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No, this ain't his grandchild. This would be his girlfriend

Kraft was also golfing in Mar-la-go this weekend...with um, well, you can guess..when he was busted in Floriduh. Kraft and 45 must have been having a meating of the minds with this national emergency we're having. 

Just because it is incredibly easy to get naked pictures of the president's wife doesn't make her a prostitute.  That distinction should be clear for people.  

Paying women not to talk about having sex with you, that might be a gray area for the job description of the worlds oldest profession.  

I am both surprised Kraft has to pay for sex (I mean, he could bribe for sex...) and that he nickles and dimes his hooks.  

With the money and the clout that dude has, why would he go to some crappy strip mall for a day spa.  And then why would he go to said crappy day spa to pay-to-play?  Maybe he was high on blow.

And really, does anyone care that Bob is getting handies (old fashioned) on the cheap?  BFD to that.  

That this was essentially a house for human trafficking?  That is a different ****ing story.  Don't tell me Bob didn't know those women were there under some shady shit.  


Fedya posted:
Pikes Peak posted:

I thought when you were rich you could just grab em by the pussy and they didn't care.  Was I misinformed?

I always thought Trump was talking about groupies when he made that comment.

The Plaster Casters?

You go to places like this when you know with absolute certainty the women have zero ability to identify or report you. Women on a street corners have cell phones. They are a risk. Women at these places have duct tape over their mouths. They are not a risk. 

Not a point of good taste. It’s far, far worse than that. 

Please, I love to trash the guy in the WH as much as the next liberal with a brain, but can we return to trashing Kraft? Geez, we've hardly started on him!    Given the ages of those guys on the list, I'm surprised they aren't calling the coroner out more often.

One of the guys was 95. Geez, dude. My father in law asked my wife to get him some viagra a few years ago when he was 95 because he thought the 40 year old female caregiver was flirting with him.  Got to love the confidence 

Rob, since you're in Florida did you ever hear about or know about the Orchids of Asia? 

Saw some Yelp reviews from a couple years ago & just wondering what the locals know, if anything.

Please, let's not get started on lying. And definitely don't get me started on how certain freedoms are taking a beating right now...

So, if Kraft's "indiscretions" happened during SB week, we could start ranking the Superb Owl scandals: Ray Lewis, Eugene Robinson, etc.

I've been enthralled by the politicking here...but back to Kraft

I’m also told that Robert Kraft is not the biggest name involved down there in South Florida,” Schefter said while appearing on the news station, according to USA Today.

I wonder who the big name is and why they didnt release his name but released Kraft's ?

Why is anyone surprised about Kraft? Many of the owners (him included) are the biggest douchebags on the face of the planet.  Money can’t buy you class or dignity or integrity. 


Last edited by Tschmack

I have no problem with Kraft hiring hookers.    Good for him.   I do have a problem with anyone who goes to these strip mall parlors as by now everyone knows there is a high chance that human trafficking is involved.

It's really easy to find a reputable hooker, not a street walker or slave, on the internet.    If two consenting adults want to exchange money for a service, that's their business.   

I don't delve into politics or religion. I believe both have huge flaws and the blind fervor on both sides of each argument rarely leads to open or educational discussion. 

On to Bobby.  I will say that if this massage parlor has ties to human/sex trafficking, misdemeanor charges for prostitution could be just the tip of the iceberg in terms of problems for Kraft.  If it turns out that he knew or worse financed any of it.  I hope his life is ruined. 

DocBenni posted:

I don't delve into politics or religion. I believe both have huge flaws and the blind fervor on both sides of each argument rarely leads to open or educational discussion. 

On to Bobby.  I will say that if this massage parlor has ties to human/sex trafficking, misdemeanor charges for prostitution could be just the tip of the iceberg in terms of problems for Kraft.  If it turns out that he knew or worse financed any of it.  I hope his life is ruined. 

Everyone knows strip mall asian hookers are involved in trafficking.     It may be that they signed up knowingly, but it still ain't ethical.   

If he is involved in the financing of the operation, his ownership needs to be revoked. 

denial is our current reality, so I assume Boston fans will stand behind the man who brings them rings.  Turning a blind eye to your values it pretty easy nowadays.  

BrainDed posted:


It's really easy to find a reputable hooker, not a street walker or slave, on the internet.    If two consenting adults want to exchange money for a service, that's their business.   

You a pimp? 

Processed foods are the root of all evil and unfortunately chemicals and additives are a big part of the problem. 

To the extent you can grow or raise your own foods that’s ideal.  If you can’t then you owe it to yourself to understand where your food comes from and what’s in it.

I find myself eating “junk” once in a while but really try to limit the frequency as I know crap from McDonalds and Frito Lay and Nestle or Nabisco probably isn’t good for you. 





Goldie posted:

I just want to know who 76’d my topic about kraft???  

76'd / Credos - any more cool sayings to add to X4 lexicon?? Fantastic!

Much love Goldie 😁 much love.

I ate grilled chicken w/crimson red spice rub from bravado spice  for lunch & meat ravioli from an award winning Italian restaurant at night....I did not scratch & claw to the top of the food chain to eat vegetables only.

Boris posted:
Goldie posted:

I just want to know who 76’d my topic about kraft???  

76'd / Credos - any more cool sayings to add to X4 lexicon?? Fantastic!

Much love Goldie 😁 much love.

I ate grilled chicken w/crimson red spice rub from bravado spice  for lunch & meat ravioli from an award winning Italian restaurant at night....I did not scratch & claw to the top of the food chain to eat vegetables only.

She could have said "Deep Sixed" but I'm sure she didn't want Vikings fans posting in her thread. 

It remains to be seen how deep Kraft goes - if this is just a "handy" & that's it he'll get a slap on the wrist.

If he's involved in human trafficking he needs to go down & by down I mean as hard as Aaron Hernandez. 

LMAO, the next new thread, Yooper

x4 threads have a way of twisting and turning and going in any direction that's nowhere close to being related to the topic. I look at it as being a 6 degrees of Kevin Bacon kinda thing....

Boris posted:

It remains to be seen how deep Kraft goes - if this is just a "handy" & that's it he'll get a slap on the wrist.

If he's involved in human trafficking he needs to go down & by down I mean as hard as Aaron Hernandez. 

Legally, I can't see him being as much trouble at this point.
His 'penalty' is going to come from the folks who are lining up to get in his pockets. Rich people hate giving their dollars up.
He will likely make a sizable donation to anti-trafficking organizations, or perhaps establish his own, release very carefully worded apologies, and it will be largely forgotten  by mid-season.
Goodell has to be crapping his pants because he knows where the chitstorm is going to hit, and he is going to come out the loser no matter what. I'm sure there will be outrage from the social media crowd, calls for Kraft to resign from committees, be forced to sell his team, and be severely punished just like players are  and ALL the associated arguments coming from that can o' worms.
There will likewise be cries to boycott/email/contact via social media league sponsors,  for the league to kick in money just like Kraft, and other things to "raise awareness" of trafficking. Just like they did a few weeks ago in Atlanta...
I haven't even mentioned the pressure that will come internally from the other owners--they don't want to pay for Kraft's transgression. And Goodell-bot gets to deal with it all. 
It's hard to see a downside to any of the above. Other than if it were to cost the Packers money in the end. 

I make light of watching rich assholes squirming because they pretty much deserve what they get, as far as I'm concerned.
But trafficking in any form is something to be deadly serious about, and I agree that if they connect Kraft or his money to it, spending the rest of his life sitting in prison would be appropriate. I'd normally call for a public hanging, but at his age I don't have a problem with prison time. It could even end the same way as Hernandez...who knows?

Timmy! posted:
Boris posted:

It remains to be seen how deep Kraft goes - if this is just a "handy" & that's it he'll get a slap on the wrist.

If he's involved in human trafficking he needs to go down & by down I mean as hard as Aaron Hernandez. 

Legally, I can't see him being as much trouble at this point.

It's not like his hands are dirty

Image result for rimshot gif

You think the video was CYA to protect themselves from someone talking, or are guys shitty enough to engage in human trafficking also fully prepared to blackmail an old man getting jerked off?  

Or is the video like getting your picture taken on a roller-coaster?

Image result for roller coaster pictures funny

You get a souvenir when you are done

Last edited by El-Ka-Bong
Blair Kiel posted:
Pakrz posted:

A thread on the Patriots turns into schitting on the POTUS and pesticides?  Well done assholes, well done. 

Heartfelt apologies for kind of starting that direction...imagine how lonely it feels to be a conservative who dislikes Trump. 

I literally have no friends. 

I'm your buddy.

The NFL statement reiterates that the conduct policy includes all. I mostly grabbed this for Siefert's comment on the higher standard for owners.


Clearly the higher standard does not include the Packers owners.


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I'm 30 minutes from those Nevada dispensaries. 

Those "spas" were in every damn strip mall in Florida---I'd get the heeby jeebies  even parking in the vicinity thinking somebody would harvest my license plate # while I was at the 7-11.


Last edited by Blair Kiel

I've spent the last 20 minutes deleting BS from this thread. No I haven't gone through every farking thread. But FFS.

There are thousands of websites where y'all can espouse your political opinions which surely will convince "the other side" to reconsider their perspective.

Please go post them there in future.

Why did Robert Kraft pay $200 for a rub n tug? 
You try rubbing one out wearing 6 Super Bowl rings!

Timpranillo posted:

Why did Robert Kraft pay $200 for a rub n tug? 
You try rubbing one out wearing 6 Super Bowl rings!

The Patriots need people with solid hand skills that don't talk to the media. 

You know the feeling when you take a nice girl out back to the dumpsters behind a Wendys ???  Kinda nasty but also really hot. Its like that.    So I've heard, anyways.  Definitely not something I partake in.  That's gross. 

You are the owner of a billion + dollar business.   Getting a hand job at a massage parlor.  Nicely done Bobby!   What’s next?  Do a few lines of coke and rob a liquor store or burn down a gas station?    

For a league that is all about “protecting the shield” they sure seem to have a PR problem.  If it’s not players breaking the law it’s damn owners.   

I’m sure Robert keeps the vice squad pretty busy down there in Jupiter FL.  

Timpranillo posted:

Why did Robert Kraft pay $200 for a rub n tug? 
You try rubbing one out wearing 6 Super Bowl rings!

He only had 5 at the time....😁

"I was under a lot of stress...." 

Get a handy in FLA. the morning of the AFC CG then fly to the game in KC. friggin awesome.

If I was worth $6 Billion I'd be under considerably LESS stress.

Last edited by Boris
Timpranillo posted:

I've spent the last 20 minutes deleting BS from this thread. No I haven't gone through every farking thread. But FFS.

There are thousands of websites where y'all can espouse your political opinions which surely will convince "the other side" to reconsider their perspective.

Please go post them there in future.

Why did Robert Kraft pay $200 for a rub n tug? 
You try rubbing one out wearing 6 Super Bowl rings!

Amen, back to mock drafts.

Timpranillo posted:

I've spent the last 20 minutes deleting BS from this thread. No I haven't gone through every farking thread. But FFS.

There are thousands of websites where y'all can espouse your political opinions which surely will convince "the other side" to reconsider their perspective.

Please go post them there in future.

Translation: I did this to keep Jaymo from posting his BS in here! 

So the dumbass went there two days in a row?

And after the first visit, got pulled over an ID'ed by the Po Po?

And returned to do the same thing the next day?

Wow, that's some next level stupid there. 

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