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I recall how prior teams have struggled during the regular season, only to put it together in the postseason.  

Consider the 2010 Packers.  Search for threads from that year.  Cries that McCarthy should be fired, that Rodgers wasn't clutch, and that TT didn't know what he was doing were commonplace around here.  Under the circumstances, those were legitimate criticisms.  We needed an ugly, close win against the Bears in Week 17 to even punch our ticket (people were still crying for MM to be fired in that game thread).  But they got in, and the rest is history. 

Consider the 2008 Cardinals.  They backed into the playoffs, losing 4 out of their final six games, including getting curb stomped three times in four weeks with losses to the Eagles (Week 13, 48-10), Vikings (Week 15, 35-14), and the Patriots (Week 16 47-7).  Sound familiar?  Think that fan base was thinking about a Super Bowl run, or were they accepting a likely one & done?  But that team put it together and game within one defensive stop of winning the Super Bowl.

Consider the 2011 Giants.   They lost five of six in November and December, only to sneak in with a 9-7 record.  Most viewed them as a division winner that was destined to go one & done.  But what happened?  They entered the playoffs with a little momentum and went on to raise another Lombardi.


I'm not saying this team is destined for greatness.  I sure wouldn't bet on them. They looked terrible on Sunday, just as they have against the best three teams they've faced all year.  But previous teams have found a way to put a sub-par regular season aside, pull off a great upset or two in the playoffs, and reach the Super Bowl.  It happens.  And we have the ingredient that they had: a QB that can take over the game at any given time.  

I think we also have a solid group of veterans (e.g., Rodgers, Cobb, CMIII, Peppers, Shields, Daniels, Burnett, etc.) that have critical playoff experience, and some young guys with talent and promise (e.g., Lacy, HHCD, Randall, etc.).  We looked liked legitimate contenders through the first six games, with impressive wins over good teams (Seattle & KC).  These same guys (plus Jordy) were minutes away from the Super Bowl last season.  

I wouldn't bet on them, but I'm also not closing the door on the 2015 Packers until we're knocked out of the playoffs.  


I know, I know...I'm a complete homer wearing green & gold glasses.  I deserve whatever criticism is comes my way.  So let's hear it.  

Last edited by Lambeau Lobo
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I believe the 2015-2016 playoffs will be a lot of fun with many twists & turns.

Whether Green Bay is a part of that is up to them.

Brandon Weeden is the starting QB for the Texans. They're probably going to make the playoffs. You think about that & remember he was on the Cowboys to start the season.

I am with you!  I have always said just get to the playoffs and see what happens.  If you look at teams of say the last 10 years and you have teams like the Giants wining Super Bowls when really no one expected them to.  I also firmly believe that the NFC is way more winnable than many would have you believe. 

I am with Hungry if they do not have a healthy OL going in to the playoffs I think they could be out quickly.  Football is an easy sport if you win the line play more often than not you win.  I also look at the D.  They have had their warts during this season but more often than not they have played well enough to win games.

Anything can happen in the playoffs. Everyone is 0-0 and hungry. This team has the advantage of knowing what they need to do in the playoffs because they have so much playoff experience. They know the stakes, they know what winning feels like, and more importantly they know what losing feels like. Getting in the playoffs is all I have cared about since we lost to Carolina. These losses have sucked, but as long as we got in then I was fine. The 2010 team didn't get in until a miracle kick return knocked the Giants out of it, the 2015 team had it clinched by week 15. That year we went to Philly, Atlanta and Chicago and won it all...we don't have to be at Lambeau to stay in it. 

If Rodgers and offense are healthy and find their footing then this team is dangerous. An offense waiting to breakout is the only thing holding this team back.

It was the waning moments of Sundays drubbing against the Cards. My wife says "do you really need to watch this fiasco till the end too??".  I said, "suddenly I feel 40 years younger" (She didn't get it).

She said"this team owes you"....and that my friends is the point - this team owes me(us) nothing. Her, on the other hand...

If the Pack rallies, I will be watching...and enjoying every moment. 

The Ref fka Blair Kiel posted:

If the Pack gets their act together and goes on a roll, so many posters here will be bitterly disappointed.

Bizarre, ain't it?

I always watch hoping for the best---and if it doesn't happen, I move on to the rest of my life.

Go team.

Fukk Eeyores.


I am only replying to this if it is actually serious (BK often appears sarcastic). No one will be disappointed with success. There are many ways to be a fan.

Anyway, there is a negative vibe to this club when comparing it to the Super Bowl team a few years ago. On paper it appears to have a chance to make a run but I won't be holding my breath and also will not have any problem moving on with the rest of my life.

I didn't follow the 2008 Cardinals closely, so can't comment on that. But enough with the comparisons to the 2010 Packers. This team is nothing like that team.

Yes, the 2010 Packers barely got in the playoffs as a six seed and then ran the table. But that team was a sleeping giant all year that was just snakebit by injuries and close losses. All of their losses were by 4 points or less, and they never trailed by more than 7 points the entire season!! This team may end up with the same or even better record, but it's no where near as competitive and well rounded as that team was.

After GB snuck by Chicago in week 17 2010 10-3 on the back of a 1 yd TD to Donald Lee. I'll never forget filing out of Lambeau surrounded by fans that weren't exactly fired  up about the team winning 3 playoff road games. Philly got everyone's attention. Atlanta was when everything changed. 

Difference between that team and this team in the regular season was Charles Woodson and Nick Collins. Those two kept GB in every game. And in some cases, like the Jets game and that Bears week 17 game, those two pretty much won them. 


Last edited by ChilliJon

Completely agree, Chilli.  The team that got all the hype headed into that post-season was Philly.  I remember them being anointed the team that "no one wanted to face."  

Those are also good points on Wood and Collins.  We need guys to make plays - specifically, force turnovers.  I recall reading that the team that wins the turnover battle wins the game 75%-80% of the time.  That is what has made us so successful in the Rodgers era.  Historically, he doesn't turn the ball over, while our defense has been good at forcing turnovers.  If we can return to that formula, there is more reason to believe that we can win some more games this season.  

Wishing like Hell that the Packers pull out of the offensive funk, whether by dint of concentration and execution or that MM has been sandbagging everyone with an extremely vanilla offensive scheme.

When Starr retired the Packers slipped into an area between ****ty and mediocre. About that time I embarked on a career that took me around the world to many places where I was lucky to see one Packer game a year. The Armed Forces newspapers carried the scores and some blurbs about how the Packers were getting their asses kicked regularly. Then came Majkowski, and listening to games was like being in the sunlight again. Favre came next and the rest, as they say, is history.

My point being that at 75 years old I hope the bull**** being stirred up about trouble at 1265 is just that. Facing another "wilderness" period for the Packers would be unbearable. Like watching the Arizona game 16 times a year for 23 years, Hell, I only have another 10 years according to the insurance companies actuarial tables  

Just kick the queenies asses and move on to the playoffs with confidence and getting healthy.

Easy to look back at the 10 team and say they were superior to this team after the fact. 

Brandon Jackson, Frank Zombo, Howard Green, John Kuhn, Desmond Bishop, Pickett, Raji, even Ginger putting on a punting clinic in the Title game  

Yes, GB had Clay and Charles and Nick and Aaron and Greg (probably the best pure route running WR in the NFL in 2010)

But that team caught fire in the playoffs because guys no one thought had it in them made huge plays at huge moments. 

Today this team looks like a great early exit candidate for the playoffs. Last Saturday night Pittsburgh and Seattle were the hottest teams in football. Funny game. 

ScareyFast63 posted:

... other cool stuff...

Just kick the queenies asses and move on to the playoffs with confidence and getting healthy.


I'm so tired of the eyeores having their run here and all the negativity.  Great post OP and great thread.

It's amazing the entitlement some people get with a few losses or struggles.  You don't see them post for most of a year and then, with a few losses and media generated BS, they are posting masters.   Suddenly there's a new doom and gloom thread theme for them each week.

FU and your negativity.  FU and your rampant unsubstantiated speculation.   Watching those asshats continually post blathering idiot crap that barely makes sense makes me want to puke.  Go ahead and keep contradicting yourself while I wait, watch and laugh at your ignorance.   

Sure, I have my doubts, but I have faith too.  The result of the game does matter but it won't ruin my life.  All I know is I am ALWAYS rooting for a Packer WIN.  I have faith and support the players we HAVE that they are trying their BEST within the scheme and their abilities.

The next winning streak starts Sunday.   Followed closely by win #2 at Lambeau!

The 2010 team's greatest losing margin was 4 points.  Even their 6 losses back then, didn't compare to some of the losses and wins we have seen this season.  The QB and HC weren't feuding then.  All the WRs could actually catch the difficult passes as well as the easy ones.   The O-Line was getting healthier as the season ended rather than more beat up.  The D had Nick Collins.

This team revolves around Aaron Rodgers, both the offense and defense.  He is a 2-time MVP.  So his team is playing like crap.  Forget it and move on.  If he decides to shake off the doldrums and play like he is capable, then there is some hope that this team can be a force.  McCarthy has to cut out the BS about "being right where we want to be" and push these guys to perform and execute.   Then maybe we have a chance to win some respectability back and possibly  a few games too.

Last edited by GBP1

Enough with the 2010 comparisons because this ain't the same deal 

That team showed a lot of spunk and fight down the stretch.  This team looks like they've quit.  

There's always the "any given day" scenario but I think these guys are done.  Would not surprise me to see them rise up against MN and then get worked against Seattle the following week because that's how this year has gone. 

And another thing- we all follow the team.  Some more than others.  But the "don't criticize" crowd is pretty obnoxious too.  Save the sanctimonious crap for someone else already.  

Go play checkers if you think that moral victories count for something because this is goddamn chess.  Hope MM and the boys come to play because you know MN would love to beat them this week. 

I get it just fine.  We all watch the team and can state our opinion just like the next person. 

Play to win the game.  Show some heart.  That's all I am asking.  They are capable of doing that but I am not going to sit here and assume that will happen because this isn't a confident team right now. 

Either way I am cool.  This is a great franchise with a great tradition and let the chips fall where they may.  I am just keeping my expectations in line.  


Assuming the OTs come back semi-healthy for the playoffs, they have a chance to be dangerous in the playoffs. If Bak and Bulaga are not healthy, they have virtually no chance. 

One thing has to change at this point which I've mentioned in other threads. Enough with trotting Davante Adams out there. What does he have to do at this point to get benched? Pull a Chris Jacke and allegedly fool around with one the coach's daughters? He's a 2015 version of AJ Hawk - and even AJ Hawk at least knew what his assignment was, he just was not physically capable of carrying it out. 

Play Abbrederis, Play Janis, Play the practice squad guy, shoot - sign Jarett Boykin. Just quit basing large portions of the game plan going to this guy. If you think Adams has value in the future, sit him down and let him clear his mind for next year. This is just brutal at this point. 

All this stuff about Adams looking like a future star from training camp seems unbelievable. Did anybody on the board watch practice this summer? They way some on the team talked, it almost seemed like he must have been making Sam Shields look bad during practices. 

ChilliJon posted:

I'd love to dig up the Eagles WC week thread to read all the "this ****'s in the bag" posts because everyone knew 2010's team was well on its way to Title number 13. 

That's a bit of a strawman.

The point with the 2010 team wasn't that everyone knew they would win the Super Bowl. The point is, they were competitive on a week in and week out basis so you could at least envision a scenario where they make a long run. 

This 2015 team isn't anywhere close to that. Sure, the record may be the same, but this team is imploding and their recent performances against playoff teams is as non-competitive as it gets. 

Once again, that 2010 team never trailed by  more than 7 points the entire season!! That's remarkable and the very definition of being competitive, regardless of their record going into the playoffs.

That's just a frank assessment; doesn't make someone a better or worse fan.

I agree with MichiganPacker2.  I don't think it would take much to get this offense clicking again, one or 2 chess pieces.  

The 2015 Adams fiasco needs to end now. It is actually about 2 weeks or more overdue.  Abby or Janis or anyone at all in his place, plus Quarless coming back to at least split time with Richard Rogers, (and piecing the OL back together), is all it could take for a serious playoff run here.  

The defense and ST's are fine.  The running game is even ready.  Just need some balance on offense and it could be 2010 all over again.

Last edited by Pistol GB

When the Adams camp claims were made they were made thinking he'd be facing teams #2 corners. He did well against them in 14. When Jordy went down he drew everyone's #1 corner until teams figured out his game was broken. Then teams focused on Cobb. 

Doesn't excuse Adams mind numbing drops though. Lack of effort in blocking. Or fight to get open. He's a mess.

Cant quit on him though. There's a good WR in there somewhere.  

Adams has had a rough patch this year, for sure, but this is the same guy that was dominant in college, dominant in preseason, dominant at times last year.  You don't just give up on a player with that kind of talent.  He just needs one breakout game to get his confidence back and then we'll see the stud that he really is.

Look, the Pack really sucked last week.  That game snowballed on them pretty fast.  It happens.  But that Cardinal team is no juggernaut.  Give Rodgers a little bit of protection and some momentum and I think the Pack absolutely dominates them next time they play.  Now that McCarthy has figured out we need Tretter at RT if Bulaga can't go I think we should be fine there.  And I'm confident Bak will be in there for the playoffs.

It's been an uneven season but I think this team is going to be better off for having faced some adversity.  I think they are going to kick it in for the playoffs.  Who is scary in the NFC?  The Seahawks?  Bitchslapped them already.  The Panthers?  Is anyone actually believing in that team with that QB?  The Cardinals?  They are good but come on, their QB is one blind side shot from a 3rd ACL and their defense played out of their minds last week.  Doubt we'll see that again. 

Not a single team that this Packer squad can't beat.  We have the best QB in the NFL.  We have some amazing talent at WR that just needs some confidence.  We have a defense that can dominate when they need to.  We have one of the most successful coaches in NFL history.  SuperBowl bound.


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