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Rat, the Bonger is still a kid, cut him some slack.

Here are a few I remember in the ol' days.

Dusty Rhodes
Abdullah the Butcher
'Mr Wonderful' Paul Orndorff
Buddy Roberts
Terry Funk
'Captain' Lou Albano
The Von Erick Brothers
Killer Kowalski
Larry Zbyszko
Dick The Bruiser
Gorilla Monsoon
"Classy" Freddie Blassie
Lord Alfred Hayes
Angelo Poffo
Jimmy 'Superfly' Snuka
Moose Cholak
Gorgeous George
Bobby 'The Brain' Heenan
Nick Bockwinkel
Fabulous Moolah
Freebirds, Michael Hayes and Barry Gordy
Haystack Calhoun
Billy 'Superstar' Graham
Larry 'The Ax' Hennig
Rick 'The Model' Martel
Blackjack Mulligan
Dick Murdock
Cowboy Bob Orton
'Leaping' Lanny Poffo
'Diamond' Dallas Page
Ivan Putski
Harley Race
'Playboy' Buddy Rhodes
Antonio Rocca
Bruno Sanmartino
Tito Santana
'Chief' Jay Strongbow
Big John Studd
The Valient Brothers
Jesse 'The Body' Ventura
Luna Vachon
Nikoli Volkoff

and don't forget the announcer 'Mean' Gene Okerlund
I just thought by listing a bunch of ol' wraslers, it would bring back some long lost memories for folks.

It would be extremely hard to for me to pick out my 'top 5'. I would have to go by era's. I mean look at the recent past:

Andre The Giant
Macho Man Savage
Road Warriors
'Ravishing' Rick Rude
Jesse 'The Body' Ventura

Even Aaron Rodgers would approve of these lists.

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