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I hope you're enjoying the McCarthy era. Some of us have been screaming for him to line up in a pro set and run the damn ball, but he just won't. Up 21-3 and we get the ball in the 2nd half and pass 7 straight times, leading to a holding call and another pick that started the snowball rolling.

The only time we do run the ball is out of the shotgun on those stupid delays and stretch plays. The only time we line up in an I formation and give the ball to Greene inside the tackles he runs for over 40 yards because the D-Line and LB's totally disregard the run.

Anyone that doesn't see last years 15-1 season as a mirage is fooling themselves. The worst defense as far as yards against in NFL HISTORY. It took maybe the best QB season maybe ever and a load of turnovers by the defense to win those games. Guess what: Defensive Coordinator adjustments, and those TO breaks aren't happening this year are and showing us what this team really is.

NTM, another "great" clock management job done by MM at the end of the game...AGAIN. Arena Ball doesn't win Championships in the NFL. It's even sickening to watch.
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Again, take out Rodgers' scrambles and we ran the ball 18 times for the 2nd straight week. In both games we were ahead until the final minutes. Someone needs to tell McCarthy that in the NFL, you actually get 4 downs to get 10 yards.

We line up in the shotgun probably 95% of the time, so even when we do run it, it's a delayed handoff. There is no excuse for throwing 7 straight passes at the beginning of the 2nd half up 21-3. None. There's a reason that Manning is often regarded as the best REGULAR season QB of all time. He also sits back in the shotgun and seldom runs the ball, which gets you beat in the playoffs.

This coaching staff just doesn't believe in running the ball. It's an afterthought to them. I'm sick of McCarthy saying "We need balance" yet goes into every game with the same game plan.

There have been games where we have run the ball LESS than 10 times! And when we're ahead by 18 points at halftime, WE RAN THE BALL SIX TIMES IN THE 2ND HALF!!!

Someone please justify that for me.
Originally posted by antiworst:
And when we're ahead by 18 points at halftime, WE RAN THE BALL SIX TIMES IN THE 2ND HALF!!!

Someone please justify that for me.

How many holes were available on the six carries? Were there enough holes available to warrent more runs?

Except for Greens big run I saw him hit at the line every other time.

This is not to justify the lack of runs but what do 20 runs mean if no yards are gained? The Packers O line or line scheme is not set up for run blocking.....that or they are lousy at it.
How many holes were available on the six carries? Were there enough holes available to warrent more runs?

AGAIN, don't run out of the f'n shotgun! We should be running at least half of our plays out of a pro set. If you just want to say "well, we can't run it", then don't complain when Rodgers gets sacked 8 times a half and 5 times a half. Hell, just cut all of the running backs and sign 4 more receivers.

I've seen games where we average over 5 yards a carry and we STILL won't run the damn ball. Any wonder why we have to always throw it on 3rd and 1? If you guys like this Arena Ball, Run and Shoot, whatever the hell it is, then sit back and enjoy it. I for one would rather go back to a conventional style offense and pound the freakin rock, if nothing else to keep the defense off of the field and the pass rushers off of our QB.

SIX TIMES in the 2nd half with a lead until the last 35 seconds? You gotta freakin' be kidding me!
Originally posted by antiworst:
[QUOTE] I for one would rather go back to a conventional style offense and pound the freakin rock, if nothing else to keep the defense off of the field and the pass rushers off of our QB.

FIVE TIMES in the 2nd half with a lead until the last 35 seconds? You gotta freakin' be kidding me!

I'm for that also.....all we need is a new run blocking line, a running back that can get the the edge, a tight end or 2 that can block..... I see none of this on the team.

Right now with the team set up as it is it will be 3 yds (if that) and a cloud of dust....bringing up 4th and 1.
All I'm saying Pikes is that running the ball does more than just gain yards. It slows the rush, it freezes LB's and holds them closer to the LOS to create holes BEHIND them to throw into, eats some clock and keeps our defense off of the field, sets up play action, and keeps Rodgers from getting killed.

But it has to be done out of a pro set. Delays out of the shotgun makes your O-Line have to hold their blocks for a lifetime, and stretch plays play right into smaller, quicker defenses. Otherwise, why run the ball at all? I guess they are just "give up" plays for some, so let's throw it 70 times next week.
Originally posted by antiworst:
All I'm saying Pikes is that running the ball does more than just gain yards. It slows the rush, it freezes LB's and holds them closer to the LOS to create holes BEHIND them to throw into, eats some clock and keeps our defense off of the field, sets up play action, and keeps Rodgers from getting killed.

But it has to be done out of a pro set. Delays out of the shotgun makes your O-Line have to hold their blocks for a lifetime, and stretch plays play right into smaller, quicker defenses. Otherwise, why run the ball at all? I guess they are just "give up" plays for some, so let's throw it 70 times next week.

Nothing to disagree with there Anti.....but a ineffiecient run game whether from a pro set, shotgun or single wing is just that...ineffiecient.

In a perfect world you are correct.
Originally posted by Pikes Peak:
Originally posted by antiworst:
All I'm saying Pikes is that running the ball does more than just gain yards. It slows the rush, it freezes LB's and holds them closer to the LOS to create holes BEHIND them to throw into, eats some clock and keeps our defense off of the field, sets up play action, and keeps Rodgers from getting killed.

But it has to be done out of a pro set. Delays out of the shotgun makes your O-Line have to hold their blocks for a lifetime, and stretch plays play right into smaller, quicker defenses. Otherwise, why run the ball at all? I guess they are just "give up" plays for some, so let's throw it 70 times next week.

Nothing to disagree with there Anti.....but a ineffiecient run game whether from a pro set, shotgun or single wing is just that...ineffiecient.

In a perfect world you are correct.

come the **** on people. If the run game is bad, FIX IT
Originally posted by antiworst:
The only time we do run the ball is out of the shotgun on those stupid delays and stretch plays. The only time we line up in an I formation and give the ball to Greene inside the tackles he runs for over 40 yards because the D-Line and LB's totally disregard the run.

This is a good point. Defenses already know McCarthy isn't going to consistently run the ball, then he plays into their hand further with the delayed and stretch runs, giving the defense time to adjust to the run after the snap. So defenses never ever have to defend the run against us.

That's one dimensionality, and it doesn't work for very long in this league.

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