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Hits rhp better than lefties (I'm guessing he starts a few games for Davis).  Doesn't get on base enough, so he'll be low in the order. 


Defense is spectacular. 


I'm guessing Logan not being able to get that bunt down triggered this move.  Parra is an upgrade over Logan regardless. 

Anyone see yet how long Para is under contract?


Listening to WSSP, Sparky saying Twitter chatter about the Crew giving up Kris Davis and Jimmy Nelson for David Price. I guess we'll see how the next hour or so goes.

So we get a Gold Glover with a cannon arm who can play all three OF positions without giving up much.


AND we no longer have to watch Logan ".180" Shafer (optioned to AAA) ???!!! 


I like it.



 Last year he was fourth in baseball in overall Defense rating, right by the spectacular Gomez. Beyond that, Parra’s played all over, and here are his league rankings between 2009 – 2013 (1000-inning minimum):


Left field: 8th out of 60 in UZR/150

Center field: 20th out of 64

Right field: 1st out of 47


There’s a good bit of evidence that Parra is one of baseball’s better and more rangey outfielders.

Last edited by El-Ka-Bong

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