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I thought he was deserving of his own thread--mods feel free to delete this because I'm tired and still drunk. This kid has twice nearly single-handedly eliminated the best punt returner in NFL history from having any impact on the game. He is a huge reason we were able to win the battle of field position and pin the Bears back and make them drive the length of the field. We won the battle of special teams today because of the golden leg of Tim Masthay.
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This weekend they had the replays of the earlier games against Chicago. It was really tough to watch, Masthay was just awful that first bears game. First he kicked a short line drive that Hester almost housed in the first half (they scored a TD a couple plays later) and of course the boomer that outkicked the coverage that Hester did take back for a TD.

It was like a different guy out there for the last 2 Bear games. He was awesome today.
Originally posted by SanDiegoPackFan:
Originally posted by RoyalWulff:
Agreed. He's been great. It took us a long time to find a worthy replacement for Josh Bidwell, but FINALLY we have him!

josh bidwell? the "one-nutter"?


we haven't had anyone good since that guy we let go to the Titans....


Craig Hentrich! Yeah, that's who I meant!!! Sorry! Bidwell? Cripes,
I must be getting old! Eeker
Ryan had talent, but I don't think that many of us would have felt great about him getting the job done at Soldier Field today after that disaster in '07. I'll never forget that game for as long as I live (2 blocks, 1 mishandled snap he had to cover up and a nine yard shank in just one game). Even though we had to put up with Derrick Frost and Jeremy Kapinos for two years before we got Masthay, I think we ended up with the best guy for the job.
Masthay's kicking kept Bears in a hole

By Gary D’Amato of the Journal Sentinel
Jan. 23, 2011 11:03 p.m.

"Tim played a huge role," receiver Greg Jennings said. "I don't know if he understands it. It will probably be overlooked, but for him to kick the ball the way he did and to keep it out of the hands of the most feared guy on the football field, it was a huge job by him."


After his eight punts, the Bears started on their own 16, 2, 11, 18, 33, 20, 10 and 29.


"The last punt I hit it about as perfect as I could hit it," Masthay said. "I guess if it would have been about 6 inches to the right (and out of bounds) it would have been better.

"They (the coaches) were really wanting it as close to the sideline and out of bounds as possible. I just took a hard angle and kept my thought process the same as I do on every punt. Sure enough, I hit it right on the button and our guys covered great.continue

Past the click there are more quotes from Masthay and an anecdote about a nod shared before the last punt between Masthay and another member of the Packers.
Peter King at SI called out Masthay for props, saying, "Under the circumstances, I thought Masthay had one of the best postseason games I'd ever seen a punter have. With a wind-chill temperature of 7 degrees, and punting in 14-mph swirls, Masthay had eight punts for a 41.8-yard average, and held Devin Hester to 16 return yards on three punts. Five times he pinned Chicago inside the 20. Masthay has a beautiful backspin on his punts when he wants to make the ball come back to him on the short ones. Every one of his punts either landed inside the 20 or was fielded there. Here's where his eight punts landed: Bears 13, Bears 3, Bears 11, Bears 16, Bears 11, Bears end zone, Bears 10, Bears 18. Brilliant performance."

King's Monday Morning QB

If I recall, didn't Masthay credit the Aussie punter he was competing with for teaching him how to put backspin on the ball? Or make it come back on punts inside the 10? I thought I recall him crediting Bryan for doing that. I doubt he learned it from Slodum!

Again, props to TT for finding this guy!!!
If I recall, didn't Masthay credit the Aussie punter he was competing with for teaching him how to put backspin on the ball? Or make it come back on punts inside the 10? I thought I recall him crediting Bryan for doing that.

you are correct Fandame. and it's all the rage with all the punters from what I can tell. but to have perfected it to this point that quickly bodes well for the future.

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