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Originally posted by Diggr14:
Originally posted by Hungry5:
5 dudes... the other part doesn't matter.

Only if your head is firmly up the ass of the PC Police.

Of course it matters, inevitably it is part of fixing the problem, for the good. Ignoring who and why wont get society anywhere. If this is gang-related, and I stress if... Madison has to be proactive and make sure the influx of this type of activity does not occur again.

Targeting anyone, much less a (black) kid who is going to be the toast of Wisconsin this year... is a shame.

You need to do a cranial-rectal extraction yourself. This is not a black, white, or brown problem. Punks/thugs come it all shapes, sizes, and colors.

Do you think white kids aren't involved in gangs?

Targeting anyone, much less a (black) kid who is going to be the toast of Wisconsin this year of any race/ethnicity, by any other race/ethnic group... is a shame.
Race is always involved, not doubt about it. It's our culture in America. Everybody immediately wants to make something out of nothing when crime occurs.

Here we have a black guy that was beaten up by 5 punk ass thugs. It just happens to be that the thugs were black as well. This would be a completely different story if it were 5 white thugs that beat Ball up. It would turn from what it is right now to Madison, WI being the focal point of racism in America for the next few weeks.
I completely agree Pakrz.

The problem is Black on Black crime is much worse today than White on Black crime. Getting away from that... this could be a case of gang activity in Madison, WI. There are a lot of people coming to Madison from places like Chicago and in turn some gang activity has come across the state border as well. Chicago is the major drug hub in the Midwest and with that comes a great deal of gang activity. The City of Madison is literally doing very little about this in effort not to be perceived as racist, meanwhile, there have been shootings downtown... and now if all reports are correct, high profile student athletes are being assaulted just because they don't like the football team here. What is next? The City of Madison needs to equip themselves quickly to be able to combat this gang activity through infiltration and arrests fast. There is no reason this shiet should be happening in that city. It hadn't for years, lets do everything in our power to keep it that way... and I say this as a Milwaukee County resident... and I'm sick of what goes on here even more.

Yes, I agree that all races belong to gangs. That is clear. However, what races do you think have the more overwhelming portions of their popuplations belonging to gangs. After you answer this question, you can start evolving race-based programs to target and discourage adults, teens, and youth from getting involved in gang activity.

If you aren't honest about which populations are more prone to start and engage in gang activity, then you aren't addressing the problem.... or heck, even coming into the ballpark of being able to address it.

We could start looking into those gangs in Monroe, WI... I hear they are out of control.... The Chubby White Boy Gang... terrifying the populace.
Originally posted by Diggr14:
I completely agree Pakrz.

The problem is Black on Black crime is much worse today than White on Black crime. Getting away from that... this could be a case of gang activity in Madison, WI. There are a lot of people coming to Madison from places like Chicago and in turn some gang activity has come across the state border as well. Chicago is the major drug hub in the Midwest and with that comes a great deal of gang activity. The City of Madison is literally doing very little about this in effort not to be perceived as racist, meanwhile, there have been shootings downtown... and now if all reports are correct, high profile student athletes are being assaulted just because they don't like the football team here. What is next? The City of Madison needs to equip themselves quickly to be able to combat this gang activity through infiltration and arrests fast. There is no reason this shiet should be happening in that city. It hadn't for years, lets do everything in our power to keep it that way... and I say this as a Milwaukee County resident... and I'm sick of what goes on here even more.

the attackers have rights you know, they need a voice, they have been persecuted by the man ...
From - they've been right more often than not.


Montee Ball -- and several of his University of Wisconsin football teammates -- may have been involved in a fight several days before the 2011 Heisman Trophy finalist was attacked on campus yesterday ... TMZ has learned.

Law enforcement sources tell TMZ ... cops have received tips about a brawl at a UW football player's home roughly one week before Ball was jumped on campus.

According to our sources, cops have been told Ball was at the home ... and along with some of his teammates, may have participated in beating up a non-football player.

Cops were never called to the scene and no police report was ever filed.

But sources tell us ... investigators are now looking into the possibility that Wednesday's attack on Ball was in retaliation for last week's incident.

We've contacted the University of Wisconsin's athletic department -- so far, no comment.

10:39 AM PT -- Ball denies being involved in a previous fight ... tweeting, "The report that I was involved in a fight is totally false."

MADISON, Wis. (AP) β€” Detectives investigating an assault that left star Wisconsin running back Montee Ball with a concussion have identified "several persons of interest" and believe the altercation may be related to a fight five days earlier, Madison police said Saturday.

Investigators determined that a fight occurred late on July 27 and into the morning of July 28 involving Wisconsin students, members of the football team and others, according to a police statement. Ball was present but there is no indication he participated in the fight, police said.

One person was injured during that fight and was treated at a hospital.

Five days later, five men roughed up Ball near campus. Ball was walking down a street Wednesday around 2:15 a.m. after "socializing" with friends, police said. Two friends walking ahead of him turned around and saw Ball on the ground. The men had surrounded him and were kicking him in the head and chest.

"Although Montee Ball was assaulted on a public street, this incident does not fit the pattern of random violence that we have seen in recent weeks in downtown Madison," Madison police Chief Noble Wray said in a statement.

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