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Dear Friend,

I need your services in a confidential matter regarding (hope) out of a desperate playoff plea. This requires a private arrangement of getting your ass on board this bandwagon before the Bears game.
You will receive "Likes" under  x4 claims; all legal posts will be carefully worked out to ensure a 100% risk free fan pass through the 2013-14 playoffs. 30% of your frustrations of the total sum of the game would be your own portion to apply towards the Viking's season in 2014.
I have all the details. The faith in question is quite  large (No ultra negative schit can be posted about MM, TT or Dr. McK all week). I expect a straight answer from you. If you are willing to co-operate with me, kindly furnish me with your support and positive posts moving forward. Please get back to me through my private email.

Thanks as I expect to hear from you.
Last edited by Tavis Smiley
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It is rumored that Captain McGillicudy faked his own death and is living in South America off the millions of dollars he received from some sketchy Nigerian investments.


He still regrets the loss of his yellow hat.

Last edited by 18c3v

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