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Methinks the SCOTUS has a few more pressing issues to deal with than to consider if Brady deflates his balls. Brady may try, but 98% certain that appeal would be rejected promptly. The SCOTUS accepts very, very few cases as it is (read somewhere like 1% of cases presented) and only those with constitutional consequences. Sit your 4 weeks and stew Brady. 

El-Ka-Bong posted:

I think Brady knowingly cheated.

i also think 4 games is crazy for under inflated footballs.  Spying on practices was way worse.

4 games for slightly underinflating balls.

2 games for cold cocking your wife and dragging her out of an elevator (Ray Rice)

It's sad to think that Brady would have gotten less of a suspension had he assaulted Giselle rather than this gamesmanship (which is all this really was). It's the equivalent of letting the grass on the field grow longer or shorter depending on your opponent.


MichiganPacker posted:
El-Ka-Bong posted:

I think Brady knowingly cheated.

i also think 4 games is crazy for under inflated footballs.  Spying on practices was way worse.

4 games for slightly underinflating balls.

2 games for cold cocking your wife and dragging her out of an elevator (Ray Rice)

It's sad to think that Brady would have gotten less of a suspension had he assaulted Giselle rather than this gamesmanship (which is all this really was). It's the equivalent of letting the grass on the field grow longer or shorter depending on your opponent.


Disagree here. While no one should ever hit a wife/girl friend or any woman.  What Ray Rice did had no effect on a game.  What Brady did may have well affected the outcome of an important game.  Add in the previous misdeeds of the Pats and it is easy to see why Brady got hammered, and rightly so. 

ammo posted:

Disagree here. While no one should ever hit a wife/girl friend or any woman.  What Ray Rice did had no effect on a game.  What Brady did may have well affected the outcome of an important game.  Add in the previous misdeeds of the Pats and it is easy to see why Brady got hammered, and rightly so. 

I think if you go back and put every important game in league history under a microscope you will find things more severe than Tom's deflated balls. Is it any more egregious than players using stickum for years before it was banned? Is it worse than ARod saying he over inflates the balls because he throws it better that way? It's just crap that goes on and people only care in this instance because they love to hate the Patriots. Tom shouldn't be punished equally or more severely than PED users or off-field offenders who damage the credibility of the league. We laugh now about guys using stickum back in the day, but how many game winning TD's or INT's were caught because that player had an extra advantage? 

Last edited by Grave Digger
Henry posted:

The fact this was being pushed to SCOTUS should result in the Patriots organization being docked 1st round picks and Brady suspended for a year for wasting SCOTUS and the American people's time.

I didn't even give a **** before but **** that self important bull****.

I enjoy your invective filled rants Henry, I always read them carefully to make sure I know where to insert "****" and when to put in "****" to properly maintain original intent.

But GD, back in the day of stickum, everyone used it so all receivers had the same advantage just like all receivers today use the gloves they do -- and they all benefit. In Brady's case, only Brady (and his RBs for ease of holding onto the ball) benefited. That skews the game. I don't care if he underinflates or if ARod overinflates, but if you want to make it fair then let everyone choose which they prefer. Otherwise, it's one player/team having an advantage.

That's exactly my point. Tom Brady did not think up this under-inflated ball scheme, my guess is that this practice is as common as stickum was. Also a soft ball makes it easier to throw, catch and hold on to for the offense, but it also makes it easier for the defense to hold and catch. We know at least one other QB manipulates the footballs and there doesn't seem to be an issue with Packer fans. 

antooo posted:
Henry posted:

The fact this was being pushed to SCOTUS should result in the Patriots organization being docked 1st round picks and Brady suspended for a year for wasting SCOTUS and the American people's time.

I didn't even give a **** before but **** that self important bull****.

I enjoy your invective filled rants Henry, I always read them carefully to make sure I know where to insert "****" and when to put in "****" to properly maintain original intent.

x4 Wheel of Fortune.

For all those who say we should be doing things "the Patriot way" - and I know a few, I have 2 comments:  1) GB players are wondering how to replicate some of the things the Patriots do - cutting hand with a scissors would be one.  2) As it pertains to cheating - I can't say the jury is still out on Matthews and Peppers when it isn't formed yet - but should they be found innocent we can say we tried but it doesn't work. 

Last edited by Ghost of Lambeau

One of the more mind blowing stats is that NE has played in the AFCCG 13 of the last 18 years.  I can't think of any similar stats that come close to matching that when it comes to team success.  They're also 10-4 in those games...= they've played in 10 SB's since 85.

I used to despise NE, BB and TB and always had the "but" or * tied to their history.  Then I just gave up and relented at what a run they've had.  Now I'm just really sick of seeing them in January.  They've become a clichÃĐ.  

Brainwashed Boris posted:

Did you know....

The Patriots have been favored in 67 straight games in the playoffs.

Currently the Chiefs are favored by 3. If that line doesn't move by Sunday, it will be the first time the Pats take the field as a legit betting underdog in the playoffs.

Do you mean 67 straight games “including” the playoffs? I don’t think the Patriots have played 67 playoff games. 

DH13 posted:
Brainwashed Boris posted:

That's a long friggin time. Wonder if that 3 point spread holds before kickoff? It's Tuesday & neither line has moved at all. Money spread out so far. 

Dicey weather and possible teens predicted for KC on Sunday.  I would think that favors NE.

I dunno, sloppy weather might benefit NE but methinks cold weather should benefit the youngsters. When I was Mahomes age, cold temps never bothered me. I realize that Brady has plenty of experience playing in cold weather, but the cold gets old quick when you get older. 

We saw that with Bert towards the end of his career. 

Everyone knows the AFCE has been dominated by the Cheatriots during the BB/TB era. It's also true the perpetual suck of the Bills, Jets, and Dolphins contributes just as much as any 'dominance' by the Cheats. 

The stink, to me, is that it gets them a head up on playoff seeding and HFA.
A division winner always trumps a wild card and gets a home game in the first round at the least. 
Not exactly fair to the rest of the conference. And I'm sure Kraft cries all the way to the bank....

bdplant posted:
DH13 posted:
Brainwashed Boris posted:

That's a long friggin time. Wonder if that 3 point spread holds before kickoff? It's Tuesday & neither line has moved at all. Money spread out so far. 

Dicey weather and possible teens predicted for KC on Sunday.  I would think that favors NE.

I dunno, sloppy weather might benefit NE but methinks cold weather should benefit the youngsters. When I was Mahomes age, cold temps never bothered me. I realize that Brady has plenty of experience playing in cold weather, but the cold gets old quick when you get older. 

We saw that with Bert towards the end of his career. 

I was thinking more the way their offenses play.  KC can run it but they make hay with the pass.  NE can do both (even if short passing game to White). And do you honestly think cold weather is going to effect a BB team?  KC's hope is NE continues to struggle on the road.  

RochNyFan posted:
GBFanForLife posted:

The teams in their division suck and in general the AFC sucks 

Absolutely true.   Jets, Fins and Bill's are an automatic 6 wins for Pat's each year.

And honestly what other team has been consistently good in the AFC during this Patriots run?  Probably the only team I can think of is the Steelers besides that the AFC honestly has been typically pretty mediocre.   But that being said they still find a way to win the Super Bowl. 

I am no fan of that team but I do have to marvel at how they do it.   

Timmy! posted:

Everyone knows the AFCE has been dominated by the Cheatriots during the BB/TB era. It's also true the perpetual suck of the Bills, Jets, and Dolphins contributes just as much as any 'dominance' by the Cheats. 

The stink, to me, is that it gets them a head up on playoff seeding and HFA.
A division winner always trumps a wild card and gets a home game in the first round at the least. 
Not exactly fair to the rest of the conference. And I'm sure Kraft cries all the way to the bank....

Sounds like the "McVince is as great as Belichek" argument.

As far as this game, sloppy weather benefits the Pats as defenses have to react and the Pats always properly game plan for the conditions and opponent.  If it's just cold, KC is in this game.  

Last edited by Henry
El-Ka-Bong posted:

I assume he will be suspended for 4 games

Typically,  a charge of soliciting  results in a pre trial diversion program where the defendant attends a class on the hazards of prostitution.  After which the charge is usually dropped.

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