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I could see Starks breaking out like Ryan Grant did in 2007. I just don't know if he's ready to break out yet, but once he proves he can make it through a training camp next year, 2011 might be that year.

I wasn't on the board last night to post on the Lynch/Jackson debate. I remember looking at some stats a couple weeks ago on the top 40 rushers in the NFL. I believe Jackson was tied for the 2nd worst yards per carry of all the top 40 backs... Who was the worst? Lynch. Can we all just come to a mutual agreement that maybe they both suck? Smiler
Originally posted by Pakrz:
Starks is an X factor today for GB. I think he has flashed some potential but we haven't seen him breakout quite yet. I'm hoping he gets more opportunities this week... including screens. He has the ability to be a difference maker.

Agreed, I hope MM commits to him today. If it's as windy as the weather reports were predicting, we're going to need him.
Originally posted by PackLandVA:
I'd like to see a good ol'-fashioned debate as to who would benefit the Packers more - Starks getting some carries....or giving up a third rounder for Marshawn Lynch. Could get interesting, if not ugly!

When we didn't even know if Starks was going to be activated off the PUP or IR'd for the season, I felt that acquiring Lynch was the move most likely to fix the running game. I was open to giving Starks a shot, but I felt that it would be more likely that Lynch would be a success than the unproven Starks.

I am ecstatic that Starks has worked out - and I also posted in the I Was Wrong thread regarding Starks. Ted strikes again. Seriously, Ted's last 2 seasons have been amazing.
Originally posted by CJS:

I think we can now say that it's NOT the OL. It's the running back. Buh-bye BJunk for 2.

No, actually "we" can't.

Starks is better than Jackson running the ball, but he also has to have somewhere to run, and MM has to continue to call enough runs.

Yesterday, both of those things happened, and I certainly hope it continues.
Yep. Just like Bush's shortcomings as a DB, there is a value to these guys when they are playing their primary role. Whatever happens Saturday or the rest of this post season, Green Bay is a title contender and will be for years to come. Teams this close can and should find a place for role players just like B Jax.

If we find a guy like Starks can learn to protect and catch like B Jax, than you absolutely have a choice to make. Until then, appreciate the guy for what he does and does well.

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