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Brown, Callahan, Dorleant. Pikula is intriguing because Seatlle kept talking to him during the draft. Pete may be a dick but he knows how to spot linebackers. GB needs to give him a long hard look. 

Grinnage is too slow, the author of the article had a "third round grade" on Brown & he goes undrafted? Brice, not unlike Brown seemed to be more highly regarded  going into the season, than he was at it's conclusion. Saw somewhere where he was mentioned in the top 200 prospects in preseason. 

The draft is all about where your opponents are going to take a player.

If the other 31 teams,  didn't think he was draft-able, why would TT burn a pick on him? Even if "he had a 3rd round grade" on him? 

What I found fascinating is how Martell the punter is supposed to be an excellent holder for field goals. He'll need to keep Mason accurate and knock Ginger out of his job. I think it is time to make a change at punter.

Boris posted:

The draft is all about where your opponents are going to take a player.

If the other 31 teams,  didn't think he was draft-able, why would TT burn a pick on him? Even if "he had a 3rd round grade" on him? 

The point I was trying to make is not that we should have drafted him but rather 1)This is an example of how far off some of these draft gurus are off (found another service that had him as a 4th rounder) or 2) Why did he drop? .

Hungry5 posted:
YATittle posted:

I think it is time to make a change at punter.

Why? Masthay has been solid as a holder and is a very good punter.

Way too inconsistent last year. Check the numbers in comparison to the rest of the league.

heyward posted:

Masthay's numbers were actually very good last season, but that was due more to excellent coverage.

Agree, he was only 25th in average yards per punt, but 13th in average net yards per punt.

Hungry5 posted:
YATittle posted:

I think it is time to make a change at punter.

Why? Masthay has been solid as a holder and is a very good punter.

Very good is a stretch, but as a holder he's been money.

Remember what happened to the Queens when they switched holders? Walsh went from terrific to terrible. Sure, Crosby isn't a youngster any more, but he's had his bad stretch also. Keeping the kicker happy is maybe (probably?) the most important job the punter has in Green Bay.

Allison peaks my interest. I was at the Illini/Badger game this year and he looked like a decent player. His size being his most obvious attribute. He made some nice catches. I am interested to see if he can stick with the team.

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