerned about getting the ball back in play rather than the state of the ball itself.  Also the balls were checked at the half, found to be under inflated and brought back up to standards. So how did they get under inflated again? Someone on the Pat's sideline almost had to be doing it.  Was it under the direction of Brady or Belicheat or did he do it independently?  

At some point, the NFL will reach the tipping point with that arrogant prick Billy B and tell him to take his sawed off hoodie and go **** himself. They guy is a either a serial cheater of just an unstable moron. 


And if the NFL doesn't do it Kraft might. He's also got to be getting sick of Billy embarrassing him and his franchise. 

It's a friggin clown show. 


The only contact I've had about the game is at work & here on x4. I refuse to turn on any sport channels. 


I'm going to Vegas for the Super Bowl & probably have a nice dinner. Should be a great time getting back to real life

Originally Posted by cuqui:
Originally Posted by ammo:

There is no way in hell I want the Seahags to win the Super Bowl. And the reason, if they win in 2 weeks then they have the chance to be the 1st team to win 3 straight.  There is no way in hell I want any team to have the chance to do that other than THE GREEN BAY PACKERS!!!!!!!!!!!!  It would be totally intolerable if the Seahags and Pete Frickin Carroll are the 1st team to win 3 straight. 

Packers won three straight NFL championships. Twice. Why people act as if football wasn't invented until after the Super Bowl astounds me.

And the Canton/Cleveland Bulldogs won the NFL championship in 1922, 1923, and 1924, the final year as the Cleveland Bulldogs.  As I internet searched, I saw that Jim Thorpe was their coach from 1915-1920 which I think is pretty cool.

Originally Posted by ChilliJon:

At some point, the NFL will reach the tipping point with that arrogant prick Billy B and tell him to take his sawed off hoodie and go **** himself. They guy is a either a serial cheater of just an unstable moron. 


And if the NFL doesn't do it Kraft might. He's also got to be getting sick of Billy embarrassing him and his franchise. 

He's too much of a darling "next legend" for the NFL to do that.  Or for Kraft to either.  Isn't Goodell still boss?

Was Gooddell ever boss?


Bellichick could poop on the NFL logo on the field of the Super Bowl before kickoff, reveal that he was with OJ that night and brought the knife and that he was on the grassy knoll in Dallass that day in 1963 and he'd still skate.


Billy B is a great coach, but he's also a sleaze, as much as I know that will upset the knob-shiners here and everywhere else.  Regardless, he generates a ton of revenue for Gooddell's bosses so he's not going anywhere.

This whole thing is unreal.  The advantage you'd gain seems to be so small that to go through all the effort and deceit to deflate these balls makes you look pretty bad.  The risk/reward just doesn't seem to be there.  Spygate actually makes sense b/c you would get an enormous advantage to know exactly what plays your opponent is practicing.  But deflating balls?  Just doesn't seem worth it.  More than anything it's just embarrassing to the Patriots.  How do you explain/rationalize this to your fans?  


IMO, Goodell should disqualify them from the Super Bowl and take away their entire 2015 draft.  Send the message that organizational cheating is absolutely unacceptable in the NFL and any attempt to do so will result in significant penalties.  Make cheating not worth it.  This being the second time, a harsh penalty makes sense.  However, we all know what will happen.  There will be a meaningless fine of $1-2 million and they'll lose a late round draft pick.  

@mortreport: NFL has found that 11 of the 12 Patriots' game balls used in Sunday’s AFC title game were under-inflated by 2 lbs each, per league sources.


So, did the Packers play with Seattle's balls for the NFCCG? I thought the balls where the NFL's? 





Last edited by H5
Originally Posted by CUPackFan:

 But deflating balls?  Just doesn't seem worth it.

It is if Tommy wants it. Today's QBs are obsessive about this. Hell, Peyton and Tommy got the league to change the rules a few years back concerning whether game balls could be scuffed up before game use so they could have an improved grip.



Last edited by ilcuqui
NFL/Goodell do something about?

Haha, yeah right .... Next thing you'll be saying is Goldman Sachs is not manipulating the Aluminum market, JPMorgan is not manipulating the Silver market and all the major banks are not manipulating the Gold market for the Fed.
Originally Posted by trump:
NFL/Goodell do something about?

Haha, yeah right .... Next thing you'll be saying is Goldman Sachs is not manipulating the Aluminum market, JPMorgan is not manipulating the Silver market and all the major banks are not manipulating the Gold market for the Fed.

And the government isn't prosecuting because it really doesn't know!

Suspend Belichick for the Super Bowl.  Who knows, maybe it was Brady's call but it was under Belichick's watch.


The result of the game has no impact on the fact that they knowingly broke the rules.


Article below discusses what a great bad weather team the Patriots are.


I still want to see them beat Seattle.

Not seeing why the Pat's should be punished? This is a league issue to me. They need to keep a better grip on their balls so something like this doesn't happen.


This isn't Minnesota man, this is the Super Bowl.

Who knows if deflation or spygate or roughing a baseball or breaking into the Watergate helped or not.  WTF happened to integrity in this day and age?  Muricans.....god shed his grace on thee.

Originally Posted by Boris:

It's a friggin clown show. 


The only contact I've had about the game is at work & here on x4. I refuse to turn on any sport channels. 


I'm going to Vegas for the Super Bowl & probably have a nice dinner. Should be a great time getting back to real life

Now you feel my pain - Fk the sports channels! Have a good dinner!!!

It is a good bet the Pats got caught cheating again. The NFL sure made it easy for them to cheat, it makes me wonder about all the other teams cheating. The league should take charge of handling the ball for 31 teams. Of course they should let the Packer inflate their ball to what ever they think is proper.

Originally Posted by cuqui:

@BartHubbuch: Belichick should get the most severe and excruciating punishment possible for him: "Hard Knocks."

He would probably have at least a couple on-screen meltdowns directed at the film crew over the course of training camp if his team was forced to be on that show.

Last edited by Pack-Man

I thought it remarkable that each team plays with the footballs they provide for the games in this day and age. Seems like a rule that may be obsolete. I hate to see yet more legislation come into the game, but what else can be done?

Once teams provide footballs to the refs before the game, they shouldn't touch them again until they're returned after the game. Let the ball crews inflate them, with a ref supervising. Both teams plays with the same footballs. I suppose there's the issues of 'scuffing' them before games, but if an easy answer isn't available, let 'em play with what they get.


I read a quote from Brady that he said he likes for Gronkowski to spike the ball after a score, because he slams it down so hard it deflates the ball a bit. There is enough people and time to monitor air pressure during the games, as far as I'm concerned, to take that out of the equation.


Punishment? Meh.



John Madden made a great point, that no coach on the planet would ever unilaterally mess with the game balls.  Anything done to the game balls would have to come at the QB's direction.  Of course that means that Brady would be the instigator here, not Belichick.  And Belichick has denied any involvement, hanging Brady out to dry.  If true, that Brady paid or directed a team employee to mess with the balls post referee inspection, do you think he gets suspended for the Super Bowl?  There really is no other way to punish Brady for this, as a fine would just signal to every other $20m a year QB that you can effectively pay your way out of this.  This is getting very interesting.....  

I'm kind of coming around to the chance the NFL might suspend Brady for the SB. Or at least it's not quite the "no effing way" it sounded like a couple days ago. 


I think it's becoming obvious Brady instigated the whole thing and probably has for some time. 


The point has been made that taking a little air out of a ball amounts to dick in the grand scheme of things. I'm 100% on board with that. But it's still a premeditated act of doing something outside what's allowed. 


And here's where the NFL does a tremendous job of backing itself into a corner that make a decision on letting Brady slide not quite as easy as it maybe should be.


Last week the NFL caught wind that Marshawn Lynch was going to wear the gold plated kicks. They informed him that if he wore them he's was getting ejected from the game. Ejected for wearing non-conforming shoes. 


If Brady did what it looks like he did. And he did it on his own. How do you tell Marshawn he's getting tossed over a pair of shoes in the NFC Championship game and turn around and give Brady a hall pass when you know what he did. Assuming again he did what it looks like he did. 


I'm just saying it could happen. 

Worst case scenario Brady is fined.


If any suspension would take place, the NFL would "announce it" on Saturday "evening", then Brady would appeal & at best his suspension would take place in September.


There is no way they suspend him for the Super Bowl....NO WAY

Agree, Boris, it won't happen.  But it should.  And for those that keep saying "it's not that big of a deal, move on", if it isn't a big deal, then why is Brady doing it?  You don't cheat like this because it's not a big deal; clearly it is a big deal to Brady.  


He's got a press conference in 30 minutes.  Should be interesting.  

Why the NFLPA didn't bargain on player punishments, how quickly any action is taken, and associated issues is beyond me. The disparity in punishments/penalties/fines, who they are levied on, and how quickly/how long (duration) begs for it.

Tom may get a slap on the wrist of some sort, but it won't be enforced until next season, at the earliest. Or if at all.

Spygate - tapes burned, $1 million fine and lost what a 1st round draft pick?  No wonder they pile up so many draft picks.  No suspensions levied.


Deflate gate - watch them suspend Brady for the season opener or something lame like that.


Bounty gate - massive fines levied, lost I believe 2 draft picks, 2 coaches were suspended for a season and 2 more for parts of a season.


Seems like an inequality of justice.  Only one of those teams above have an owner who takes selfies with the Commissioner.



Originally Posted by CUPackFan:

Agree, Boris, it won't happen.  But it should.  And for those that keep saying "it's not that big of a deal, move on", if it isn't a big deal, then why is Brady doing it?  You don't cheat like this because it's not a big deal; clearly it is a big deal to Brady.  


He's got a press conference in 30 minutes.  Should be interesting.  

The actual incident itself isn't as big of a deal, IMO, but as part of the whole....


It's like in Baseball if you swing and miss at two terrible pitches, work it back to a full count and then have a foul tip that's caught it doesn't matter that it was the "best" of the strikes, you're still out, sit your carcass down.

Seems like an inequality of justice.  Only one of those teams above have an owner who takes selfies with the Commissioner.
To play devil's advocate, only one of them touches fairly directly on player safety, which the NFL claims to care about.  More than NFLPA bigwigs like Drew Brees.

Brady presser, ongoing:

QB Tom Brady: “I didn’t alter the ball in any way.” Says he wouldn’t do anything to break the rules.


Brady: "I have no knowledge of any wrongdoing." says was in locker room preparing for game. Had no idea what may have happened to balls.


Brady: "I feel like we won the game fair and square."


Last edited by ilcuqui

"Everyone is trying to figure out what happened"


The ballboy better cut a sweetheart of a deal with Tom Terrific before he agrees to take that grenade. 


Brady isn't good at lying either.  

Originally Posted by MichiganPacker:

Brady's press conference.


"I have no knowledge of any wrongdoing."
- Tom Brady


"Jerry, just remember, it's not a lie if you believe it."


George Costanza

So you have to wonder if it happened vs the Colts, how many other games did they do it?


How many great fingertip catches did Gronk make because he could grip the ball better ... all season long? 


One or two catches that otherwise would not have happened, could add up to gaining home-field advantage for the playoffs .  (i.e. Jordy Nelson at Buffalo)


As a kids soccer coach, I checked the inflation of the balls.   Granted this was soccer but it made a difference for the goalie and obviously kicking.   I'm sure at least the QB coaches), know how inflated/deflated their guy likes it. 



On Tuesday Troy Vincent said the NFL would have their investigation over soft balls wrapped up in 2-3 days.


Today Brady said no one from the NFL has approached him or requested to speak with him. 


Stands to reason Tom Brady might be a person of interest if your investigating the possibility the Patriots are taking the air out of footballs. But WTF do I know.


It's like not asking to see the elevator tape all over again. Goodell's NFL will always be a three ring clown show. 


But the very best part of all this is that Roger really did want this all wrapped up and swept under the rug by today. Tomorrow at the latest. He was really hoping it was a whole lot of nothing. Or a story they could make go away. 


It ain't going away. The Patriots pulled some **** again. And now this story is going to dominate every day and 100% of media day and the days leading up to the NFL's marquis game. It's Rogers worst nightmare. 

Last edited by ChilliJon

I honestly don't understand how each team gets to bring their own balls to the game and can scuff them up and all that stuff, but then there are rules that the balls need to be inflated to a certain pressure?  If a team can legally scuff up a ball to make it easier to grip, then why is it illegal to under-inflate a ball to make it easier to grip and catch?


So this ball pressure thing is a strict rule and all teams need to abide by it regardless if it really makes sense or not.  I certainly can appreciate that.  Alright, apparently officials inspect these ball and then turn them back over to the teams?  Why would you do that if there are regulations on ball pressure?  Shouldn't the correct way of doing it would be the teams bring their own balls, the game officials inspect them and green light them, then they go into separate boxes on the sideline where an NFL employee watches the box and is the guy that shuffles balls in and out of play.  The NFL can't pay some credible guy 25 bucks an hour to do this?  It would be like MLB umpires mudding up the balls and then an hour before the game handing half of them to a spit-ball pitcher and think that nothing else will happen to those balls.


Belichick is a cheater, we've know that for a long time.  Brady now looks like a cheater too.  Those guys are looking pretty bad.  But the NFL looks pretty bad too, what a bunch of idiots to have rules like this on the books and to have the complete lack of ball control policy that they have.   They were only asking for trouble with this lack of oversight and now it's bitten them right in the ass at the worst possible time.


I don't think anything happens to Brady although if it's proven he had involvement I think a minimum of a four game suspension would be in order.  As far as the Pats, they will lose a first round pick over this and probably even more than that.

Originally Posted by Herschel:

Well, of course Brady didn't do anything to the balls himself. Where was BK's pool boy before the game? It shouldn't have taken much to out-bid for an afternoon of his services.

Miguel knows nothing of American football.


La Pelota........Si!

Last edited by Blair Kiel
Originally Posted by ZUF:

So you have to wonder if it happened vs the Colts, how many other games did they do it?




I'd bet an under-inflated ball is a lot easier for Edelman and his smaller hands to throw.   

15 years worth of Patriot players with names no one will ever remember or recognize gave their sweat and heart to a coach that turned their life's work into an asterisk. 


Bill Belichick is the biggest kind of dick. He cheated therefore they cheated. Dick. 

If it were any other team other than New England I think people wouldn't be so up and arms about this

The problem is the Patriots have a history of bending or breaking the rules and it's almost gotten to a point where they just don't care what may or may not happen if they get caught

At some point the league needs to send a message that integrity matters but once again they are fumbling and bumbling their way through this

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