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PackLandVA posted:
Boris posted:


Thirty-four people who have never been in my kitchen.

One of the perp pics below...This would mirror my reaction...Would be interesting to caption this photo...  "Honest officer, I thought this was the dentist office!

George Troncone, 65, of Stuart, charged with soliciting prostitution and use of structure or conveyance for prostitution.

Boris posted:
Timpranillo posted:

Why did Robert Kraft pay $200 for a rub n tug? 
You try rubbing one out wearing 6 Super Bowl rings!

Get a handy in FLA. the morning of the AFC CG then fly to the game in KC. friggin awesome.


Kinda brings new meaning to the phrase,  "Getting Up for the Big Game"

Pull 10 people off the street, 9 of them will think consenting adults shouldn't even be prosecuted for this.  Yet this story has been given page 1 importance every day since it broke. 

Day one, it got the top 3 headlines on my MSN homepage!  Like one story wasn't enough.

And that, folks, is today's media in a nutshell.  Heck it's our country in a nutshell. 

I actually liked that this thread went political.  At least X4 was talking about semi-important issues, if not the rest of the wack-job tabloid internet.

Bottom line,  who really cares that some old **** paid for a ****ing hand job.  Seriously.

Pistol GB posted:

Pull 10 people off the street, 9 of them will think consenting adults shouldn't even be prosecuted for this.  Yet this story has been given page 1 importance every day since it broke. 

If they are consenting, personally I couldn't give a rip. That said, I hardly think 90% of people would agree with that perspective regardless of it being consensual, I mean, people seem to care very very deeply about other people's sex lives, but that's just my opinion and obviously not based on facts. 

If one of the parties is not a 1) consenting or 2) an adult, then that's a different story for me, and I would hope everyone.

And we don't really know which it is in this case yet. 

Day one, it got the top 3 headlines on my MSN homepage!  Like one story wasn't enough.

The worst part of the whole story is you admitting to using MSN.

As your homepage. 

Does that use AltaVista or Ask Jeeves as its search engine?  Have you seen the Badger, Badger Mushroom page? HIII LAR EEE US 

And that, folks, is today's media in a nutshell.  Heck it's our country in a nutshell. 

No. that's really not anything in a nutshell. A famous dude got busted for getting his rocks off. Of course that's a story anywhere. At any time. In any country. 

I actually liked that this thread went political.  At least X4 was talking about semi-important issues, if not the rest of the wack-job tabloid internet.

You're the kind of guy that walks into a burger joint and asks to see the manager and bitches about the fact that they don't serve spaghetti, aren't ya?

Bottom line,  who really cares that some old **** paid for a ****ing hand job.  Seriously.

A lot of people do. Many do because they are super focused on sexual issues of others. Many do because it's a celebrity. And, like many, I care only because I like anything that makes uber wealthy look like jackasses. 

But to demand that people don't talk about it or have an interest is silly. 

Timpranillo: “Demand that other people not talk about it”? Not sure where you got that. First three headlines that day and on page one every day since: Yeah, I think that is over the top for a low grade misdemeanor, and a mix-up of priorities. 

I am open to suggestions on a good home page, btw.  Point taken on that.

Pistol GB posted:

Timpranillo: “Demand that other people not talk about it”? Not sure where you got that. First three headlines that day and on page one every day since: Yeah, I think that is over the top for a low grade misdemeanor, and a mix-up of priorities. 

I am open to suggestions on a good home page, btw.  Point taken on that.

Personally, I'm not a fan of aggregation pages. Pick 2-3 sites you visit regularly and use as your open pages on Chrome. I use Twitter, X4, and Deadspin as the default pages whenever I open Chrome.  Then I save sites I use a lot on the bookmark bar so I don't even have to click through the bookmark folders.  Finally I use the bookmarks folders for sites I visit occasionally. 

But, Start.Me or Mystart are not bad choices if you are looking for an all in one customizable homepage. Lot of people like Protopage, but it's too much for me. 

Last edited by Timpranillo
PackerHawk posted:

So the dumbass went there two days in a row?

And after the first visit, got pulled over an ID'ed by the Po Po?

And returned to do the same thing the next day?

Wow, that's some next level stupid there. 

It's not next-level stupid, it's downhill dumb. Kraft probably thought that the Bentley protected him. Or that after the first time he probably thought they realized he was a famous dude and would leave him alone. 

The police must have thought this a big deal as it was a sting operation with hidden surveillance.  That doesn’t just happen if they didn’t believe some serious (like human trafficking) was going on.  

The best part about this was according to the story he went back the very next day after being stopped by the police!  That’s a whole lot of stupidity.  

Tschmack posted:

The police must have thought this a big deal as it was a sting operation with hidden surveillance.  That doesn’t just happen if they didn’t believe some serious (like human trafficking) was going on.  

Maybe, except there were zero human trafficking arrests reported and that is not why this is page 1 news. 

Scandals get clicks and clicks are money and that’s all that matters.  I get it, but seriously. End of rant. Robert Kraft’s cock. Yay.


El-Ka-Bong posted:
Timpranillo posted:
. I use Twitter,

No tweetdeck?  It totally fixed twitter for me

I've always had people recommend and I've meant to try it, but always forget. I'll make a point to check it out this week.

DH13 posted:

Every country is sleazy because there are sleazy people in every country.  We're a sleazy species.

Animals are sleazy.   For example, check out the ducks sexual tendencies.

 Here are some monkeys who learned how to turn tricks.

Last edited by BrainDed

From Insider Inbox:

Eric from Reedsburg, WI

Patriots owner Robert Kraft got caught up in a prostitution sting.

The NFL came down pretty hard on Jim Irsay's drug arrest with a ban

of six games and $500K fine. If Kraft is proven guilty,

will Goodell hand out a harsh penalty and make an example of Kraft,

or will this story have a happy ending?

DH13 posted:

From Insider Inbox:

Eric from Reedsburg, WI

Patriots owner Robert Kraft got caught up in a prostitution sting.

The NFL came down pretty hard on Jim Irsay's drug arrest with a ban

of six games and $500K fine. If Kraft is proven guilty,

will Goodell hand out a harsh penalty and make an example of Kraft,

or will this story have a happy ending?

Im not sure if this story has a happy ending, BUT Pats owner Robert Kraft sure has gone after some pretty big, heavyweight, defense lawyers in this country just over a little misdemeanor charge.

No, but there are people out there who would want it made public just to embarrass him.  It's just a more extreme form of the cops releasing mug shots of people who have only been arrested and not found guilty of anything.

Ah.  Fucking scumbags.  If they came to Lambeau I'd give them rental trailers 2 miles from the stadium as locker rooms and ban all personnel until game time.  Colluding, cheating garbage.

Last edited by Henry

One of their DBs,  Jonathan Jones, also delivered a cheap helmet to helmet hit that literally knocked out Josh Allen as he was being held up by another defender.  Very similar to Derek Barnett's cheap shot to Jamaal W.  If NFL was really serious about preventing head injuries,  both of those jag-offs would have been ejected and facing huge fines. 

13X posted:

I'm not sure what the issue was with Patriots coaches watching warmups as it would seem warmups are in public. Kinda strange. I wonder if there is more to this story.

Maybe these Patriot staffers were putting something in the Bills' gatorade?

13X posted:

I'm not sure what the issue was with Patriots coaches watching warmups as it would seem warmups are in public. Kinda strange. I wonder if there is more to this story.

Yes, in public from the stands or maybe on the TV. Being on the field they see things differently and can over-hear conversations. No reason for PATS staffers to be on the field.

13X posted:

I'm not sure what the issue was with Patriots coaches watching warmups as it would seem warmups are in public. Kinda strange. I wonder if there is more to this story.

The Patriots had already gone to the locker room but these two stayed on the field and were watching Bills warm up. 

It's not the Patriots fault they benefitted from this call but just wanted to show how bad it was.

Many reports if Brady exits, there will be a mass exodus out of NE and the Dark Lord will blow up this whole roster. It'll be interesting to see how soon he resurrects the place or whether NE takes years to rebuild should that happen.

It's easy to forget, given all of the attention on Tom Brady, that this year marks a pivotal point in the careers for multiple key Patriots players who are just days from unrestricted free agency.

Safety Devin McCourty, linebacker Jamie Collins, special-teams ace and team captain Matthew Slater, guard Joe Thuney and linebacker Kyle Van Noy are among those wondering if their time in New England is up. Which makes one wonder, given the interest in Brady's next move from those in the league and the football-loving world, are those players tracking the Brady situation, too?

Or more to the point, are they waiting for that domino to drop?


@Timmy! posted:


Let's see how he does when Brady has to retire/gets hurt.

Responding to this quote from 2014.

@Boris posted:

Responding to this quote from 2014.

BK is jealous of that hair.

@Fedya posted:

OK, let's give Kraft a hand! 

I guess Kraft got a helping hand from the court system.
I'm sure this tugs at his heartstrings.
I guess he didn't get jacked up by the court.

I'll be here all week. Don't forget to tip your waitresses and bartenders!

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