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here's the "joke" I created about getting old from a personal experience this summer.

How do you know you're getting old?
When you go to the Old Timer's baseball game and realize you played with and against most of the players on both teams.
Originally posted by Herschel:
Originally posted by CitizenDan:
Old-timers will know who this is and why this photo from Sunday's halftime is amusing.

This offends me because that means I'm an old-timer now. Wink

How should I feel?
I was an old-timer THEN!

gonna be tough for Charles Martin to pull that off since... well, he's dead and all. RIP Charles. Momentary Moonshot of Emotion and Adrenalin can make a guy do some things he regrets but it's over, done and gone. RIP.
Originally posted by justanotherpackerfan:
Preseason game vs Denver (Pack lost 38-0) 1979 (I think)...first Packer game I ever went to.

By the end, the home fans had moved from loudly booing the Packers to loudly cheering the Broncos. Because of the fallout from Wienergate, the Packers started the regular season without a D-line coach. They won the opener anyway thanks to the Marcol Miracle, then built on that momentum to win six of their next 23. Good stuff.

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