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RZ Channel. Ridiculous good.

ZERO commericals, whip around the league. See everything happen. Was perfect last Sunday. I can sit in front of the TV for hours watching that channel
About f'n time. Frankly, I have had a crappy day and these f'n bozos have strung this crap along for way to f'n long. I'm supposed to be happy about them approving an agreement 8 years in the making that basically is the same for as what it was 8 years ago for me. F Time Warner. F NFL the business. F my Life. C**ks**kers.
Originally posted by Green Crustacean:
About f'n time. Frankly, I have had a crappy day and these f'n bozos have strung this crap along for way to f'n long. I'm supposed to be happy about them approving an agreement 8 years in the making that basically is the same for as what it was 8 years ago for me. F Time Warner. F NFL the business. F my Life. C**ks**kers.

Originally posted by Green Crustacean:
I feel better today. Thanks. I spend way too much time with these Harvard business types these days. I need to rethink my current assignment.

Pull my finger.

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