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I do wonder if SF will run almost no pistol offense in the opener as a reverse psychology on MM having the Packers knowing they have done all this prep work and SF comes out with a more traditional scheme to lull GB into thinking they are more beatable then they really are. Then if both teams make the playoffs (highly probable) then in Harbough's mind that's when the real niners will show up.


Originally Posted by packerboi:

I do wonder if SF will run almost no pistol offense in the opener as a reverse psychology on MM


The 49ers ran very little Read Option vs the Falcons the next week of the playoffs after using it to great success versus GB the previous week. The Falcons were prepared.

The pistol is more about where the QB lines up, the read option is about what he does with the ball after he gets it. I think they will still have K in the pistol alignment because apparently it helps Gore and the running game from the comments I've read.



Originally Posted by packerboi:

I do wonder if SF will run almost no pistol offense in the opener as a reverse psychology on MM having the Packers knowing they have done all this prep work and SF comes out with a more traditional scheme to lull GB into thinking they are more beatable then they really are. Then if both teams make the playoffs (highly probable) then in Harbough's mind that's when the real niners will show up.


With the sophistication of NFL offenses, it is really a chess match with the defensive coordinator. Teams usually run their different phases of offense & see how the defense is going to defend each of them. Typically how they defend one formation or play, may leave them vulnerable to another. When Lombardi ran the sweep he had a number of "counters" that he ran if defenders were overextending to stop the sweep. If the safety was coming up hard, Horning could throw the ball. If the dlineman were shooting gaps, he could run trap plays with taylor, etc. In last year's playoff game, we could not defend either the option read or SF's run game between the tackles, so they just kept running it. If we defend the option read this time, SF will observe how we are doing it & have a plan to counter it. If our outside LBer's play the option well & our 3 dlineman can win their matchups, we then force them to pass, which is what we want. It is going to be interesting to see how this all plays out!  

There were alot of problems in that game. With only a week to prepare, our staff was caught flat footed in not anticipating that the 49ers would run the option as much as they did (various reports from players that the defense did little in prep for it). After seeing what they did to us, the Ravens had two weeks to prepare, which served them well vs. the option. However, as was mentioned earlier, stopping one thing may lead you vulnerable to others....the 49ers gained 468 yards & scored 31 pts.  vs. the Ravens, so they didn't actually "shut them down". 

Originally Posted by michiganjoe:

Everyone focuses on the run-option, but he hurt the team just as badly on scrambles from called passing plays. Just an abject failure to contain the QB all the way around.

..agree & maintain that this was another poor decision by our staff to have Walden be the "spy" on some downs. OC's are always trying to get the matchup they want, I can only imagine their delight in realizing that if Kaepernick let everyone clear out, all he had to do was evade Walden out in space. It was stealing!

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