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We made our yearly pilgrimage to football mecca, arriving last night. We aren't leaving until Saturday so we will get 4 solid days of practices to watch, very exciting! Okay here are my thoughts and observations from Day 1 (Tuesday)...forgive me if these thoughts are a little scattered, I'm writing them down as I remember them:


- Datone Jones is a big dude, but he's a very different body type from our other DL. Pickett, Raji, Jolly, Boyd, and Miller are big guys who are thick in the midsection. Pickett is the tallest, but he's still a round individual. Jones is tall with a leaner midsection (compared to the other DL), but has tree trunks for arms and legs. He's the tallest DL from what I saw with Jolly and Wilson being around the same height. Jones is a monster though. He doesn't have the sheer girth to hold up as an interior player full time, and I don't think they are going to use him that way. I saw him line up as a 3-technique, 5-technique, wide 9, and standing up wide as an edge rusher. And you know what, he made each one of those positions look easy. I saw him put Lang on his butt in 1on1's, and he made some of the camp bodies look like high school kids. He definitely plays his butt off also, didn't see him let up or go easy in any drills. I came away really impressed with him.


- It's clear, if you didn't already know this, that the Packers want to stifle the Pistol offense. Every drill I saw where they used some form of scout team offense, that offense was in some variation of Pistol. They through runs, option runs, trick plays, and passes at the defense. The 49ers won't be catching the Packers off guard this year.


- Matthew Mulligan seems like a keeper. Didn't get to see him block in individuals, but he was surprising as a receiver. I figured he would be big and slow like Bubba Franks, but he has some athleticism. I think he will sneak up on some teams this season. I think he's an upgrade over Crabtree right now.


- Didn't see anything from Eddie Lacy that would make me doubt his effort or attitude. He worked hard in individual drills. I got to see a lot of the pass pro drill that matched RBs against the OLBs who simulating an edge rush. Lacy definitely held his own, I don't think I saw him lose...keep in mind he never faced Clay or Perry, but he did stifle Dez Moses. His body type, to me, is somewhere between Najeh Davenport and Brandon Jacobs. He's not as tall as Jacobs, but he's bigger than Davenport. Jonathan Franklin really struggled with this drill from what I saw. He got beat by Perry, called him out to go again, and Perry schooled him again. He lost another one to Andy Mulumba also. That doesn't necessarily mean he won't get better, I remember Brandon Jackson got whooped a couple times his rookie camp and ended up being a really solid 3rd down back. 


- The CBs really compete. Hyde was always around the ball as were Means and Nixon and they attacked it very aggressively. We will either give up some plays or rack up the INTs this season. These guys all go hard.


- Andy Mulumba still has my vote as the surprise UDFA that makes the roster. He looked like he belonged. He's tall and lean and seemed really smooth and natural dropping into coverage. He showed really good speed off the edge also. He seems like a guy they will keep in the 53 so he doesn't get plucked from PS. 


- I thought Barclay struggled a little as an interior OL. He played some Center and some RG and didn't fair well in 1on1's. He seemed badly out of position. Seemed like he couldn't handle the bull rush from the big boys. He didn't get much work at Tackle from what I saw. 


- Datko isn't long for this team. He got whooped consistently by starters and camp bodies. Then again he struggled badly around this time last year and turned around later, which he may do. He looked rough though. 


- Raji looked good, I mean REALLY good. He was noticeably quicker and was completely unblockable. He's primed for a big season IMO. 


- The #1 D seemed to be: Raji/Pickett/DatoneJones on the DL, Matthews/Hawk/BradJones/Perry at LB, Shields/Hyde/Burnett/McMillan/House at the DB spots (with Hayward and Williams out). The #2 D seemed to be: Daniels/Jolly/DatoneJones on the DL, Mulumba/Lattimore/Manning/Moses at LB, and an assortment of DBs rotating in and out.I can say Jolly and Pickett worked exclusively at NT.


- Speaking of Jolly I thought he looked fine out there. He was big, but he's always been big. He seemed to play with energy and got along well with his teammates. 


- It seems obvious to me that Coleman is the far superior QB to Harrell, but I am merely an amateur. His passes were tighter and more accurate, especially on the deep balls. Harrell's deep accuracy was pitiful IMO. Coleman looked more comfortable, more poised, and more athletic. Harrell may be a smart guy and a nice guy, but he doesn't have the talent. Coleman made some Aaron Rodgers-eque passes (fit through tight windows) in some of the 7on7 drills. 


- Tavecchio and Crosby were equal IMO. Crosby was more accurate from closer to the goal post, Tavecchio had a couple bad shanks, but he got more accurate the deeper they went. He made a couple from 60. Tavecchio gets more air under his kicks, they seem to really get high while Crosby's kicks are not as high but travel further after going through the goal post. Both were accurate, I don't know which way or attribute is better. Crosby seems to have a better leg though.


- I came away really impressed with Bahktiari. He can play, he just needs to add some weight and get some experience. He looked really natural in drills as a LT and RT. He stifled Perry in 1on1's. 


- The weather was great! Great day for football!

Last edited by Grave Digger
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Originally Posted by FreeSafety:

I'll be there Friday night.


Originally Posted by Goldie:

I'll be there on Friday 


Ya'll should meat.



Last edited by H5
The other thing I forgot to add was about Jerel Worthy. I know some have predicted he will go on IR this year, but I don't see that. He was out there, in shorts, but only seemed to have a slight limp. He was jumping around and dancing on the knee, and didn't seem to show any weakness. Barring a setback I expect him to be activated after week 6.

I agree, thanks tons!


I too miss EGF, how could anyone who has been around here long enough forget those wonderfull reports.  It was pretty much like being there for those of us who can't make it. 


And TBH, I would rather hear the observations of folks from here than have to listen to the drivel that Wilde spews.  Why does WI sports radio SUCK SO BAD?!!?

Okay here are my thoughts from Day 2 (again forgive how scattered they are!):


- Jolly has the strongest, most violent hands of any of the DL. They were doing a simple drill with one of the sleds and no one came close to making it pop the way Jolly did. I'm not saying he's "back" or that he will even make the team, but it was encouraging to see there is still some talent left. 


- Datone was a little less superhuman today, although he had his moments. He whooped a couple camp bodies badly again, but one of the vets (blanking on who) knocked him down a peg. Still had a really solid day and I love how they're moving him all over the DLine.


- Finley looks like he has his crap together. They had a TE vs. OLB blocking drill and he beat Clay. He looked focused and aggressive. Mulligan impressed me again in the same drill, showing some attitude and nastiness. He started a scrum with one of the OLBs (Mulumba maybe?) and he walked away fuming...Trgovac and Fontenot were kind of grinning after the scrum I noticed, I think they like the aggressiveness their guys are showing. I also noticed Finley at one point working with BJ Coleman, talking to him about some technique things with routes. I didn't hear the conversation, but he seemed to be really working with Coleman to make him understand. I don't know who initiated the conversation, but I thought it was a good thing. 


-This kid Donte Savage is a guy to keep your eye on. He's a rookie out of New Mexico St., and he definitely has some raw ability. He's built like a DE, bigger than the 250 lbs he's listed at, but moves very well for his size. He got some opportunities to run with the #2 D in some of the drills and didn't look out of place. He's no Clay Matthews and I seem him as a good developmental guy who is headed for the PS, but I won't be surprised if he makes the roster. He also has a great last name, I kept referring to him as Doc Savage, but no one around me got the reference.


-Speaking of Savage, he had Josh Boyd caught my eye before practice started. While the other guys were meandering around or stretching or throwing the football, these two were working on their technique on their own...even before the coaches came down. They were hitting the sleds and the dummies and seemed to be really working hard. It stuck out because none of the other rookies or vets were doing this. Kudos to those two rooks.


-BJ Coleman had a rough day. He threw 2 picks in team drills. He showed his inexperience because the guys who picked him off (Hawk and Burnett) baited him the whole way. Hope he shakes it off and learns from it. Harrell, on the other hand, had a nice day throwing. He had a couple nice passes and a surprisingly accurate deep pass to James Jones. I'm not a fan, but he had a good day.


-Barclay looked out of place at Center and Guard again. It's sad really. It reminds me of Marshall Newhouse at Guard. Some guys just don't fit there. He doesn't seem to be able to handle the bull rush from the wide bodies, he gets driven back every time. 


-Eddie Lacy looked really good running the ball again, the guy just runs hard. He lowered the boom on Datone at one point and won. Granted it wasn't a head one collision, more of side blow, but Datone hit the ground and Lacy kept running. 


-Jonathan Franklin rebounded with a nice day running the ball. He is the opposite of Lacy, he's smaller and VERY quick. He makes quick cuts and juke moves and just flies! He's a keeper.


-I read the praise heaped on James Starks from yesterday, but I didn't see that guy today. Maybe I missed something, but he didn't look impressive. Alex Green looked fast and made some nice cuts, but neither one stuck out the way Lacy and Franklin did. 


-Ryan Taylor and DJ Williams were running with the scout team vs. the #1 D while the other TEs were working with the QBs/WRs and the #1 offense. I don't know if these guys were demoted and on the way out or if it was just random. It was just an interesting thing because the other guys on the scout team were clearly just camp bodies. 


-Josh Boyd plays HARD and with a ton (pun!) of energy! He's a real fireplug!


-Quarless was in and out, didn't see him do a lot. They may be taking it slow with him.


-I noticed Jolly came out with a leg issue. Didn't look serious. He limped for a second and shook it off, but he didn't do much the rest of the day. 


-Davon House looked really good. He had a couple nice breakups and a forced fumble. 


-Evan DS seems to be doing a good job. I heard Campen single him out a couple times for doing something really well. He may not be Nick Mangold, but he definitely will be better than Saturday.


-The weather was perfect again! 


Last edited by Grave Digger
Thanks GD!
Originally Posted by Grave Digger:

- Finley looks like he has his crap together.  



Talked to @AaronRodgers12 about the "new" @JermichaelF88. The #Packers QB loves what he's seeing from his TE:

"I think he’s been different. I think he’s been different in his approach since the middle of last season. I think he’s really wanted to be one of the guys and show the guys he cares about it and he’s dedicated and he wants to have a big season. Him and I are doing great. He has the desire to be a better tight end; I think he knows the numbers he put up last year, he’s capable of exceeding those and becoming a Pro Bowl tight end, and I think he really desperately wants to do that. 

(like him shutting up) I think you can’t help but be caught up in the energy that’s in this locker room. It’s a different feel than we’ve had here in awhile, and it’s an excitement – a young hunger, a focused group of guys who don’t want to be distractions. And it’s very refreshing to see that. He’s right there, being a great leader to the young guys in this room.



I've heard about Hawk picking off a pass but otherwise have heard nothing of Brad Jones or Terrell Manning.  Could you keep an eye out for them?  I know many are anxious for Manning to show something inside this year.

Nice report.  Thanks for sharing.  Just wondering...what are the other tight ends in camp looking like?  The Stoneburner kid is from where I live.  Seemed like he had a lot of potential several years ago but not sure he's NFL ready.  WR switched to TE so maybe still learning. 

If in fact Finley has his mind right then this is going to be a fun year. That's a huge IF. If Finley and Rodgers are on the same page with these 3 WR's and a running game it's game over. If Finley added 10 extra lbs of muscle and is focused??? I can see why Rodgers would speak to the excitement in the locker room.


I could see Finley getting close to 1,000 yards and 10 plus TD's. And yeah the potential Finley contract demands scare the crap out of me. But I'll file that under "cross that bridge" and hope Finley stays focused all year and decides GB putting up with his antics for the past few years and betting on the come means something.


Regardless, If Finley is rock solid and focused all year this is looking like a brutal offense to try and slow down.


And GD. Thanks again for the fantastic report! Hope to run into you Friday night.



As far as the ILBs go, nothing has stood out from what I've seen. The new rookie Barrington is a lot like Des Bishop was early, a gambler. He's very active and instinctive, but I've seen him whiff a couple times trying to make a flashy play (if it were a game I would say he's looking for the big hit). He has made a couple nice plays though. Terrell Manning looked really good a couple times today on blitzes, he timed them PERFECTLY and if it were a game he would have had sacks. It's hard to gauge where the ILBs are because there's no live contact which is where those guys make their money. 


As for TEs, the top 3 have been the only standouts IMO...Finley, Quarless, Mulligan. Stoneburner hasn't done anything really, haven't seen anything bad or good. He's only faced other camp bodies in 1on1's and done okay I guess and I haven't seen any splashy plays in the pass game. The same could be said for Ryan Taylor and DJ Williams, nothing exceptional has stood out. Taylor is on all the Special Teams units, but again it's hard to gauge where those guys are at because there's no live action. Bostick has made a couple nice catches, to me he has been the 4th best TE. Quarless has been solid from what I've seen, he has made a couple nice catches when he's been in. Finley looks sharp also, I haven't seen any drops! Hopefully he rebounds like James Jones did last year after having so many drops the year before. 


I forgot to mention this earlier, if anyone is worried about our RBs in pass protection, I doubt any will get the chance. Kuhn seems to be the guy they want protecting Rodgers and he is EXCELLENT. He's been exceptional in the drills I've seen...watched him stop CM3 in his tracks. 

I forgot to mention this earlier, if anyone is worried about our RBs in pass protection, I doubt any will get the chance. Kuhn seems to be the guy they want protecting Rodgers and he is EXCELLENT.

But he can't pick up a first down on 3d and 1! 
Originally Posted by ChilliJon:

GD...Only been 2 days, but I'll pose the question now. Based on what you've seen who's your starting OL? You can answer Saturday after you've watched things unfold.



If he says Saturday ....grave diggr is a bigger dumdum then I thought

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