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Brady thinks he has "7 or 8 years left?" I guess he wasn't paying attention to what happened to Favre in 2010. When your ability to play goes, it goes in the blink of an eye. All of those little nagging injuries you've been able to shove aside for so many years suddenly can't be overcome. The straw that breaks the camel's back just gets laid down. It can even happen immediately after having one of your best seasons. It'll happen to him in 2-3 years, just like it does to everyone. George Blanda was the rare exception to the rule.

Last edited by Pack-Man

The artist has since apologized to Tom Brady.  


Later on Wednesday, Rosenberg actually apologized for the sketch during an interview with WBZ Boston.

“I didn’t make Tom Brady look as handsome as he is,” she said. “I apologize to Tom Brady. And all the NFL fans.”

She added: "“He’s a very handsome guy. It’s very hard in a very short time to get somebody so good- looking to look as good as they look [in person].

“There’s no characteristic that really stands out. He doesn’t have a big nose, he doesn’t have bushy eyebrows or a beard. He’s just all perfect — perfect angles, nice blue eyes.”


I think I'm going to be sick......   

The first time Brady had to play with properly inflated footballs ?

He sailed 2 of his 4 passes high over the WR, just as you'd expect.

1 for 4 on the night ? Clearly having control issues


That's yet another smoking gun; case closed.   

I don't think all teams, but I'm sure there are a lot of teams. I wouldn't put it past guys like Rex Ryan or Jeff Fisher to pull something like this. Guys from the Jeff Fisher tree like Greg Williams or Jim Schwartz never seemed to have much trouble encouraging illegal behavior. Same goes for a guy like Mike Shannahan who didn't have a problem cheating in the past.

Aaron Hernandez Reportedly Involved in Fight with Another Prisoner

Former New England Patriots tight end Aaron Hernandez was reportedly involved in a fight with another inmate Thursday at the Souza-Baranowski Correctional Center in Shirley, Massachusetts.  


Sources told CBS Boston that Hernandez, who's currently serving a life sentence after being convicted in the 2013 murder of Odin Lloyd, got into a scuffle with another inmate. NBC Boston noted the fight occurred as Hernandez "was being moved back into the prison block after spending time in segregation."


It's the third reported incident involving Hernandez during his time behind bars.


more at link:


The thing I don't get is that the NFLPA and NFL agreed in the CBA, that Gooddell would be the arbitrator.  It was dumb for the NFLPA to agree to that, but maybe they were smart, since they would litigate all issues.  I'm not sure how the judge can just throw out the CBA?  

Link to ruling.


Analysis from SI expert and Andrew Brandt.

@McCannSportsLaw: My @SInow legal analysis of Judge Berman ruling for Tom Brady and how the NFL will appeal:


@theMMQB: A stunning rebuke to Goodell and the NFL: @adbrandt reacts to vacating of Brady suspension

Last edited by ilcuqui
Originally Posted by phaedrus:

From what I am hearing, it looks like the NFL never came close to proving Brady did anything wrong.

The ruling is about process and really doesn't address culpability.

Originally Posted by phaedrus:

From what I am hearing, it looks like the NFL never came close to proving Brady did anything wrong.

Yup, I didn't think they did either, but by the terms of the CBA, as long as Roger was convinced the player had broken the rules he could punish the player. Well, the Players Union are not looking so stupid after all. They keep whipping Roger and the owners in court.


No doubt in my mind that Brady cheated, but the NFL couldn't prove it, IMO.

Last edited by Goalline

If I were Goodell, I would double-check for ignitition starting explosive devices. Gotta figure Kraft pushes Rog out, or the other team owners who wanted the Patriots to get punished will push him out. Its a no-win for the current Commish.

NFL appeals.


Appeal is heard during the season.


Court overturns Berman's ruling and rules in favor of NFL. 


High court refuses to to hear additional appeals. 


Brady is suspended for 4 games starting week 14.

Originally Posted by Goalline:
Originally Posted by phaedrus:

From what I am hearing, it looks like the NFL never came close to proving Brady did anything wrong.

Yup, I didn't think they did either, but by the terms of the CBA, as long as Roger was convinced the player had broken the rules he could punish the player. Well, the Players Union are not looking so stupid after all. They keep whipping Roger and the owners in court.


No doubt in my mind that Brady cheated, but the NFL couldn't prove it, IMO.

Brady destroyed his phone! They have pages of text messages. This isn't proof?!?!


The entire thing is such a farce

The aftermath sounds like the legal parameter in the judge's ruling was entirely about the "process" of the investigation - and its loopholes specifically by the NFL. Nothing at all about the tampering of the balls, or sledgehammer to the cell phone.

Originally Posted by Boris:
Originally Posted by Goalline:
Originally Posted by phaedrus:

From what I am hearing, it looks like the NFL never came close to proving Brady did anything wrong.

Yup, I didn't think they did either, but by the terms of the CBA, as long as Roger was convinced the player had broken the rules he could punish the player. Well, the Players Union are not looking so stupid after all. They keep whipping Roger and the owners in court.


No doubt in my mind that Brady cheated, but the NFL couldn't prove it, IMO.

Brady destroyed his phone! They have pages of text messages. This isn't proof?!?!


The entire thing is such a farce

What did the messages say? Not much. Brady destroying his phone shows his guilt, but it is not evidence.

I wonder what affect this is going to have on the office of the commissioner. Players know that they can appeal any of his rulings with the knowledge that there's a good chance of winning an appeal. The Brady ruling essentially emasculates Goodell.


It sure isn't like when Pete Rozelle was commissioner.

Can't really compare Rozelle and Goodell. 


Pete worked with a group of owners that included names like Halas, Brown, Wilson, Davis, Mara, Rooney, Hunt, Modell. The majority of the owners in the 60's and 70's were football men that cared about football. 


Goodell works for 31 businessmen that care about money.  


Also, Pete Rozelle was very adept at getting people to talk and solving problems while Goodell is a kind of a dumbass. 

Goodell is perfect for the owners. You have a bunch of rich billionaires - some of which are literally criminals (see Haslem's corruption charges) or tend to be tone-deaf and say incredibly stupid things (Dan Snyder, etc.). The more people focus on the fact that Goodell is a dumbass, the less time they have to consider what awful people some of the owners are.

That $44mm was for one year.


I believe the (other) owners got what they wanted out of this.

- fine and picks from Kraft

- increased media coverage and a controversial topic, with a QB who'll play in the TNF opener

- concussions? damn it, we've got deflated balls to talk about


The league is better off with Brady playing, so why wouldn't the owners want him playing?

Originally Posted by cuqui:

It is your fault Roger.


I know.


It is your fault Roger...


I know...


It is your fault Roger...




It IS your fault Roger....



Keep in mind this ruling doesn't nix the fine nor the picks. It was ruled only on the suspension.


As others said however, this is just another in a long line of mass  F up's by the league.


From this to Bounty gate to Ray Rice to Adrian Peterson to Greg Hardy to concussion denials they have just screwed their reputation again and again.


I think Roger needs to find a new day job.

Also, the ruling was not about whether or not Brady knew or had anything to do with the deflated balls, it was all about the process the NFL office went through in suspending Brady. 

Which is interesting, given that NFL investigations are not the courts in the first place.  So they are expected to follow legal procedures when investigating serious breaches in game conduct but do not have the power to compel people to turn over evidence.  This is a no-win situation for the NFL. 

Berman ruled based on the filing of the appeal. The appeal was not whether balls were deflated or not and what Brady did or didn't know about that, it was about after all that what the NFL did to decide to suspend him. Really smart move by Brady / NFLPA. "Yeah, sure, I did it. But you didn't follow the CBA in determining my suspension, so ef off."




Last edited by ilcuqui

Some article stated, that Rog can hand down another punishment, maybe it's 2 games, 1 game, etc.  The judge overturned this punishment, but other punishment is still possible and legal.


There is no double jeopardy in this case, since it's not criminal.    

Roger will never do that. Instead, this will be appealed and overturned somewhere around mid November. Then it's a matter of whether he'll have the balls to invoke his suspension at the critical point of the season.


Which he won't.

That same article stated that the NFL has a really tough road to get this initial decision overturned.  Who knows, most people expected the judge to side with the NFL in this case.  But to have 2 out of 3 judges overturn a district judge's decision is extremely difficult according to joe blow legal guy's article.  

Goodell didn't have a factually strong enough case to justify a suspension. This is an embarrassment for him after flubbing the Bountygate and Ray Rice situations. Brady probably should have gotten a hefty fine and maybe a 1-2 game suspension IF he justified it as a reaction to Brady being uncooperative with the investigation. Brady would have appealed, knock it down to 1 game and the punishment would have been accepted.

This will put them over the top again.

@ByRyanWood: Can confirm @RapSheet report that the Patriots claimed former #Packers third-round DT Khyri Thornton. He's on their 53-man roster.

Billy B wonders what TT saw in him.


TT might've mistakenly cut him.


Khyri could be the next Vince Wilfork.


Gotta check it out....

Last edited by Boris

Bill is just finishing up his efforts in matching- up the the video he took of the Packers defensive calls to the hand signals and the ILB checks


Belichick got a little bit more of the puzzle from Worthy and now some more from Thornton. Having to play with properly inflated balls this year means his offense is gonna need every edge they can find.

Losing Revis and Browner is really being glossed over by people analyzing the Pats.  You don't lose a historically great coverman and just assume "next man up".  And Browner is a damn good player (despite the fact he should be called for illegal contact on majority of plays), probably one of the best #2 CBs you can find.  They go from arguably the best 2 CBs in the league, to arguably the worst.  


As for Pats grabbing Thornton, sounds a lot like the Worthy move.  Probably some respect for TT but also have no doubt BB had his eye on Thornton in the draft.  Maybe they saw the same thing and BB wants to see for himself if Thornton is a lost cause.  

Spygate is back


An ESPN Outside the Lines report, citing interviews with more than 90 sources around the NFL, says that the Spygate cheating lasted “at least 40 games over a period of several seasons from 2000 to 2007,” and that the league never fully investigated all the accusations against the team.


According to the report, the taping of opponents’ signals reached the point where the Patriots had diagrams of the stolen signals that they could use during games.




The report also says that other teams were much more upset about the Patriots’ cheating than they let on, because NFL Commissioner Roger Goodell convinced the rest of the league not to press the issue. Former Rams coach Mike Martz, whose team lost to the Patriots in Belichick’s first Super Bowl, said he was pressured by a “panicked” Goodell to issue a statement saying he was satisfied by the league’s investigation of the Patriots. Martz said he agreed to go along with Goodell’s request to issue a statement backing the league not because he was completely satisfied by the investigation, but because Goodell convinced Martz that a prolonged scandal could badly damage the league.

Was just going to post this, pduck.


Cites a lengthy article in ESPN the Magazine going into massive detail about the Patriots' surveillance state.


Devastating read. Billy B works every angle. 

Last edited by ilcuqui

The taping is bad enough, the other stuff is worse:


From the article:


Several of them acknowledge that during pregame warm-ups, a low-level Patriots employee would sneak into the visiting locker room and steal the play sheet, listing the first 20 or so scripted calls for the opposing team's offense. (The practice became so notorious that some coaches put out fake play sheets for the Patriots to swipe.) Numerous former employees say the Patriots would have someone rummage through the visiting team hotel for playbooks or scouting reports. Walsh later told investigators that he was once instructed to remove the labels and erase tapes of a Patriots practice because the team had illegally used a player on injured reserve. At Gillette Stadium, the scrambling and jamming of the opponents' coach-to-quarterback radio line -- "small s---" that many teams do, according to a former Pats assistant coach -- occurred so often that one team asked a league official to sit in the coaches' box during the game and wait for it to happen. Sure enough, on a key third down, the headset went out.


But the Patriots kept doing it. In November 2006, Green Bay Packers security officials caught Matt Estrella shooting unauthorized footage at Lambeau Field. When asked what he was doing, according to notes from the Senate investigation of Spygate that had not previously been disclosed, Estrella said he was with Kraft Productions and was taping panoramic shots of the stadium. He was removed by Packers security.


That same year, according to former Colts GM Bill Polian, who served for years on the competition committee and is now an analyst for ESPN, several teams complained that the Patriots had videotaped signals of their coaches. And so the Patriots -- and the rest of the NFL -- were warned again, in writing, before the 2007 season, sources say.



This sh!t goes back to 2000. Think about that. 15 years of cheating. And this is just a snip of the bullsh!t that they pulled. And the league knew it. And let them get away with it.


It's getting to be a bigger and bigger clusterfu** for the NFL and Rog. There is no going back in this can of worms. And the NFL knows it.

Mutually Assured Destruction. Patriots won the court battle so the league is airing all their dirty laundry. Is anyone surprised by any of these revelations? The Patriots are going to leak something that makes Goodell look worse and then the league will leak something else. It won't end until Goodell resigns and Belichick retires.

I usually like reading Bill Simmons and he was one of the few to have the cajones to call out Goodell, but I would guess he won't have the guts to comment on this.


Grave Digger's right. This won't end until Belichick retires and Goodell resigns. I'll go one step further - it won't really end until Kraft gives up the Patriots (which will only happen when he dies).


There's also a pretty good argument for fraud as it relates to point spreads in Vegas. That's an angle that could be considered by someone.

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