MM: Always something to play for in this league. I don't like notion that you're not playing for anything.
MM: I feel like this team has chance to be more balanced and well rounded than last year.
MM: It's not just trying to coast in. I'm worried about how team is playing. Goal is to play best football in fourth quarter of season.
MM: Important for us to get this team set and ready for the playoffs. We're all about beating Titans.
MM: We're playing to beat the Titans. Focused on beating them. Not thinking about Vikings.
MM: I don't think Aaron Rodgers' ankle will be a major issue.
MM: Had chance to knock Bears out. We didn't do that. We will learn from that.
MM: 2nd half thought offensive line played better. Didn't grade out as well offensively as we wanted. Left points on board.
MM: Will have better handle on Jordy Nelson on Wednesday.
MM: Haven't talked to Dr. McKenzie about Woodson and his status. I think he needs to play, whether this week or next.
MM: Woodson, we're going to play him as soon as he's ready. Winning division won't impact when he comes back. He wants to play.
MM: I like the way Matthews goes about his business.
MM: Matthews played 48 reps. Exactly what we were looking for. Productive day and kept his reps under 50.
MM: Clay Matthews is one of game ball winners. Thought he was exceptional. Clearly one of best defensive players in league.
MM: There's things Mason does extremely well. It comes down to mental edge and we need to get that back.
MM: When results aren't what you want, you have to choose which way to go. Our choice is to stick with Crosby.
MM: Goes to core of philosophy with how we operate here. It's about draft and develop. It's about growth.
MM: Evaluation of everybody is ongoing process as you prepare to win each game. No one's happy about number of kicks he has missed.
MM: 4th down is something we game plan every week.
MM: First 4th down we went for was more based on wind, down and distance. Other one was 4th and 2.
MM: I'm disappointed in way Crosby performed yesterday. At end of day, Mason will be our kicker.
MM: Mason Crosby is accountable man. He needs to perform better.
McCarthy: Is Mason still your guy? Yes.
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